Georgia Musicale Group, Inc.
Enjoy Music Together!

Home Musicales are held the first Thursday* of each month beginning at 10 a.m. at the private home of a member. These events provide a perfect opportunity for players to try out other pianos in a warm home environment. A light lunch following the performances is served. Each month’s location is different and reservations are required. *Membership is required for the Home Musicales.
PianoWorks Musicales are held the third Tuesday* of each month from 10 to 11 a.m. All are welcome to play or listen. These opportunities can be used as a study group to play your works-in-progress and they offer a chance to ask questions, seek feedback, or share your musical knowledge. Musicales at PianoWorks are held at 2805 Buford Highway, Duluth, GA 30096 (770) 623-0683.
Virtual Musicales is a new format. You will receive an invitation to attend Zoom meeting site after you sign up online.
MUSICALES and CONCERTS Reports and Photos
October 22, 2020 Virtual Musicale
Fan Facts of the Carnegie Hall Concerts!
Eight members participated in our virtual musicale on October 22. Utako played Chopin’s Etude Op. 25 No. 1, the Aeolian harp; Natale played Scriabin’s Impromptu No. 2; and, Sabine played the Fantasia in C minor by Mozart. All performances were top notch.Sam then presented his updated project “How Do You Get to Carnegie Hall?Practice! and Research”. This is a fascinating research project utilizing information from the Carnegie Hall database, a public resource – full of fun facts that you can use to impress your friends and others!
t makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...
(Submitted by Kimber Kwiatkowski)
October 8, 2020 Virtual Musicale
Fourteen members and a guest, ranging from Texas, Oregon, and Minnesota to Georgia, gathered on Zoom on October 8, 2020 for our weekly musicale. The performers were: Michael Brounoff playing the first movement of Schubert’s Sonata in A minor, D. 784; Natale Farrell playing Kapustin’s Sonatina Op. 100; Utako Tanigawa playing Scarlatti’s Sonata K. 27/L. 449; and Shoko Tanaka playing the Brahms Intermezzo in A Major, Op. 118 No. 2. All of the performances were very convincing. The highlight of the musicale was Board Member Shoko Tanaka’s presentation about her life and music. Please enjoy it at https://youtu.be/gvvlm2DsCdg.
(Submitted by Kimber Kwiatkowski)
October 2, 2020 Virtual Musicale
The musicale on October 2, 2020 proved to be entertaining and enlightening. Eighteen
members, from the continental US to Japan, participated. New member Judy Darst
played Chopin’s Harp Etude and Schumann’s Romance in F#; new member Michael
Brounoff played the second movement of Schubert’s Sonata in A Major, D. 664; and
Utako Tanigawa played Mendelssohn’s Rondo Capriccioso Op. 14. All performances
were polished and excellent. As a special treat, Ruth Purcell sang and played her
mountain dulcimer that she made! She performed Apple Picker’s Reel by Larry Hanks
(older brother of Tom).
The new members then discussed their varied and interesting backgrounds.
I am a retired attorney and judge living in Plano, Texas. I took piano lessons from age 6
through high school. In law school I directed the music for the satirical review, Assault
and Flattery. While a practicing attorney I directed the music for local productions of
Broadway musicals. I resumed formal piano study at age 53 with Dr. Tamas Ungar of
Texas Christian University and Dr. Fred Karpoff of Syracuse University. I am a three-
time semi-finalist at the Cliburn amateur piano competition and, through attending Piano
Texas, a five-time soloist with the Fort Worth Symphony.
Judy Darst
I was born in Minnesota (1936) and wanted to be a Veterinarian. Women were
discouraged at that time, Plus I was lousy at Math so opted for Music. I started lessons at
age 8 and didn’t like it at first. When we moved to a small town outside of Minneapolis I
had a wonderful teacher, Louise Guhl. I was at Carleton College Northfield Minn. for 2
years then transferred to the U. Of Colorado Boulder. I married right out of College and
started teaching at home.. though my background was in Performance. I taught for 42
years, got my National Certification, and did adjudication for National Guild of Piano
Teachers. I had 2 boys, Seth the older now a Professor at Rockefeller in Manhattan (
Molecular Bio Physicist) became a fine Pianist. I started teaching him at age 8..but he
needed to go somewhere else. I started a Piano Group in Loveland Colorado, was a
performing member of Ladies Musical Club in Seattle and currently live in Bend
Oregon. When we moved to Oregon in 2005 I became interested in the Amateur Piano
Competitions and have participated ..Wash. DC, WIPAC, Chicago, Boston, Colorado
Springs and San Diego. I showed horses oven fences (Hunter Division) and taught
Country Line Dancing but now am more interested in Piano than ever, more appropriate
for my age. With the current situation I find bringing up things I have done in the past,
seeing them in a new light ..is rewarding. I look forward to participating in this Group!
10/2 Musicale YouTube Link
(Submitted by Kimber Kwiatkowski)
September 23, 2020 Virtual Musicale
Eighteen members of GMG, some from as far away as Oregon and Texas, gathered today for a most informative and enjoyable musicale. Judy Manganiello treated everyone to the hauntingly beautiful Theme from Schindler’s List by John Williams. Pam Martin then gave a special presentation on her personal journey with Chopin’s Ballade No. 4. She discussed her research of the piece, including a book, score, and recording, the specifics of which she posted on the blog. She also graciously agreed to post her roadmap, a detailed musical analysis which is invaluable in learning the piece. Her performance of the Ballade was beautiful, even though she prefaced it by saying that it is a work in progress.
Utako Tanigawa skillfully played Schubert’s Impromptu Op. 90 No. 3 and discussed some of the challenges of the piece including dynamics and difficult reaches due to hand size. She ended the musicale by reminding everyone of the Scarlatti celebration on October 30 in which everyone is encouraged to play one or two Scarlatti sonatas.
(Submitted by Kimber Kwiatkowski)
September 17, 2020 Virtual Musicale
The 9/17/20 Virtual Musicale was very well attended and enjoyed.
Performers were: Natale Farrell, Carol Wazlavek
Presenters were: Julie Coucheron, Anna Armstrong
Listeners were: Utako Tanigawa, Tom Slavicek, Mr. and Mrs. Coucheron (Julie's parents joining us from Norway!), Asa Williams, Ed Ewing, Judy Manganiello, Shoko Tanaka, Richard Bishop, Michael Bronoff (joining from Texas), Maggie Frick.
The musicale started with two lovely performances. Natale Farrell, one of our newer members, played the Rachmaninoff Elegie, a very challenging and "Rachmaninoff-y" piece; it was her first try at performing this piece and we all enjoyed it very much. Then Carol Wazlavek played an excerpt from Chopin's Ballade #2, another difficult piece. Again, we loved hearing this and were pleased to see our participants playing pieces both formidable and varied.
A new member, Michael Bronoff, asked Carol why she only played part, not all, of the Ballade. Carol and Utako both explained to him that one of the features of these musicales is that members can try out pieces, or portions thereof, several times before playing them in formal recitals. That is one of the goals of GMG since the beginning - we are all invited to play for others informally in order to polish our musical and performing skills.
The last 30 minutes of the musicale featured Julie Coucheron, an internationally recognized solo and chamber music artist. GMG member Anna Armstrong has been a student of Julie since last November and Anna introduced Julie to the group. Anna played a short clip of Julie playing the last part of Mendelssohn's Piano Trio #1, 1st movement, with David Coucheron (Julie's brother and concertmaster of the ASO) and Christopher Rex (past principal cellist of the ASO). This clip showed a rehearsal of the trio, which was performed two weeks ago as part of the Amelia Island Chamber Festival. Anna explained that she wanted this video to illustrate the virtuosity and passion in this trio, as representative of so much of the chamber music repertoire.
This led to a very informative and interesting discussion with Julie, including a demonstration by Julie at her piano of the different way that the opening of the Trio #1 would be played by the pianist as a chamber musician as opposed to a solo performance. The feel and dynamics of the piano part were completely different, with Julie even singing the opening bars of the cello part as she played to illustrate the collaborative nature of this music.
We were very lucky to have Julie Coucheron as our guest, with her musicality and enthusiasm providing an inside view of chamber music performance. We hope to follow up with another session on the chamber music repertoire in the future.
(Submitted by Anna Armstrong)
September 3, 2020 Virtual Musicale
We had a new guest, Natale who is a pianist and piano teacher in Roswell. Welcome, Natale!
All the participants truly enjoyed the excellent presentation by Carol Wazlavek. She will post her presentation available to you soon. After Carol's Chopin Ballade #2, Utako played Scarlatti K.380/L.23 and explained briefly the characteristics of this music.
Then all the participants joined to share their special music in their lives. They are Rachmaninoff Concerto #2, Chopin's music including e minor Waltz, Gail-Haydn Trio, orchestral pieces such as Prokofiev's and Mendelssohn's.
Next week, Pam Martin will play and present Chopin Ballade #4!
See you next Wednesday, 9/9!
(Submitted by Utako Tanigawa)
August 20, 2020 Virtual Musicale
Presenter: Ed Ewing
Performer: Utako Tanigawa
Listeners: Tom Slavicek, Carol Wazlavek, Kimber Kwiatkowski, Julie Woodall, Shoko Tonaka, Gail Starr, Anna Armstrong, Fran Richards, Pam Martin, Ruth Purcell, Gloria Rockoff, Annette Russo
Ed Ewing began with a presentation of his own art work. Ed's paintings came to life for us as he told the story that accompanied each one. We could see Christina working at the gym where Ed met her. He used charcoal on paper for her beautiful portrait. Several paintings originated from photos that Ed had taken during his travels. We could imagine the two men having the conversation in Guatamala or the Omani women at the mosque. Most of Ed's work today was oil on canvas with vibrant color. The Moroccan shoes would definitely be a bright spot as you walked past them at the market. Then something as ordinary as a pine stump in your yard can become the subject on the canvas. We were left wondering about pteranodon as he flew through the evening sky. Beautiful work Ed, we all enjoyed your art and the stories about each one.
Utako began speaking about Chopin's Etude Op. 25, No.11, Winter Wind. She was expressing the challenge this etude presented. Then Utako played the Beethoven Sonata, Op. 31 No.3. We enjoyed her skillful performance of this Sonata.
(Submitted by Annette Russo)
August 12, 2020 Virtual Musicale
Players/Presenters: Nico Brett, Maggie Frick, Carol Wazlavek
Listeners: Ed Ewing, Fran Richards, Tom Slavicek, Shoko Tanaka, Utako Tanigawa, Kelly Brett, Jason Brett
Nico started the afternoon by describing the characters he envisions while playing Chopin’s Grande Valse Brilliante. He was inspired to learn the piece when he saw pianist Michael Schneider introduce it in a similar way. The introduction really drew him into the piece as a member of the audience, and, although the piece is still a work in progress for him, Nico wanted to practice passing the same experience on to others. There was a consensus that knowing the interpretation did indeed add to the listeners experience.
Next, Maggie performed the Theme and 11 of the variations from Mendelssohn’s Variations Serieuses, two more than last time. A difficult piece both musically and technically, she’s making excellent progress and hopes to add the last six variations and play through the whole piece by the next musicale. Maggie also shared a technique her teacher gave her to train her muscles to remain relaxed during a fast passage.
Lastly, Carol explained about the stories for Chopin’s Ballades. Theoretically there was one poem associated with each ballade, but Chopin was unclear about his intention. She found six stories to attempt to match up to the four ballades, with no consensus as to which story or stories belong(s) with which piece. There was time to detail the story for the first ballade as well as a second story that was supposed to be associated with the fourth but doesn’t seem to be a good fit. There wasn’t time to detail anymore of the stories for today, perhaps the mystery can be resolved in a future musicale!
The day ended with a discussion about favorite musicians. Utako invited everyone to continue to share their thoughts about their favorite musicians on the GMG blog. All in all, it was a lovely hour spent in good company.
(Submitted by Kelly Brett)
August 7, 2020 Virtual Musicale

July 31, 2020 Virtual Musicale
Friday, July 31st's Virtual Masterclass with Dr. Joe Chapman was postponed at the last minute due to an emergency. We held a Virtual Musicale instead.
The program was as follows:
Anna Armstrong performed the Schubert Impromptu Op.90 No.3; Anna commented that the challenge in this piece is keeping the accompaniment soft while bringing out the melody.
Maggie continued with more pages of her Chopin Ballade No.4; Maggie said that she had just had a piano lesson with her teacher, who advised her of a relaxation technique of moving her torso in conjunction with her arms in order to reduce tightness.
Julie Woodall performed the Mendelsshon Op. 14 Rondo Capriccioso; Utako commented for Julie, mentioning that Mendelssohn was one of 4 major composers who who all were born at about the same time - Mendelssohn, Schumann, Chopin and Liszt.
Arlene Martinedes played the 1st movement of Mozart's Sonata K. 332, which was published in 1784.
Utako performed Beethoven Op. 31 No.3 2nd movement; she commented that this is the third and last of his Op. 31 piano sonatas, which also include "The Tempest". The sonata was given the nickname The Hunt by a third party due to one of its themes being reminiscent of a horn call. It is a 4 movement sonata, with a Scherzo for the 2nd movement.
Tom Slavicek commented that he has been reading a biography of Beethoven, and found an interesting fact about some discrepancies in how Beethoven's name appeared in some publications, sometimes appearing as Ludwig van Beethoven, and sometimes Ludwig von Beethoven. The "von" would indicate being from a royal family, and therefore could illicit greater recognition and profit.
Utako played a video that Jimmy Baskerville has done for the group that can be used to promote interest in GMG.
After the music performances, we discussed our favorite composers and/or favorite composition. Largely, members said that they favored whoever they currently were working on, although Chopin was mentioned more than a few times. Rob Busey recalled a story record called Sparky's Magic Piano, where he heard Chopin's Polonaise in Ab. Ever since hearing it that first time, it has been his all time favorite piece. Then there was some discussion about the pianist/composer Julian Fontana, who lived in Chopin's shadow, and sadly, never received the assistance of Chopin to gain public favor.
Next weeks' Virtual Musicale will be Thursday, Aug.6 from 11 am to 12 pm. We will discuss favorite compositions.
(Submitted by Carol Wazlavek)
July 23, 2020 Virtual Musicale
GMG is the only platform for me to sing solo and your encouragement and support make my journey very easy. I appreciate and cherish this opportunity very much. - Fuling
She looked wonderful and you could tell she was totally enjoying the meeting. She has such a broad and wonderful following of music lovers and singers. She is at her best surrounded by wonderful musicians and opera. - Virginia
This was one of the very best gatherings EVER!
Fran, you are a delight.
And it was such a special pleasure to hear Fuling and Maggie. -Gail
Agreed! I'd love to hear more of Fran's recollections! I'm trying to look at the Met's archives right now actually, trying to figure out just what productions I did see here in Atlanta, somewhere between 1979 and 1986. I KNOW I saw Pavarotti in Elixer of Love - even though the archives say he did that in other years. I met him that night, we had a funny (PG) encounter , I'd like to see who else I was introduced to backstage BY P. HIMSELF - he took me around backstage to show off the T-shirt I had made him....at the Civic center. P. also sang in another opera that week, can't remember which. The other opera I was recalling was Billy Budd, but I also have seen Peter Grimes ...not in the same year, over a period of years. -Carol
Narrative by Asa Williamns
Today’s Virtual Musicale had a nice attendance of 17 people including four of Fran's students.
Maggie Frick lead off by playing the Variations Serieuses by Mendelssohn. It is a difficult
work and she played very well.
Fuling Chiang then sang 2 pieces. The first by Umberto Giordano: Amor ti vieta from Fedora.
The second was Solo Mio, which Fuling sang in Chinese. He said this was a popular song in
At this time, we continued an interview with Fancesca (“Fran”) Richards as part of her 90 th
birthday celegration. Utako showed a nice power slide 90 th Birthday tribute to Fancesca,
which included some of her singing from her younger years. We then heard from nice tributes
from some of her current and former students who joined today’s virtual musicale. Finally, Finally, Francesca gave us nice memory moments of her teaching career.
In conclusion to the musicale, Utako Tanigawa played an excerpt from Chopin’s Fantasie Impromtu, Op. 66.
(Submitted by Asa J Williams)
Message from Fran-
Dear Utako, Our musicale was lovely. Thank you for all your work. I so enjoyed seeing Michael and Vicky. They are wonderful young people with many interests and very engaged in making better world. So prund of them. It just was a delightful hour!
July 9, 2020 Virtual Musicale
On July 9th we conducted another installment of our virtual Musicales via ZOOM. It was very heartwarming to see everyone again, even though we could not be present in person. Nevertheless our fellowship and feeling of being a "musical family" were very welcome in this time of isolation for most of us. We want to thank Utako for setting up these ZOOM sessions for us and for everyone's participation. This week's session opened up with getting updates on everyone's activities of late. Ed has been busy creating beautiful oil paintings (check out the Blog), several continue to give lessons either personally or on line, and everyone, of course, continues to practice, practice, practice towards our journey to a "Carnegie Hall" performance some day. Some of the topics of discussions included suggestions on improving our playing technique (overcoming difficult passages; stretching to reach those large chords and sustaining a note, etc.); the size of Rachmaninoff's hands compared to ours (he could reach a 13th) and how sometimes a smaller hand can actually have an advantage over a larger one; the construction of a piano - pros and cons of a full sized piano vs one that has been reduced in size (Josef Hoffmann's piano keys were constructed slightly shorter than standard to accommodate his smaller hands); the technical difficulties in achieving the highest notes on a violin; and a description of how Artur Rubinstein showed off his hands at a home "musicale" in Winnipeg, Canada in the 1940s where one could see his outstretched hand and thumb swooping downwards at an unusual angle (he, too, could reach a 13th).
The highlights of the Musicale were the performances. Maggie impressively played several variations of Mendelssohn's Variations Serieuses. She will be performing the entire set of variations at her upcoming recital (along with Chopin's Ballade No. 4 and other pieces). Karen Lin impressed us with her performance of Fritz Kreisler's Tambourin Chinois, a virtuosic piece which was played with gusto and showcased the melodic line very nicely. And, lastly, Utako (who likes to call herself the 'guinea pig' at these Musicales) showed off her to-date progress of the Shubert Impromptu No. 3, a piece which she has just started to study just weeks ago. An interesting question was asked: How long does it take to get a piece ready for a formal performance? The answers varied from just several weeks (for the simpler ones, perhaps), to up to two years. Jimmy mentioned that although he may know a particular piece's technical notes and can play it in a 'mechanical' way there is always some nuance that is discovered with each playing, thus making that piece as one that is continually "in progress".
Our future Musicales will, likely, engage us in discussing performance anxiety and how to overcome it (we can all blame Liszt who started this whole stage fright thing), and more on Chopin's music and life, as well as more performances.
(Submitted by Tom Slavicek)
July 1, 2020 Virtual Musicale
Twelve attendees including three new comers enjoyed getting together today. Arlene played Debussy 'Rain in the garden" beautifully followed by Margie's Chopin Ballade #4 for the first section, she has made noticeable progress in this very difficult piece. Although Fran's birthday session was delayed, the participants had colorful comments on Stage Fright. We shared our experiences and possible remedies. Obviously Stage Fright is not an uncommon issue and there are no clear solutions, but we can cope with it. We will continue this type of discussion on different topics at future musicales.
June 25, 2020 Virtual Musicale
We had nine attendees - Fran, Fuling, Ed, Richard, Maggie, Judy, Jimmy, Arlene, and Utako.
Maggie played Chopin Ballade #4, which was a very difficult piece musically and technically. She said it's WIP but she was capturing the music well and had beautiful phrases. Utako played Waltz Op. 34 No.1 and Nocturne Op 9 No.1 - both partially. Both were not ready yet....
Each member expressed their feeling toward Chopin, favorite pieces, and future goal pieces. Fran mentioned that Chopin composed several songs, too, most of which were not known much.
She loves his beautiful melody line and sees his deep personality. Richard likes Fantasy f minor, Sonata, Ballades, and Etudes, Judy's goal is Fantasy-impromptu (and going to Alaska), Arlene loves to play Ballade g minor, Jimmy also likes Fantasy-impromptu as well as Nocturnes.
Since Chopin is one of the most beloved composers, we will have continuing sessions sometime soon.
(Submitted by Utako Tanigawa)
June 17, 2020 Virtual Musicale
GMG held a virtual musicale on June 17 which was opened by Utako masterfully playing Schubert’s Impromptu No. 2. She also noted that the second virtual recital is now online and encouraged everyone to check it out. The highlight of the hour was an interview with Anna about her life and love of chamber music. She is a native Atlantan, which is a rarity these days. Early in her life she played with another pianist and her love of chamber music was born. While she did not major in music, rather in Asian studies (who knew?), she continued with life by having two children, becoming a CPA, and starting her own firm. Eventually enough was enough and she retired from accounting and returned to music and has enjoyed it ever since. Gail also added much to the conversation being a chamber musician herself.
Utako reminded us that Fran’s birthday is July 1 and she will be 90 years old! We all look forward to her interview which will be fascinating. The next musicale is next Thursday, June 24, at 11:00 a.m. You won’t want to miss it!
(Submitted by Kimber Kwiatkowski)
June 11, 2020 Virtual Musicale
Our musicale/conversation session today was fun. We had seven members in attendance. Utako played Chopin’s Etude, Opus 10, No. 12 beautifully. Julie played the Finale to Schumann’s Abegg Variations.
We talked about what pieces we were working on, and we had a discussion on how many pieces we study at a time. Answers ranged from 2 pieces to 20! Carol said that she works on the pieces that her students are playing so she can help them more and stay fresh. Jimmy talked about working on hand position and hand independence. Some members talked about reviewing pieces that they have perfected once a week to keep from losing them.
Carol and Jimmy discussed making an audio recording and adding video. They know their stuff!
We look forward to hearing Utako interview Anna next week about her life and musical experiences. Please join us!
(Submitted by Julie Woodall)
June 3, 2020 Virtual Musicale
We had the first virtual musicale of the month of June via Zoom at 2 p.m. on Wednesday June 3rd. Attendees were : Utako Tanigawa, Ed Ewing, Anna Armstrong, Carol Wazlavek, Arlene Martinides, Tom Slavicek, Judy Manganiello and Shoko Tanaka. Firstly Shoko played her work-in-progress piece; Schumann’s Fantasiestücke op.12 no.2 “Aufshwung (Soaring)”. Next Judy played Chopin’s Nocturne in B flat minor op.9 no.1 very beautifully. Her second play via Zoom was successful in both aspects, music and technology! Lastly Utako played Chopin’s Waltz op.34 no.1 “Valse Brillante”, she said still Work-In-Progress but presented very well its elegant and delightful elements of this piece. After the performances, members shared their updates on their lives and also information regarding audio technologies. Also we talked about the challenges and struggles of music that the are playing and advised each other. In addition, Tom shared his recent activities and presented his beautiful leather art works. Those are absolutely gorgeous!
Next Virtual Musicale will be Thursday June 11th at 11 a.m. We hope to see you all there!
(Submitted by Shoko Tanaka)
May 28, 2020 Virtual Musicale
Due to COVID, our musicales have successfully moved online. Thursday, May 28th was another example of how we are all enjoying these gatherings.
Utako shared the amazing amount of progress she has made in a few short weeks since beginning to study the Chopin Etude op. 25, #11. This etude is especially challenging and, like all the energetic etudes, can result in tense wrists and tired fingers way before the end of the piece. Utako's fluid technical expertise was a delight to listen to.
Arlene Martinides has truly mastered her movement of Debussy's Estampes (les Jardins sous la Pluie), and even on Zoom, she brought out the fluid, singing line through the tricky repeated notes.
Shoko Tanaka's 1st movement of the Beethoven Sonata in f minor, Op. 2 was energetic and spot-on, both technically and musically. (And, little Sean made a brief appearance and was delightful, too!).
Richard Bishop shared some of the technically tricky segments of the Beethoven Sonata that he recorded for our Online Recital. His suggestions regarding memorization and metronome practice were gratefully appreciated.
Gail Starr shared her Chopin Waltz, Op. 42 that is still a work in progress. Everyone offered valuable suggestions on areas to work on. Thank you!
Even though Anna Armstrong didn't have time to stay for the whole session, we look forward to hearing her next time.
I am personally SO grateful to Utako and the whole group for allowing me the opportunity to start playing solo repertoire again, after years and years of only sight-reading chamber music and accompanying students for fun. I'm learning so much from everyone and am inspired to keep practicing.
Looking forward to hearing everyone next time!
(Submitted by Gail Starr)
May 21, 2020 Virtual Musicale
The Georgia Musicale Group held a pleasant and enjoyable virtual musicale on Thursday, May 21st, 2020, which was attended by nine people. Judy Manganiello opened the musicale with a delightful performance of Chopin's Nocturne, Op. 9, No. 1. Next, Shoko Tanaka played two movements (Allemande and Gigue) of Bach's French Suite in G major. We were then treated to another performance of Bach, as Maggie Frick played three movements (Courante, Sarabande, and Minuet and Trio) of his B minor French Suite. Sam Smith then gave a fascinating presentation on the historical performance database at Carnegie Hall. We learned that Josef Hofmann played the most concerts there out of any other pianist, and that Chopin's Ballade No. 1 is the most performed piano piece at the hall, as well as many other interesting facts. Carol Wazlavek ended the musicale by instructing us on how to publish iPhone videos onto YouTube.
(Submitted by Maggie Frick)

March 5, 2020 Home Musicale
Rain seems to be a recurring theme for our musicales. It rained again as we traveled to the home of Julie Harbin, where she welcomed us into her wonderful studio with two pianos from which to choose. Once many had arrived, we forgot about the rain for a while as we chatted away. We had 13 GMG members and a guest who wants to join us. We welcome Deborah Weiner. Thank you, Julie for hosting us for this musicale and your warm hospitality.
The beauty of the Harp filled the room as Julie played, Let There Be Peace on Earth. The harp was a delightful variation to our musicales. Sabine, we loved your Sonata in E major by Scarlatti. It was a perfect piece to follow the harp. Utako breezed through the Chopin Nocturne Op. 62 No. 1, which was a very technical piece. Arlene was right in tune with the weather performing, Debussy’s Jardins sous la pluie. It’s great to have you back with GMG.
Leanne continues to perfect Franck’s Sonata in A, 2nd movement. We really appreciate your focus and endurance as you polish the details of this piece from memory for Carnegie Hall. Ed performed the Tocatta from Le Tombeau de Couperin. We are so impressed as you play this from memory. Annette sang Goodnight My Someone/ Till There Was You where the characters find love and in O Mio Babbino Caro love tragically slips away.
Kimber beautifully performed a piece from Des Abends, as she will be performing all the pieces with her piano students. Lugubre Gondala was just as morbid as Tom described before playing. Liszt definitely got his feelings and mood across in this piece. Well done, Tom. Rob brought a light hearted interlude for the morning. We all sang, The Lady Is a Tramp. That was a great change to the routine.
Sabine played the Mozart Fantasia in D minor beautifully portraying the somber and reflective, but flowing introduction. Then the piece moves into the lighter portions where the mood is a little brighter. Then Julie W. and Utako played the Mozart Sonata K 521 1st movement with four hands which was a great contrast to the Mozart Fantasia. You could imagine everyone getting up and dancing. Well done ladies. Finally, Paul performed Beethoven’s “Tempest”. We could just imagine it as you played, Paul.
The diversity of music and performers is so inspiring and encouraging to all of us. We can imagine ourselves trying something new or taking on challenge. Thank you to all who have performed today and for your support and encouragement..
We truly do “sing and play for our supper”. We enjoyed delicious sandwiches, fruit, veggies, cheese and crackers. For sweets, we ate ginger cake, cookies, and brownies. Julie had hot coffee, tea and hot chocolate to warm up this rainy day.
Thank you again, Julie for hosting this wonderful musicale. We were glad to meet Deborah and look forward to hearing her play next time. Out next musicale will be on March 17, 2020 at Piano Works in Duluth. Join us.
Please take time to read the details of the program below.
1. Julie Harbin (Harp) / Sy Miller and Jill Jackson Let There be Peace on Earth
2. Sabine Walsh / Scarlatti Sonata in E Major, K531
3. Utako Tanigawa / Frederic Chopin Nocturne Op. 62 No.1
4. Arlene Martinides / Claude Debussy Jardins sous la pluie (Garden in the rain
5. Leanne Manning / Franck Sonata in A
6. Ed Ewing / Ravel Toccata
7. Annette Russo W/Kimber / Wilson Goodnight My Someone/Till There Was You
Puccini O Mio Babbino Caro
8. Kimber Kwiatkowski / Schumann Des Abends
9. Tom Slavicek / Liszt Lugubre Gondola
10. Rob Busey / Sinatra Sing-a-long time permiting
11. Sabine Walsh / Mozart Fantasia in D minor
12. Julie and Utako / Mozart Sonata K 521 1st movement
13. Paul Cossman / Beethoven Sonata 17, D minor, Op 31, No 2, "Tempest" 3rd movement
14. Deborah Weiner / Listener
(Respectfully submitted by Annette Russo)

March 1, 2020 GMG Concert at Steinway Piano Galleries
The first GMG concert of 2020 at Steinway Piano Galleries was a great success. Utako Tanigawa welcomed a full house of attendees, including several who had never before attended our concerts and who heard about us on social media. The program, which featured Chopin and Beethoven, was warmly received.
Asa Williams bookended the concert with Chopin’s “Aeolian” Etude as the first selection and 2 movements of the Beethoven Sonata Op. 2 No. 3 as the last selection – what a great way to start and finish! Olga Pikus gave us a beautiful interpretation of Chopin’s famous Waltz Op. 64 No.2, and she joined Leanne Manning late in the program for a splendid duo performance of Cesar Franck’s Sonata in A, arranged for clarinet and piano. Leanne also treated us to the Allemande and Corrente from Bach’s Violin Partita No. 2, sounding luscious on her clarinet.
We were treated to Paul Cossman’s first-ever GMG concert performances, including Chopin’s posthumous Nocturne in C# minor and Beethoven’s challenging Tempest Sonata. Well done, Paul – we look forward to many more performances!
Utako Tanigawa continued to delight us with her Chopin Nocturne Op. 62 No. 1 and Beethoven Sonata Op. 31 No. 3. Listening to Utako is always a pleasure.
Shoko Tanaka was heroic in joining us late in the first half of the concert with her toddler, Sean; Shoko handed Sean off to another performer and proceeded to play Chopin’s Ballade #3 with grace and feeling before retrieving Sean and leaving us to return him to his nap. We appreciate Shoko’s artistry and willingness to remain an important part of GMG despite the demands of career and young motherhood.
After a short intermission, with refreshments and conversation, the concert continued with light music in the Spanish style, as Judy Manganiello played Eugenie Rocherolle’s Cantico Iberico, which was quite the crowd pleaser. Anna Armstrong played the final of three Chopin Nocturnes for the day, his Nocturne #1 in B-flat minor, an ethereal and lovely piece of composition. Continuing with Chopin, Kimber Kwiatkowski played the Impromptu No. 3 Op. 51 with the skill and musicality that we have come to expect from Kimber.
All in all, it was a wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon, and we appreciate the hospitality of the Steinway Piano Galleries in allowing us to enjoy their lovely facilities.
(Respectfully submitted by: Anna Armstrong)
February 18, 2020 PianoWorks Musicale
Another wonderful morning of music was enjoyed by all who attended. There were 14 performers and listeners at this musicale. We appreciate Piano Works for hosting this musicale.
Judy and Arlene began the morning with Cantico Iberico and Soiree dans Grenade. These pieces are enjoyable to listen to and are sounding better each time we hear them. Beethoven’s, very moving, Sonata Op. 2, No. 3: 1st and 3rd movements were performed by Asa this morning, from memory. We were glad to have Nancy with us also playing a Beethoven Sonata Op. 28, 1st movement. Leanne is continuing to fine tune her performance of Franck’s Sonata in A, the 2nd movement this time, which is the most substantial movement in the Sonata. Another Beethoven was performed by Utako. It was the lyrical and playful Sonata Op. 31, No. 3, the 1st and 2nd movement.
Chopin’s Nocturne Op. 9, No. 1 is one we never tire of hearing. Thank you, Anna for your beautiful performance. On a lighter note, Annette sang two selections from The Music Man, Goodnight My Someone and Till There Was You. Kimber is still wowing us with Franck’s Chorale from Prelude, Chorale and Fugue. Finally, I think the Flamingo Strut is ready to go on the road, ladies. The Strut is fun to listen to and must be fun to play. Thank you all for such amazing performances!
After all that performing, we gathered around the refreshment table enjoying the goodies and good conversation. There were muffins, cookies, pumpkin bread, fruit, cheese and crackers, coffee, and tea. Thanks again to Piano Works and all who attended this musicale. Our next event is at the home of Julie Harbin on March 5, 2020. We hope you will be able to join us there.
Please read the program below for all the details.
1. Judy Manganiello / Rocherolle Cantico Iberico
2. Arlene Martinides / Debussy Soiree dans Grenade
3. Asa Williams / Beethoven Sonata, Op. 2, No. 3: 1st and 3rd mvmts
4. Nancy Dunn / Beethoven Sonata Op.28, 1st movement
5. Utako Tanigawa / Beethoven Sonata Op.31, No. 3, 1st and 2nd movements
6. Leanne Manning / Franck Sonata in A, 2nd mvt
7. Anna Armstrong / Chopin Nocturne Op. 9, No.1
8. Annette Russo w/Kimber / Meredith Wilson Goodnight My Someone/Till There Was You
9. Kimber Kwiatkowski / Franck Chorale from Prelude, Chorale and Fugue
10. Abbie and Judy / Asberry Flamingo Strut
11. Abbie Hattauer / Asberry Still, Still, Still
12. Julie Woodall / Listener
13. Marjorie Williams / Listener
14. Steven Bennett / Listener
15. Jimmy Baskerville / Listener
(Respectfully submitted Annette Russo)
February 6, 2020 Home Musicale
After traveling through the heavy rain, we were welcomed warmly at the Cossman’s home. We left our wet shoes, coats, and umbrellas at the door and enjoyed a morning of lovely music. Paul’s piano is very special as it had belonged to his mother. His Steinway has been completely, refurbished and all enjoyed playing this beautiful instrument.
Paul began with Scriabin’s Etude, Op. 2, No. 1 and Mozart’s Spirited Rondo alla Turca. Beethoven’s Sonata 15, 1st movement was played by Nancy. Utako continued with Chopin’s Waltz Op.64 No 1. It was a minute give or take. We were glad to have Arlene playing with GMG again. Many of us performed some pieces that have been in the works for a while. These pieces are sounding better and better. It is wonderful to hear the progress each performer is making. Our group of 15 attendees enjoyed the variety of music this morning.
Lunch was a delicious buffet of lasagna, salads, garlic bread, cheese and crackers, and a buffet of desserts as well. The dining room table was set as if we had been invited to a banquet. All enjoyed the meal and fellowship of the group. Thank you to the Cossman’s for hosting the Musicale and their warm hospitality.
Our next event will be a Musicale at Piano Works on Tuesday, February 18, 2020. We hope to see you there.
Please read more about this musicale in the program below.
1. Paul Cossman / Scriabin Étude, Op 2, No 1
Mozart Rondo alla Turca
2. Nancy Dunn / Beethoven Sonata #15, 1st movement
3. Utako Tanigawa / Chopin Walts Op.64 no1
Chopin Etude Op. 10 No.12
4. Annette Russo with Kimber / Donaudy Amorosi miei giorni
5. Kimber Kwiatkowski / Franck Chorale from Prelude, Chorale and Fugue
6. Arlene Martinides / Debussy Soiree dans Grenade
7. Jimmy Baskerville / Shubert Impromptu #3
8. Carol Wazlavek / Radiohead/O'Riley Talk Show Host (partial)
9. Leanne Manning / Franck Sonata
10. Sabine Walsh / Mozart Fantaisie in D minor
11. Abbie Hattauer / Pam Asberry Still, Still, Still
12. Judy Manganiello / Rocherolle Cantico Iberico
13. Abbie and Judy / Asberry Flamingo Strut
Rob Busey / Listener
Steven Bennett / Listener
Barbara Cossman / Listener
(Respectfully submitted by Annette Russo)
January 21, 2020 PianoWorks Musicale
The brisk January air ushered us quickly inside this morning for our musicale. Winter was soon forgotten as we warmed up the piano, clarinet, and voices. Ten of us gathered at Piano Works for this morning’s musicale. We thank Piano Works for their hospitality each time we meet here.
Even though a smaller number of musicians played, we were treated to some intense and delightful musical works. We had time to share copies of the music and have some discussion about the selections performed. Utako began with the Beethoven Sonata Op.31 No. 31st movement. She described the tone of the movement and played a sampling of the other 3 movements at the end. Next, Sam played another Beethoven Sonata, Op. 26 2nd movement. The Scherzo was most enjoyable, and Sam played from memory as well. Judy played Cantico Iberico by Rocherolle. This very dancelike and melodic piece was easy to listen to. Berceuse is a lovely lullaby from the opera, Jocylyn by Benjamin Godard, sung by Annette.
Jimmy has been working diligently on the Brahms Rhapsody No. 1. He played the piece from memory and all the effort is paying off-well done. We enjoyed the Brahms’ Ballade played by Anna and Franck’s Prelude from Prelude Chorale & Fugue 5 performed by Kimber. Excellent ladies on both of these pieces. Then Leanne played a clarinet solo, Franck’s 3rd movement Recitativeo-Fantasia from Sonata in A. Leanne will be performing this piece with piano at the concert in Carnegie Hall in July. Finally, Asa played the 1st movement of Schubert’s Sonata in A minor Op. 143. This piece was performed from memory, awesome.
After the performing portion of the musicale, we enjoyed some light refreshments and more discussion and socializing. We always have a great time. We hope you will join us for the next event. The February 6, 2020 home musicale will be at the home of Paul Cossman. Please see the musicale sign up on the GMG website. We hope to see you there.
The program is listed below to provide more details about the musicale.
1. Utako Tanigawa / Beethoven Sonata Op. 31 No. 3 1st movement
2. Sam Smith / Beethoven Sonata Op.26 2nd mvt Scherzo
3. Judy Manganiello / Rocherolle Cantico Iberico
4. Annette Russo / Godard Berceuse from the Opera Jocylyn
5. Jimmy Baskerville / Brahms Rhapsody #1
6. Anna Armstrong / Brahms Ballade, Op. 118, No. 3
7. Kimber Kwiatkowski / Franck Prelude from Prelude Chorale & Fugue 5
8. Leanne Manning / Franck 3rd mvt Recitativo-Fantasia from Sonata A
9. Asa Williams / Schubert Sonata in A minor, Op. 143, 1st mvt
(Respectfully submitted: Annette Russo)

January 4, 2020 GMG Concert at PianoWorks
On Saturday, January 4th PianoWorks in Duluth hosted the first concert for the Georgia Musicale Group's 2020 season. The featured works were by Beethoven and Schubert among others. It was a wonderful day of beautiful music and warm fellowship among friends, visitors and the eight performers of the GMG.
The concert began with Utako Tanigawa performing Haydn's Piano Sonata Hob:xvi 50, 1st movement, then moved to Beethoven's "Pathetique" Sonata which was performed by three pianists, each taking a movement of the Sonata: Carol Wazlavek, Tom Slavicek, and Kimber Kwiatkowski. This made for an interesting experience as each pianist brought their own interpretation to the piece. Shoko Tanaka's rendition of Schubert's Impromptu Op. 90, No. 2 and Utako's rendition of his Impromptu Op. 143 ,No. 3 showed the breadth of the composer's emotion and maturity in these compositions. Sam Smith finished off the first part of the concert by performing Beethoven's Sonata No. 12, Op. 26 third movement (Funeral March) and the fourth movement (Allegro).
During the Intermission guests and members enjoyed each other's company and the refreshments that were brought. Everyone also enjoyed learning about the spans of famous pianists throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, as depicted on a poster that Tom had prepared. Rachmaninov in particular was known to have had an extra large hand that spanned 13 keys on the piano.
After the Intermission the concert resumed with special music transcribed for piano 4-hands. These were performed by Pamela Martin and Kristi Helfen. These included Bach's Brandenburg Concerto, Summer Solstice from Scenes of Seasons, by Jeff Manookian, and The Sonata Op. 144, "Lebensturme" by Franz Schubert. It was a great pleasure and honor for everyone to have performed on the concert grand generously made available to us by PianoWorks.
(Respectfully Submitted by Tom Slavicek)
January 2, 2020 Home Musicale
Our first home event of the new year was a warm gathering of eight members at Julie Woodall’s in the North Georgia mountains. Julie’s house is warmly decorated with spiritual and musical appointments, lovely pictures of birds, and other animals. It is always a treat to go there once a year where she serves her own delicious Brunswick Stew. The first highlight was Tom Slavicek’s collage which pictured solo pianists and composers and a fascinating study comparing their maximum reach on the keyboard. The point taken was that hand size has nothing to do with pianistic virtuosity. The varied piano pieces, as usual, included some lesser-known works, and challenging classics. One of the unique aspects of our home musicales are the “works in progress.” This opportunity, where our members play difficult choices before a friendly and empathetic audience, is such a unique blessing compared to just playing alone or for a teacher. Abbie Hattauer and Annette Russo sang moving soprano solos. They are so encouraging to those of us who only enjoy singing in larger group settings. As a final note, our tireless founder noted that concert attendance has shown remarkable increases particularly in the past two years. Of course, we all know who to thank for THAT!
Please enjoy reading the program.
1. Julie Woodall / Granados Spanish Dance No. 3
2. Abbie Hattauer / John Jacob Niles I Wonder As I Wander
3. Kimber Kwiatkowski / Franck Prelude from Pre flat minorlude, Chorale and Fugue
4. Tom Slavicek / Schubert Serenade
5. Judy Manganiello and Abbie Hattauer / Asberry Flamingo Strut
6. Judy Manganiello / Chopin Nocturne in B minor
7. Annette Russo / Godard Berceuse from the Opera Jocylyn
8. Utako Tanigawa / Beethoven Sonata Op. 13 2nd movement
9. Rob Busy (Listener)
(Respectfully submitted by Rob Busey)
December 31, 2019 GMG Concert at First Night Dahlonega
GMG participated in the Third Annual First Night Dahlonega. The group is privileged to participate in this fundraiser for Jeramiah’s Place in Dahlonega, GA. Jeramiah’s Place provides transitional housing for the homeless so they can prepare to secure more permanent housing. Many performers participated in this event throughout the town to support Jeramiah’s Place. We want to thank the Churches in town and Dahlonega Baptist Church for hosting this event where we held our concert.
Five of our GMG members performed in this concert. With Dr. Tanigawa at the piano, two dueling cats took the stage and sang, Duetto Boffo Di Due Gatti by Rossini. Ruth Purcell and Julie Woodall stood in for the cats. What an entertaining way to begin our evening.
On a more serious note, Utako played Chaconne in G major, by Handel. This work includes 21 variations divided into three sections beginning with G major, transitioning to G minor and back to G major and was originally played on harpsichord.
Next, we had two selections by Edvard Grieg who was a well known Norwegian composer of the Romantic period. Annette Russo sang I Love Thee. Grieg wrote I Love Thee for his wife, Nina Hagerup. The poetry of the song originally written by Hans Christian Andersen and Grieg’s natural feeling for melody have created the appeal this song has endured over time.
We marveled as Julie played the1stmovement of Grieg's Sonata in e minor. At age 22, Grieg wrote his only sonata. It was a beautiful performance.
Then we admired Utako’s moving interpretation of Schubert’s Impromptu Op. 142 No. 3. His Impromptus were composed in 1827 as a series of 8. The second set of 4 impromptus which contained Op. 142, was published posthumously in 1839.
Next, Annette sang, And This Is My Beloved, from the musical, Kismet. The music from this show is based on the music of Alexander Borodin from his opera Prince Igor and his string quartets.
Julie continued the program with Enrique Granados’ Spanish Dance No. 3. At 23 years of age Granados wrote a Set of 12 Spanish Dances. This selection was quite lively as the title might suggest.
The final selection in our program was a clarinet solo played by Leanne Manning and accompanied by Julie Woodall. They played the 2nd movement of the Brahms’ Sonata No. 2 for Clarinet and Piano. Both Leanne and Julie demonstrated their competence and expertise as they performed this beautiful sonata.
The Georgia Musicale Group enjoys immense camaraderie whether we gather at our musicales or in concert. We enjoy music and performing for our audiences. We hope that those who attend our events enjoy the music as much as we do.
Our next concert is at the Senior Living Place in Dahlonega, GA on Saturday, January 19, 2020 from 3pm-5pm. We hope to see you there.
Please read the program for more detail.
Ruth Purcell (Mezzo Soprano) & Julie Woodall (Soprano)
Duetto Boffo Di Due Gatti Gioacchino Rossini (1792-1869)
Utako Tanigawa (Piano)
Chaconne in G major George Handel (1685-1759)
Annette Russo (Soprano) & Julie Woodall (Piano)
I Love Thee Edvard Grieg (1843-1907)
Julie Woodall (Piano)
Sonata in e minor, 1stMovement Edvard Grieg (1843-1907)
Utako Tanigawa (Piano)
Impromptu Op. 142 No. 3 Franz Shubert (1797-1828)
Annette Russo (Soprano) & Julie Woodall (Piano)
And This Is My Beloved
Robert Wright (1914-2005) & George Forrest (1915-1999)
Julie Woodall (Piano)
Spanish Dance No. 3 Enrique Granados (1867-1916)
Leanne manning (Clarinet) & Julie Woodall (Piano)
Sonata No. 2for Clarinet and Piano, 2ndMovement
(Respectfully submitted by Annette Russo)

December 28, 2019 GMG Concert at Steinway Piano Galleries
Our GMG Year End Celebration was a terrific afternoon of music and fellowship. There were 42 in attendance and 11 of them were performers in this concert. We offered our thanks to Steinway Piano Galleries for their warm hospitality in their Alpharetta location. Dr. Tanigawa presented a gift of appreciation to the management and staff of Steinway Piano Galleries for our use of this wonderful venue for concerts.
Pam Asberry began our program with her majestic arrangement of March of the Kings, then her arrangement of In the Bleak Midwinter, and her own composition, Snow. Mary Dekkers played her lively version of Jingle Bells and Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas. Our hearts were quieted as Fuling Chiang sang The Lord’s Prayer and Ave Maria. Utako played the Haydn Sonata Hob:xvi 50 1stmovement. Next, she played Nocturne OP. 27 No. 2 by Chopin. Later in the program, Utako played Shubert’s Impromptu Op. 142 No. 3. Each piece portrayed the sentiment of the composer. Anna Armstrong changed the mood by her beautiful performance of Three Preludes by Gershwin. Annette Russo sang two love songs, Grieg’s I Love Thee and from Kismet, And This Is My Beloved. We enjoyed a delightful piano duet by Kimber Kwiatkowski and Olga Pikus. They played Sleigh Ride, Waltz of the Flowers and Russian Dance from The Nutcracker Suite. Kimber also played December from The Seasons by Tchaikovsky. Debussy’s Reverie was played by Shoko Tanaka. Shoko is as graceful as the music itself. Bach was next on the program with the Prelude and Fugue in F minor, Well Tempered Clavier II performed by Richard Bishop. Finally, Rebekah Bole joined Richard Bishop playing Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor for two pianos. That was quite a treat.
We are privileged to have so many quality musicians performing in one concert. Each performer expressed great enthusiasm and sentiment in their performance today. A commonality of all in the group is that we love music and love sharing it with others.
After the concert, some members of the audience were the recipients of door prizes. That’s always exciting. Then we shared a variety of refreshments: wine cheese, crackers, sandwiches, fruit and vegetable platters, cookies, cake, and candy. It is our custom to eat after a performance and invite the audience to join us.
Our next concert will be on New Year’s Eve in Dahlonega at Dahlonega Baptist Church at 7:30 pm. Our concert will be part of the First Night performances that will be held in different venues in town from 6pm until midnight.
Following that, our first Home Musicale of the year will be on January 2, 2020.
Please enjoy reading the entire program.
Pam Asberry (Piano)
March of the Kings Traditional French/arr. Pam Asberry
Mary Dekkers (Piano)
Jingle Bells arrangement Traditional Christmas Music
Fuling Chiang (Tenor) & Kimber Kwiatkowski (Piano)
The Lord’s Prayer Albert Malotte(1895 - 1964)
Utako Tanigawa (Piano)
Sonata Hob:xvi 50 1st movement Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)
Nocturne Op. 27 No.2 Frederic Chopin (1810-1849)
Anna Armstrong (Piano)
Three Preludes George Gershwin (1898-1937 )
Annette Russo (Soprano) & Kimber Kwiatkowski (Piano)
I Love Thee Edvard Grieg (1843-1907)
Kimber Kwiatkowski & Olga Pikus ( Piano Duet)
Sleigh Ride
Leroy Anderson (1908-1975) arranged by Michael Edwards
Waltz of the Flowers from The Nutcracker Suite
Peter I. Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) arranged by Milton James
Russian Dance from The Nutcracker Suite arranged by Jennifer Eklund
Pam Asberry (Piano)
In the Bleak Midwinter Gustav Holst (1874-1934) /arr. Pam Asberry
Snow Pam Asberry
Mary Dekkers (Piano)
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas Traditional
Annette Russo (Soprano) & Kimber Kwiatkowski (Piano)
And This Is My Beloved
Robert Wright (1914-2005) & George Forrest (1915-1999 )
Kimber Kwiatkowski (Piano)
“December” from The Seasons Peter I. Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)
Utako Tanigawa (Piano)
Impromptu Op. 142 No.3 Franz Schubert (1797—1828)
Fuling Chiang & Kimber Kwiatkowski (Piano)
Ave Maria Charles Gounod (1818 – 1893)
Shoko Tanaka (Piano)
Reverie Claude Debussy (1862-1918)
Richard Bishop (Piano)
Prelude and Fugue in F minor, Well Tempered Clavier II
Johann Sebastian Bach(1685 - 1735)
Richard Bishop (Piano) & Rebekah Healan Bole (Piano)
Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770 - 1827)
(Respectfully submitted by: Annette Russo)
December 17, 2019 PianoWorks Musicale
Our December Musicale at Piano Works was a little lighter in number, but not in spirit. Fourteen members and listeners attended. Utako presented the management at Piano Works with a gift of appreciation for their wonderful hospitality in hosting Musicales and Concerts.
Our program began with Asa playing Shubert’s Sonata in A minor, Op143, 1stmovement from memory. Ed and Jimmy followed suit and performed their pieces from memory as well. Ed played the Ravel Toccata from Le Trombeau de Couperin, and Jimmy played the Shubert Impromptu #3 Op. 90. It was a morning for Shubert as Utako played Impromptu Op.142 No. 3. Pam M. and Kristi wowed us with a new transcription of the Brandenburg Concerto #3 with 4 hands. The morning continued with some Christmas selections. Abbie and Judy played a piano duet of Carol of the Bells. Judy played the Czech carol we were introduced to earlier this month. Abby played and sang In the Bleak Midwinter, and Pam played her arrangement of March of the Kings and Hope. Annette sang a more contemporary carol, All Is Well.
As is our tradition, refreshments and fellowship followed. We hope to see you at the next event which is a concert at Steinway Piano Galleries in Alpharetta on Saturday December 28, 2019 from 3-5pm.
Please read the program below for more details.
1. Judy Manganiello & Abbie Hattauer / Leontovich Carol of the Bells
2. Abbie Hattauer / Asberry In the Bleak Midwinter
3. Judy Manganiello / O. Simacek Vanocni ukolebavka
4. Pam Asberry / Asberry March of the Kings, Hope
5. Annette Russo with Kimber / Kirkpatrick/Smith All Is Well
6. Ed Ewing / Ravel Toccata from Le Tombeau de Couperin
7. Anna Armstrong / Arr. by Martin Canon de Noel, The First Noel
8. Utako Tanigawa / Shubert Impromptu Op. 142 No. 3
9. Jimmy Baskerville / Shubert Impromptu, No. 3 Opus 90
10. Asa Williams / Schubert Sonata in A Minor, Op. 143, 1stMvm
11. Pam Martin & Kristi Helfen / Bach Brandenberg Concerto #3, New Transcription
12. Steven Bennett - Listener
13. Naji Chilazi - Listener
(Respectfully submitted by: Annette Russo)

December 5, 2019 Home Musicale
On this beautiful December morning, we were welcomed by Utako and Steven in their lovely home. As the group of 18 gathered, we greeted one another, glad to see old friends and meet new ones. Today we welcome, Paul Cossman, a new GMG member.
Utako began the program with the lovely Un Sospiro by Liszt. We were treated to some Christmas music in the program today that included Carol of the Bells, In the Bleak Midwinter, Come Unto Him, White Christmas, December from the Seasons, and a Czech Christmas carol and a lullaby. We also appreciated hearing the clarinet and violin in the program today. It is so inspiring to see some of our members playing their pieces from memory.
Our luncheon was remarkable. Utako has outdone herself again with a menu that included a Chop Salad, and one of Cheese and Olives. Our main course included White Radish Gratin, Orange Chicken w/Rice, Pork Tenderloin, Roasted Potato, Beer Bread and Cinnamon Bread. For dessert Fresh Ginger Cake and Tiramisu delighted us. As we lingered over dessert, coffee and tea, we continued to enjoy the company of our friends around the table.
Many thanks to Utako and Steven(CCO) for their hospitality and hosting this musicale.
Please join us for the next Musicale at Piano Works in Duluth on December 17, 2019 at 10 am.
Enjoy reading the details of the program.
1. Utako Tanigawa / Liszt Un Sospiro
2. Judy Manganiello & Abbie Hattauer / Leontovich Carol of the Bells
3. Abbie Hattauer / Asberry In the Bleak Midwinter
4. Annette Russo / Handel Come Unto Him
5. Paul Cossman / Mozart Rondo alla Turca
6. Kimber Kwiatkowski / Tchaikovsky The Seasons - December
7. Ed Ewing / Ravel Toccata from Le Tombeau de Couperin
8. Karen Lin / Arensky Serenade. Irving Berlin White Christmas
9. Julie Woodall / Chopin Impromptu, No.1
10. Olga Picas / Chopin Waltz c# minor
11. Yi-fan Wu / J.S Bach Partita no2 1st mvt
12. Leanne Manning / Bach Prelude from Partita No.3 BWV1006 arr. Delecluse
13. Ruth Purcell / Haydn Gipsy Rondo from Trio in G
14. Jimmy Baskerville / Beethoven Sonata #17 3rd movement
15. Tom Slavicek / Simacek 2 Czech Christmas Carols, B. Slavicek Waltz No. 2
(Respectfully submitted by Annette Russo)

October 15, 2019 PianoWorks Musicale
Georgia Musicale Group met at Piano Works in Duluth. A group of 14 members and a listener attended on this Tuesday morning.
A few of our performers played some challenging pieces from memory. Jimmy, Ed, and Sam, we are inspired by your memory and excellence in performance. Utako has taken on Handel in her repertoire, and that was a very enjoyable piece. The Flamingo Strut was a cute piano duet played by Judy and Abbie for the first time. Kimber and Julie very well done on the Beethoven Sonata and the Chopin Scherzo. Sabine, “River Flows in You” is really coming along. It will be great for your competition. We also enjoyed our vocalists Robin, Fuling, Annette, and Abbie with a variety of song. Each musicale demonstrates the dedication of each performer to a standard of excellence as a musician. We all appreciate the support of GMG members to pursue our best performance and share the beauty of music with others.
Our GMG event would not be complete without the delicious refreshments and conversation that follow the performance. The table was spread with coffee cake and pound cake, a pasta casserole, fruit, sandwiches, tea and coffee.
Please join us for our next home musicale on Thursday, November 7, 2019.
The program is printed below for you.
1. Sabine Walsh / Yiruma River Flows in You
2. Joshua Shue / Mozart Sonata K533, mvt. 1
3. Robin Engleman and Kimber Kwiatkowski / Strauss Zuiegnung
4. Robin Engleman and Kimber Kwiatkowski / Ponchielli Voce di donna o d’angelo from La Gioconda
5. Jimmy Baskerville / Brahms Rhapsody # 1
6. Ed Ewing / Ravel Toccata
7. Utako Tanigawa / Handel Chaconne
8. Fuling Chiang with Joshua / Giordano Amor ti vieta
Fuling Chiang with Joshua / Donizetti Una furtiva lagrima
9. Kimber Kwiatkowski / Beethoven Sonata Op.13 3rd mvnt
10. Sam Smith / Beethoven Piano Sonata #12 3rd mvt
11. Julie Woodall / Chopin Scherzo 3
12. Annette Russo with Julie / Wright/Borodin And This Is My Beloved
13. Annette Russo with Julie / Donaudy Amorosi miei giorni
14. Abbie and Judy Manganiello / Pam Asberry Flamingo Strut piano duet
15. Abbie Hattauer / Pam Asberry In the Bleak Midwinter
(Respectfully submitted by: Annette Russo)
October 3, 2019 Home Musicale
Our Home Musicale met at the lovely home of Anna Armstrong. Twelve of us met that morning, and we were glad to welcome a first time listener, Sue Shepherd. We enjoyed a variety of music including flute, a vocal piece and a great selection of piano pieces. Tom played a lively waltz written by his father while he was still living in Czechoslovakia. Everyone was intent on perfecting their performances , and it was like a Thursday morning concert.
After the music we enjoyed a delicious luncheon of chicken salad sandwiches, braised beef, fried okra, applesauce, and tiramisu cake, ginger cookies, chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies, and iced tea. We thank Anna for welcoming us into her home.
Please join us for our next Musicale at Piano Works on October 15, 2019 at 10 am.
Anna Armstrong / Debussy Petite Suite (III. Menuet)
Anna Armstrong / Grieg Norwegian Dances (II.)
Annette Russo w/Anna / And This Is My Beloved
Chen Pan / Franck Prelude Op.18
Sabine Walsh / Yiruma River Flows in You
Abbie Hattauer / Asberry In the bleak midwinter
Janet Yao / Chopin Nocturne in E minor, Op.72 No.1
Tom Slavicek / B. Slavicek Waltz No. 1
Tom Slavicek / Chopin Preludes Op. 28, Nos 4, 6
Utako Tanigawa / Chopin Etude Op. 25 No.1 & Op. 10 No.12
Jimmy Baskerville / Brahms Rhapsody # 1
Ed Ewing / Ravel Toccata from Le Tombeau de Couperin
Steven Bennett / Listener
Sue Shepherd / Listener
(Respectfully submitted by: Annette Russo)
September 28, 2019 GMG Concert at Cherokee Art Center
The Georgia Musicale Group gave a concert at the Cherokee Art Center in Canton, GA for the first time. The concert was a benefit for the Cherokee Art Center. GMG members enjoyed performing their concert in this great venue. We thank the Cherokee Art Center for coordinating this concert and their hospitality to our members that evening.
Our MC, Tom Slavicek, introduced each performer by reading their bio and giving a brief description of the piece to be performed. Here are some highlights of the program. During the first half of the program, we heard Mary Leaf’s “Rhapsody in G minor”, Rachmaninoff’s “Prelude Op. 3 No.2”, and “Three Gershwin Preludes”. Our vocalists sang “O del mio amato ben” and “Amor ti vieta” as well as some lighter pieces like “You Raise Me Up” and “As Long As He Needs Me”.
After a brief intermission, the vocal selections included, Shubert’s “An die Musik” and Saint-Saens’ Mon Coeur s’ouvre a ta voix. Our pianists continued the with Schumann-Liszt’s Widmung and Chopin’s Etude Op. 10 No. 12(Revolutionary). The program continued with Rondo Capriccioso by Mendelssohn, two Chopin Etudes Op. 25 No. 1 and Op. 10 No. 3 .The finale was the beautiful Brahms’ Rhapsody Op. 72 No 2.
Our wonderful audience of over 55 attendees enjoyed two hours of beautiful music. Thank you to the Cherokee Art Center for inviting us to perform this concert. We must also thank Steven Bennett for his help backstage. There were many workers behind the scenes to make this concert a success. Thanks to all of you. It wouldn’t be a GMG event without refreshments. The audience joined us after the concert for some light refreshments. It was a wonderful evening.
Please join us for our next concert on November 10, 2019 at John’s Creek United Methodist Church at 4 p.m.
Please take time to read the program as it was presented.
*Thomas Slavicek Master of Ceremonies
Judy Manganiello (Piano) / Rhapsody in G Minor Mary Leaf (1925 –2004)
Fuling Chiang (Tenor) & Joshua Shue (Piano) / You Raise Me Up Rolf Lovland (1955 - )
Robin Engleman (Mezzo Soprano) & Anna Armstrong (Piano) / As Long as He Needs Me from Oliver Lionel Bart (1930 - 1999)
Judy Manganiello (Piano)/ La La Land Medley Justin Hurwitz (1985 - )
Fuling Chiang (Tenor) & Joshua Shue (Piano) / Amor ti vieta Umberto Giordano (1867 –1948)
Annette Russo (Soprano) & Robin Engleman (Piano) / O del mio amato ben Stefano Donaudy (1879 –1925)
Asa J. Williams (Piano) / Prelude Op. 3 No.2 Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873 –1943)
Anna Armstrong (Piano) / Three Preludes George Gershwin (1898-1937)
~ Intermission ~
Robin Engleman (Mezzo Soprano) & Kimber Kwiatkowski (Piano) / An die musik Franz Peter Schubert (1797 - 1828)
Utako Tanigawa (Piano) / Widmung (Dedication) Robert Schuman (1810-1856), Transcribed by Franz Liszt (1811-1886)
Etude Op. 10 No.12 (Revolutionary) Frederic Chopin (1810 - 1849)
Abbie Hattauer (Mezzo Soprano) & Asa J. Williams (Piano) / Mon cœur s'ouvre à ta voix Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921)
Utako Tanigawa (Piano) / Rondo Capriccioso Felix Mendelssohn (1809 – 1847)
Asa J. Williams (Piano) / Etude Op. 25 No.1 (Aeolian Harp), Etude Op. 10 No.3 Frederic Chopin (1810 - 1849)
Kimber Kwiatkowski (Piano) / Rhapsody Op. 72 No.2 Johannes Brahms (1833 –1897)
(Respectfully Submitted by: Annette Russo)

September 17, 2019 PianoWorks Musicale
Our Tuesday morning, GMG members and guests gathered at Piano Works in Duluth, GA. There were 18 members and guests this morning. We began with a brief discussion of the Spivey Hall Concert. All agreed that the whole concert experience was very worthwhile, and we look forward to next year’s concert.
We thoroughly enjoyed hearing Pam Asberry play two of her original compositions. One featured the clarinet played by Leanne. A variety of vocal pieces included music theatre, Grieg’s I Love Thee, and Saint Saens’ Mon Coeur. Some played very demanding and lengthy pieces as you will see in the program. We all appreciate the dedication from each performer to accomplish these difficult pieces. Finally, Asa concluded with a Shubert Piano Sonata.
Delicious refreshments were ready for us as we socialized. We enjoyed fresh berries, chips, cheese and crackers, spice cake and brownies. This was another wonderful musicale, great music, great food, and great people. We hope you will join us next time. The next Home Musicale will be on October 3 at 10 am.
The details of today’s program follow.
1. Robin Engleman & Anna Armstrong / Bart As Long As He Needs Me From Oliver
Harburg/Lane How Are Things in Glocca Morra from Finian’s Rainbow
2. Leanne Manning & Pam Asberry / Asberry Eventually
3. Abbie Hattauer & Asa Williams / Saint Saens Mon coeur
4. Annette Russo / Grieg I Love Thee
5. Pam Asberry / Asberry The Presence of Wonder
6. Sam Smith / Beethoven Piano Sonata #12 1st mvt.
7. Jimmy Baskerville / Brahms Rhapsody #1
8. Utako Tanigawa / Schubert Impromptu Op. 90 No. 2
9. Pam Martin & Kristi Helfen / DeFalla Premier Danza Espanola
10. Leanne Manning & Kimber Kwitkowski / Gershwin 3 Preludes
11. Asa J Williams / Schubert Piano Sonata Op. 143 in A minor, 1stmvt.
12. Ed Ewing Listener
13. Judy Mangianiello Listener
(Respectfully submitted by: Annette Russo)

September 15, 2019 GMG Concert at Spivey Hall
On this Sunday afternoon, the Georgia Musicale Group, gave a splendid recital at Spivey Hall, Clayton State University. Asa Williams opened the program with a powerful performance of Rachmaninoff’s “Prelude, Op, 3, No.4”. The beautiful Brahms “Rhapsody Op. 79, No.2” followed and was skillfully played by Kimber Kwiatkowski. Abbie Hattauer Dreamed a Dream for us with her lovely vocal solo. A “Rhapsody” by Mary Leaf was played gracefully with such convincing expression by Judy Manganiello. Another vocal solo by Robin Engleman, “Elegy”, clearly conveyed the sadness of the one whose love is lost. Utako Tanigawa’s stunning performance concluded the first half of the program with Chopin’s “Nocturne Op. 27, No.2” and Beethoven’s “Sonata Op. 53” “Waldstein”.
The second half of the program began with Debussy’s “Jardins sous la pluie, Estampes”. Shoko Tanaka elegantly played this lovely composition. The “Premier Rhapsody” for Clarinet and piano by Debussy followed. Leanne Manning, accompanied by Shoko Tanaka gave a superb performance. Nico Brett played an outstanding “La campanella” from Grandes Etudes de Paganini, S141. Dawn Delangin Hawk performed with such poise and grace as she played Rachmaninoff’s “Prelude in D major, Op. 23 No.4”. Pam Martin and Kristi Helfen are a dynamic duo on the piano. With 4 hands they skillfully played Dvorak’s “Silent Woods and Troubled Times” from the Bohemian Forest. Our vocalists performed in costume this time. Robin Engleman gave a wonderful performance of “Non so piu cosa son”. A charming, “Chacun a Son Gout” was the grand finale for our concert, sung by Abbie Hattauer.
Bravo performers, you were all outstanding. Our lovely audience thoroughly enjoyed the program. Thank you to all at Spivey Hall and Clayton State University who assisted us in making this concert a success. We also extend a thank you to the Director of Spivey Hall, Mr. Christopher Tollak and Dr. Michiko Otaki, Professor of Music, Clayton State University. We also want to thank Dr. Utako Tanigawa, Founder and President of Georgia Musicale Group for her organization and direction of this event. We also would like to express our sincere appreciation to Julie Woodall who served as MC for the concert, and other GMG members; Pam Martin, Krist Helfen, Annette Russo, Asa Williams, and others who have worked behind the scenes preparing and running this concert.
Respectfully submitted by: Annette Russo
September 5, 2019 Home Musicale
On this beautiful Thursday morning, we met at the home of Pam Martin for our monthly musicale. A small, but mighty group of 10 gathered for this event. Pam led with MacDowell’s 3 from the Fireside Tales, Op. 61. We also enjoyed a variety of piano and vocal pieces which are listed below in the program. An interesting discussion about performance and memory followed our session.
Our luncheon was delicious. We began with chicken salad, a vegetable curry dish over rice, mac and cheese, salad, fruit, and for dessert, tiramisu, chocolate cake and a pistachio cream pie.
Many thanks to Pam for her warm hospitality and opening up her home to us.
On September 15, 2019, the next concert will be at Spivey Hall at 3pm. Come and enjoy the performances by our GMG members. It will be a wonderful afternoon.
1. Pam Martin / MacDowell 3 from Fireside Tales Op. 61
2. Robin Engleman and Kimber Kwiatkowski / Massanet Elegie
Robin Engleman and Kimber Kwiatkowski / Mozart Non so piu cosa son
3. Utako Tanigawa / Schubert Impromptu no 2
4. Julie Woodall / Chopin Scherzo Op.39
5. Annette Russo w/Julie / Donaudy Amorosi miei giorni
6. Judy Manganiello / Bruce Berr Barcarolle Impromptu
7. Jimmy Baskerville / Liszt Liebestraum # 3
8. Kimber Kwiatkowski / Gershwin Preludes
Chen Pan, Janet Yao Listener
(Respectfully submitted by Annette Russo)
Copy Of -September 5, 2019 Home Musicale
On this beautiful Thursday morning, we met at the home of Pam Martin for our monthly musicale. A small, but mighty group of 10 gathered for this event. Pam led with MacDowell’s 3 from the Fireside Tales, Op. 61. We also enjoyed a variety of piano and vocal pieces which are listed below in the program. An interesting discussion about performance and memory followed our session.
Our luncheon was delicious. We began with chicken salad, a vegetable curry dish over rice, mac and cheese, salad, fruit, and for dessert, tiramisu, chocolate cake and a pistachio cream pie.
Many thanks to Pam for her warm hospitality and opening up her home to us.
On September 15, 2019, the next concert will be at Spivey Hall at 3pm. Come and enjoy the performances by our GMG members. It will be a wonderful afternoon.
1. Pam Martin / MacDowell 3 from Fireside Tales Op. 61
2. Robin Engleman and Kimber Kwiatkowski / Massanet Elegie
Robin Engleman and Kimber Kwiatkowski / Mozart Non so piu cosa son
3. Utako Tanigawa / Schubert Impromptu no 2
4. Julie Woodall / Chopin Scherzo Op.39
5. Annette Russo w/Julie / Donaudy Amorosi miei giorni
6. Judy Manganiello / Bruce Berr Barcarolle Impromptu
7. Jimmy Baskerville / Liszt Liebestraum # 3
8. Kimber Kwiatkowski / Gershwin Preludes
Chen Pan, Janet Yao Listener
(Respectfully submitted by Annette Russo)

August 31, 2019 Music Marathon at PianoWorks
Our 2019 Music Marathon was held at Piano Works in Duluth, GA. We appreciate Piano Works hosting the event again this year. Our special guest, Dr. Evgeny Rivkin, is a professor at the UGA School of Music. Dr. Rivken performs as a soloist and chamber musician throughout the US, Russia, Canada, Brazil, and Europe as well as presenting master classes worldwide.
Session I of the afternoon highlighted GMG members in concert. There were a variety of solo and ensemble performances with piano, clarinet and vocal selections. We enjoyed a piano duet and a two-piano Sonata. The composers included Schumann, Ravel, Massenet, Debussy, Schulhoff, Mozart, and Rossini.
Session II focused on Tchaikovsky’s, “The Seasons” and a discussion with Dr. Rivken. Dr. Rivken played January, February, and March from, “The Seasons”. GMG members continued by playing May, August, and December. An interesting and informative panel discussion of the “Beauty of Eastern Europe Music” followed.
Session III was a Master Class by Dr. Rivken. Several GMG members performed special works to be critiqued by Dr. Rivken. The selections included The Beethoven Sonata Op. 53 Waldstein 1stmovement, The Brahms Rhapsody in G Minor, Grieg’s Sonata in e minor, Prokofiev’s Visions Fugitives Op 22 # 3 and # 10, Ravel’s Tocatta from le Tombeau de Couperin, and Debussy’s Jardins sous la pluie. Dr. Rivken gave very specific observations and recommendations to each musician, and we all benefitted from his Master Class.
Refreshments were available to our audience throughout the afternoon. We enjoyed some quiche, a lentil casserole, sandwiches, fruit and vegetable platters. Cheese and crackers, a variety of sweets, and beverages were also available.
Another highlight of the event is our silent auction. The table was filled with photos, a spinning wheel, leather purses, quilted table runners, wine, and gift baskets. Attendees bid on the items and took home some wonderful possessions at the end of the day. GMG benefits from this fundraiser so thank you to those who donated and purchased items at the auction.
The entire Music Marathon was very successful thanks to Dr. Tanigawa in the planning of this event and GMG members who performed and assisted in various roles throughout the day. There were 54 GMG members and guests who attended the Music Marathon. Piano Works is a lovely venue for this special event and many thanks to Piano Works for hosting us. Finally, we appreciated learning from our special guest, Dr. Rivken and his expertise, throughout the afternoon.
(Respectfully submitted by Annette Russo)

August 20, 2019 PianoWorks
It was a full program of music at Georgia Musicale Group’s meeting at PianoWorks on Tuesday, August 20, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. For two hours members and guests performed and were treated to various musical works ranging from the classical period through modern day. Selections included piano solo, vocal, piano duet, clarinet, and clarinet trio, shown below:
Jimmy Baskerville / Bach Prelude and Fugue
Julie Woodall / Chopin Scherzo, op. 39
Fuling Chiang and Robin Engleman / Giordano Amor ti vieta
Fuling Chiang and Robin Engleman / Rolf Løvland; Brendan Graham You Raise Me Up
Susan Tanguy and Sabine Walsh / Martha Mier Skateboard Boogie
Sabine Walsh / Yiruma River Flows in You
Susan Tanguy / Hardy The Homecoming
Robin Engleman and Kimber Kwiatkowski / Massanet Elegie
Robin Engleman and Kimber Kwiatkowski / Mozart Non so piu cosa son
Judy Manganiello / Hurwitz La La Land Medley
Abbie Hattauer / Asberry In the Bleak Midwinter
Pam Asberry / Asberry The Presence of Wonder
Ed Ewing / Ravel Toccata, Le Tombeau d C
Anna Armstrong, Leanne Manning / Gershwin It Ain't Necessarily So
Anna Armstrong, Leanne Manning / Williams Schindler's List
Asa J Williams / Tchaikovsky The Seasons, Op 37a, August
Asa J Williams / Tchaikovsky The Seasons, Op 37a, November
Kimber Kwiatkowski / Tchaikovsky The Seasons, Op 37a, December
Utako Tanigawa / Beethoven Op 53 1st movt.
Pam Martin and Kristi Helfen / Manookian Scens of the Seasons: Summer solstice
Pam Asberry and Kristi Helfen / Tchaikovsky The Seasons, Op 371, May
Sherry Ellis, viola/Diane Hargreaves, Clarinet, Esther Sokol, Piano - Atlanta Clarinet Trio
Mozart "Kegelstatt-Trio" in E Flat Major for Piano, Clarinet, and Viola: Andante, Menuetto, and Rondeaux
Many thanks to Don Bennett and the entire staff of PianoWorks for making these musicales possible.
Please join us at the second annual Georgia Musicale Group Music Marathon on Saturday, August 31, 2019, at PianoWorks from 12:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Detailed information can be found on our website.
(Respectfully Submitted by Kimber Kwiatkowski)
August 1, 2019 Home Musicale at President's Salon
On Thursday morning, August 1, 2019, we met for our monthly Musicale at the home of Utako Tanigawa and Steven Bennett, where they welcomed us to their beautiful home. There were 10 GMG members who performed and 9 other members and guests who attended this musicale.
Our program began with Leanne playing the Brahms Sonata No. 1 for Clarinet accompanied by Janet Yao on piano. The next three performers played Tchaikovsky’s February as a piano duet, April, and June with flute and piano. We enjoyed more piano by Rachmaninoff and Ravel. The Mozart Concerto No. 23 1stMovement was played by Utako and Julie on two pianos. Finally, Ruth and Julie played and sang an amazing Cat Duet. Yes, you would have thought those kitties were there in the room with us. The entire program follows. It was a very enjoyable Musicale.
1. Leanne Manning and Janet Yao / Brahms Sonata No 1 1st movement
2. Anna Armstrong and Janet Yao / Tchaikovsky February (duet)
3. Judy Manganiello / Tchaikovsky April
4. Chen Pan and Janet Yao / Tchaikovsky June (Flute)
5. Annette Russo / Rachmaninoff Vocalise Op. 34, No14
6. Ed Ewing / Ravel Prelude, Le Tombeau de Couperin
7. UtakoTanigawa and Julie Woodall / Mozart Concerto No.23 1st movement
8. Ruth Purcell with Julie Woodall / Rossini Cat Duet – Piano and Vocal
9. Abbie Hattauer Listener
10. Rob Busey Listener
11. Joe Chapman Listener (Professor at UNG)
12. Joanna or Arthur Listener Audience, Dawson Chorale
13. Carole Kennedy Listener Audience, Dawson Chorale
14. Virgil Kennedy Listener Audience, Dawson Chorale
15. Rory Berg Listener Abbie’s granddaughter
16. Dr. Vernessa Phan Listener Ed’s friend
17. Steven Bennett Listener
Our luncheon was served as a buffet where we eagerly tried the gourmet dishes prepared for us by Utako and Steven. The meal began with Camembert Cheese, Yellow and Red Pepper Salad with cheese and Tofu and Okura Salad. We enjoyed the following side dishes: Ratatouille, Cucumber and Mandarin Orange Sushi, Potato Gratin, and Rosemary Bread, with Roasted Pork. Dessert followed with Chocolate Cake, Zucchini Cake, and Tiramisu. Coffee and a variety of teas accompanied our meal. We thank Steven for the fresh vegetables came from his garden. Thank you Utako and Steven for the preparing and serving this delicious luncheon, hosting this Musicale, and your warm hospitality.
Home Musicales are special gatherings where we share our gifts of musical expression. We are continually inspired and encouraged by others in the group to achieve our best.
There are many opportunities to participate in GMG events. A GMG Music Marathon will be held on Saturday, August 31stat PianoWorks in Duluth from 12-4:30pm. Also, the Spivey Hall Concert will be held on Sunday September 15th from 3-5:30pm. We encourage you to be a part of GMG. Check out these events and many more on the website: mygmg.org
(Respectfully Submitted: Annette Russo)
July 27, 2019 HMA Musicale
Saturday afternoon, July 27, we gathered at Hawk Music Academy in Vickery Village, in Cumming. We want to thank Dr. Eric Hawk and Dr. Dawn Dalangin Hawk for their hospitality at Hawk Music Academy. Nine of the GMG members attended this musicale.
We were treated to a variety of performances. A new ensemble performed Elegie with a beautiful combination of voice, clarinet, and piano. Judy shared some highlights of her week at Peabody Conservatory Music Camp. We enjoyed an afternoon of piano, clarinet, and vocal performances. You may continue reading the program details below. Thank you all for sharing your wonderful musical contributions.
1. Shoko Tanaka / Debussy Estamps III, Jardins sous la pluie
2. Robin Engleman w/ Shoko Tanaka / Schmann An die musik
Quilter Love’s Philosophy
3. Leanne Manning w/ Shoko Tanaka / Debussy Premier Rhapsody
4. Utako Tanigawa / Shubert Impromptu Op. 90 No. 2
5. Robin Engleman, Leanne Manning, and Kimber Kwiatkowski / Massanet Elegie
6. Kimber Kwiatkowski / Gershwin Preludes
7. Susan Tanguy / Hardy The Homecoming
8. Judy Manganiello / Mary Leaf Rhapsody in G Minor
Chopin Waltz in D flat Major, Op. 64 No. 1
9. Annette Russo w/Robin Engleman / Schumann-Liszt Widmung
10. Abbie Hattauer / Johann Strauss Chacun a son gout
11. Steven Bennett (Listener)
Our tradition is to enjoy some light refreshments after performing, and this musicale was no exception. All of us love to hear the progress of each performer from Musicales to Concerts. It’s a remarkable experience. Thank you all for your continued dedication to your work with GMG, your love of music, and your willingness to share the beauty of music with others.
(Respectfully Submitted: Annette Russo)
July 16, 2019 PianoWorks Musicale
Six members of the Georgia Musicale Group met at PianoWorks in Duluth at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, July 16, 2019.
Utako, GMG’s founder and president, welcomed this small but mighty group and reviewed several items including plans for this year’s auction on 8/31 and how to secure advance tickets for Spivey Hall. The morning’s limited group of performers allowed for an even more relaxed atmosphere and provided an opportunity for members to share sights into their instruments and their recent participation in competitions. It was a fascinating morning on many levels.
After everyone had performed prepared selections (as listed below) several members took the “stage” again and shared more music by Tchaikovsky, as well as two pieces each by Rachmaninoff and Scriabin and a selection by Chopin.
Asa J Williams Tchaikovsky’s March, from The Seasons, Op 37b
Leanne Manning/Pam Martin Schumann’s Fantasy Pieces
Abbie Hattauer/Asa J Williams Camille Saint-Saens’ Mon cœur s'ouvre à ta voix
Utako Tanigawa Haydn’s Sonata job:xvi 46
Ed Ewing Ravel’s Prelude, Le Tombeau de Couperin
When the performances were complete PianoWorks Office Manager, Linda Eads, snapped our group photo. Members lingered over our breakfast treats and dispersed shortly thereafter.
GMG is most grateful to Don Bennett and the entire staff at PianoWorks – Duluth for generously providing their recital hall every month for these events. They are unfailingly accommodating – moving chairs and serving tables and, of course, providing amazing instruments for our members use and everyone’s enjoyment.
Next month’s PianoWorks – Duluth Musicale will be held on Tuesday, August 20thbeginning at 10 a.m. Our second annual Music Marathon will again be held at PianoWorks on Saturday, August 31stfrom noon until 4:30 p.m. Full details are on the GMG website at www.mygmg.org.
(Respectfully submitted by Abbie Hattauer)
July 11, 2019 Home Musicale
Georgia Musicale Group member Sabine Walsh welcomed 15 (!) GMG performers to her lovely home at 10 o’clock Thursday morning on July 11, 2019 for the group’s monthly Home Musicale.
Several items were covered before the music began: performers’ comments on the July 9th concert at the University of North Georgia, information about Tom Slavicek’s donation for our upcoming auction on 8/31, a review of GMG’s updated Performers’ Rules and information about ticket availability for Spivey Hall.
And then the music began! Nearly a dozen composers were represented in solos and duos for piano, clarinet, flute and voice. The full program of music is listed below.
Tom Slavicek Chopin’s Prelude op. 28 No. 13, Mazurka Op. 10 No. 1
Chen Pan Steckmest’s Fantasie "On wings of song" Op.17 No.1
Sabine Walsh Yiruma’s River Flows in You
Utako Tanigawa Schumann-Liszt’s Widmung
Annette Russo Rubinstein’s Kamennoi-Ostrow
Anna Armstrong/Janet Yao Chopin/Balakirev’s Suite - 1st and 3rd movements
Abbie Hattauer/Asa J Williams Camille Saint-Saens’s Mon coeur s'ouvre ta voix
Asa J Williams Tchaikovsky’s October, from The Seasons, op 37a
Leanne Manning/Janet Yao Brahms’ Sonata No 1 4th movement
Kimber Kwiatkowski Gershwin’s Preludes
Ed Ewing Ravel’s Menuet
Robin Engleman/Kimber Kwiatkowski Chopin’s Prelude in C Minor (Op. 28, no. 20); Christ be with me!
Rob Busey Chopin’s Prelude
Julie Woodall Chopin’s Scherzo, Op. 39(partial)
Lunch for all featured Sabine’s delicious French chicken/onion casserole and was surrounded by various side dishes and desserts prepared by members. Conversation ensued and several late-leaving members were treated to brief piano performances by Sabine’s son and nephew – an unexpected bonus. All in all, a delightful morning filled with music and fellowship. Many thanks to Sabine for her gracious hospitality.
Our next Home Musicale will be held on Thursday, August 1, 2019 at Utako’s home (a change in venue).
(Respectfully submitted by Abbie Hattauer)

July 6, 2019 HMA Musicale
Our latest musicale on July 6 was the usual lovely affair, due, in part, to the venue at the new Hawk Music Academy facility. Many thanks to Drs. Dawn Dalangin Hawk and Eric Hawk for their generosity and to GMG Board Member Shoko Tanaka for coordinating the logistics to open, set up and clean up for this event. A full complement of 14 performers nearly filled the intimately sized performance hall, including three singers and Sam Smith, our newest member. A complete listing of all performers and their selections follows.
Shoko Tanaka / Debussy Jardins sous la pluie
Leanne Manning with Shoko / Debussy Premiere Rhapsodie
Abbie Hattauer with Asa / Camille Saint-Saens Mon coeur s'ouvre a ta voix
Robin, Kimber & Leanne / Massanet Elegie
Annette Russo with Robin / Donaudy O del mio amato ben
Fuling Chiang with Robin / Donizetti Una furtiva lagrima
Tosti La Serenata
Utako Tanigawa / Haydn Sonata Hob:xvi 46
Sam Smith / Beethoven Piano Sonata op 26 - Scherzo
Judy Manganiello / Chopin Waltz in D flat Major
Kimber Kwiatkowski / Brahms Rhapsody Op. 79 No. 2
Asa J Williams / Tchaikovsky The Seasons, Op 37a, August
Pam Martin and Kristi Helfen / Dvorak #1,6 From the Bohemian Forest, Op. 68
Robin Engleman with Kimber / Barber Must the Winter Come So Soon
Robin Engleman with Shoko / Quilter Love’s Philosophy
GMG will return to the Hawk Music Academy at 4 p.m. on Saturday, July 27, 2019 for another Musicale. Information about many GMG special program events, and, of course, our wonderful annual concert at Spivey Hall on September 15 can be found on Georgia Musicale Group’s website at www.mygmg.org.
(Respectfully submitted by Rob Busey)
June 18, 2019 PianoWorks Musicale
Seven members of the Georgia Musicale Group met at PianoWorks in Duluth at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, June 18, 2019. These six performers and one listener (so glad you could join us Sharon – we have missed you!) were joined by three (!) guests . . . Sun Ely, a friend of Asa; Barbara Robinson, a friend of Kimber; and Sam Smith, who had heard Utako play at a home musicale several years ago and who traveled over an hour to join us! What a wonderful way to start our gathering!
Utako, GMG’s founder and president, is currently a competitor at the 2019 Piano Texas Festival so Abbie welcomed all to this monthly Musicale. Asa started us off with works by two Russian composers. A complete listing of performers and their selections follows:
Asa J Williams Tchaikovsky The Seasons, Op 37a, March
Asa J Williams Tchaikovsky The Seasons, Op 37a, August
Asa J Williams Kabalevsky Sonata No. 3 in F, Op. 46, 1st movement
Leanne Manning Melvin Solomon The Spanish Dancer
Leanne Manning Joseph Horovitz Two Majorcan Pieces
Kimber Kwiatkowski " "
Nancy Dunn Beethoven Sonata #15, 1st movement
Jimmy Baskeville Brahms Rhapsody #2
Jimmy Baskeville Brahms Rhapsody #3
Ed Ewing Bach Prelude, English Suite II
Ed Ewing Ravel Prelude, Le Tombeau d C
Ed Ewing Ravel Menuet, Le Tombeau d C
Abbie Hattauer Massenet Meditation (piano solo)
When the performances were completed, we gathered for our group photo (many thanks to Asa and Sun for facilitating this task) and then enjoyed greeting old friends (and new!) over breakfast treats donated by members and organized by Jimmy -- a great team effort!
GMG is most grateful to Don Bennett and the entire staff at PianoWorks – Duluth for generously providing their recital hall every month for these events. They are unfailingly accommodating – moving chairs and serving tables and, of course, providing amazing instruments for our members use and everyone’s enjoyment.
Next month’s PianoWorks – Duluth Musicale will be held on Tuesday, July 16th beginning at 10 a.m.
Update on 6/20/2019 –Sam Smith (who had already become a GMG member!) will be joining us on July 6 at our Musicale at Hawk Music Academy – Welcome aboard, Sam!
(Respectfully submitted by Abbie Hattauer)
June 6, 2019 Home Musicale
Georgia Musicale Group board member Ed Ewing welcomed 13 GMG members to his unique home at 10 o’clock Thursday morning on June 6, 2019 for the group’s monthly Home Musicale. Before the music began GMG’s president and founder, Utako Tanigawa, reviewed recent changes and additions to the organization’s 2019 Performer Rules. She also encouraged all to attend several upcoming events including a joint concert at University of North Georgia featuring Dr. Joe Chapman (a GMG member), college students and GMG members.
A full program of music then began as listed below.
Janet Yao Granados Spanish Dances, Op. 37 No.2
Chen Pan Handel Sonata in C Major, Op. 1 No.7
Abbie Hattauer Jules Massenet Meditation
Utako Tanigawa Scarlatti L. 449 & L. 415 or Rameau Sarabande
Leanne Manning/Janet YaoBrahms Clarinet Sonata No. 2, 2nd Movement
Nancy Dunn Beethoven Sonata #15, 1st movement
Rob Busey Chopin Prelude in B minor
Kimber Kwiatkowski Gershwin Preludes I and II
Judy Manganiello Yurima River Flows In You
Pam Martin/Kristi Helfen DeFalla La Vida Breve Danza #1
Following our group photo (thank you Steven!), Ed took everyone on a tour of his home which is filled with his original artwork and wood furniture. Antique fossils (millions of years old) and other artifacts from Ed’s worldwide travels were also included in our tour.
A potluck lunch followed at multiple dining tables and Ed’s homemade individual chocolate mousse confections rounded-out a wonderful morning of music and fellowship. Many thanks to Ed for his hospitality.
Our next Home Musicale will be held on Thursday, July 11, 2019 at Sabine Walsh’s home.
(Respectfully submitted, Abbie Hattauer)
May 21, 2019 PianoWorks Musicale
Eighteen GMG members assembled on May 21st at 10:00 at PianoWorks for an extended time of musical selections. Utako graciously welcomed the attendees and we thus began a delightful morning with a wide array of beautiful pieces. We had some fabulous solo performances as well as several collaborative performances featuring Leanne Manning, Julie Woodall, Leah Frick, Maggie Frick, Abbie Hattauer, Anna Armstrong, Pam Martin, Kristin Helfen and Monique Arar.
Kimber Kwiatkowski / Gershwin Prelude II (Blue Lullaby) (1927)
Jeni Kong / J.S.Bach Partita in C minior
Chopin Etude Op.10 no. 12
Asa J Williams / Rachmaninov Prelude in c# minor
Leanne Manning & Julie Woodall / Brahms Sonata No. 2, 3rd and 4th movements
Leah Frick / A. Dvorak Humoresque
Maggie Frick / Mozart Sonata K 333 3rd mov.
Julie Woodall / Grieg Sonata in e minor, mv't 2
Ed Ewing / Ravel Menuet
Anna Armstrong / Richard Rodgers Spring Is Here
Judy Manganiello / Tchaikovsky April
Nancy Dunn / Beethoven Sonata #15, 1st mov.
Sabine Walsh / J.S. Bach Menuet and Trio in B Minor
Arnold Sonata in D Major, Op.12, No. 3; 1st Mvt.
Schubert Scherzo in Bb Major D 593 No. 1
N. Ikeda Shooting Stars in Summer
Abbie Hattauer with Anna Armstrong / Michel Legrand What are you doing the rest of your life?
Pam Martin & Kristi Helfen / Dvorak From the Bohemian Forest
Silent Woods, From Troubled Times
Utako Tanigawa & Julie / Mozart Concerto No.23 1st movt.
Jimmy Baskerville / Jimmy Improvisation
Monique Arar & Julie / Grieg Piano Concerto mvt.1
The GMG would like to warmly thank Don Bennett, manager at PianoWorks, for hosting us. Their friendly staff and comfortable facilities provided a stellar atmosphere for us to perform in. We would also like to give a shout out to Jimmy for his kind labors in organizing our refreshments.
The next PianoWorks musicale is scheduled to take place Tuesday, June 18, 2019 and begins at 10 am.
(Respectfully submitted by Leah Frick)

May 19, 2019 GMG Concert at Steinway Piano Galleries ~Dr. Utako Tanigawa Semi-Solo Concert~
More than 40 music lovers gathered in the Barbara Kirby Recital Hall at Steinway Piano Galleries in Alpharetta on Sunday afternoon for a special concert featuring Georgia Musicale Group’s founder and president, Dr. Utako Tanigawa and four GMG members. Director of Education, Tom Olson, welcomed the audience and explained about the specials of Steinway Piano.
Utako’s repertoire featured selections by Haydn, Chopin, Beethoven and Mozart. The four GMG members rounded out the program with a vocal selection from Les Mis, piano solos by Debussy and Grieg and a Brahms concerto featuring clarinet and piano. A complete program listing follows:
Utako Tanigawa (Piano)
Sonata in E-flat major hob:xvi 46 Joseph Haydn (1732 – 1809)
Nocturne in E-flat major Op. 55 No2 Frédéric Chopin (1810 – 1849)
Scherzo in b-flat minor No. 2 Op. 31 Frédéric Chopin (1810 – 1849)
Abbie Hattauer (Mezzo Soprano) & Shoko Tanaka (Piano)
"I Dreamed a Dream" Claude-Michel Schönberg (1944 - )
Shoko Tanaka (Piano)
Estampes 1. Pagodes Claude Debussy (1862 – 1918)
Julie Woodall (Piano)
Sonata in e minor Edvard Grieg (1843 – 1907)
I. Allegro moderato
II. Andante molto
Leanne Manning (Clarinet) and Julie Woodall (Piano)
Sonata No. 2 for Clarinet and Piano in E-flat, Op.120 Johannes Brahms (1833 – 1897)
III. Andante con moto
IV. Allegro
Utako Tanigawa (Piano)
Sonata in C major hob: xvi 50 1st mvt. Joseph Haydn (1732 – 1809)
Nocturne in D-flat major, Op. 27 No2 Frédéric Chopin (1810 – 1849)
Sonata in C major Op. 53 1st movt. Allegro Ludwig Van Beethoven (1775 – 1827)
Utako Tanigawa (Piano) and Julie Woodall (Piano)
Piano Concerto in A major No.23 1st movt. Allegro Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 – 1791)
Audience members were enthusiastic in their response to the program and appreciative that GMG provides numerous free concerts throughout the year and at many different venues. “Providing joyful opportunities for people of all ages to perform and listen to live music is our mission,” stated Dr. Tanigawa. “We are all kindred spirits who support and encourage each other.”
GMG is most grateful to President and CEO Chris Syllaba; Director of Education, Tom Olson; Vice President, Steve Miller and the entire staff at Steinway Piano Galleries for generously providing their recital hall for concerts throughout the year. They are unfailingly accommodating – moving chairs and serving tables and, of course, providing amazing instruments for our members’ use and everyone’s enjoyment.
(Respectfully submitted by Abbie Hattauer)

May 4, 2019 Special Musical at Dr. Jeni Kong
A special musicale was held Saturday, May 4, 2019, at the beautiful home of Dr. Jeni Kong. It was an unpredictable day weather-wise but very predictable music-wise as all of the music was delightful. While the number of attendees was small, the enthusiasm was great and made for a wonderful way to spend a Saturday afternoon/evening. The program, which included piano solos, clarinet solo, clarinet with piano accompaniment, and vocalist with piano accompaniment, is shown below:
Utako Tanigawa / Beethoven Op. 53 1st movt.
Chopin Scherzo No2
Kimber Kwiatkowski / Chopin Impromptu Op. 29
Jeni Kong / Scarlatti Sonata No.22 in D major
Chopin Etude Op.10 No. 12
Liszt La Campanella
Leanne Manning and Kimber / Xavier Lefevre Allegro moderato
Sabine Walsh / Schubert Scherzo in Bb Major D 593 No. 1
Arnold Sonata in D Major, Op.12, No. 3; 1st Mvt.
Heller Etude in D Minor
Bürgmuller The Storm
Ikeda Shooting Stars in Summer
Bach Menuet and Trio in B Minor
Robin Engleman / Handel Lascia ch’io pianga
Gounod Faites-lui mes aveux
Rob Busey "Supporter"
Steven Bennett Listener
Everyone enjoyed sushi and other epicurean delights along with very informative and entertaining conversation.
Many thanks to Dr. Jeni Kong and her family for hosting this special musicale.
Please join us at our next concert at Steinway Piano Galleries in Alpharetta on Sunday, May 19, 2019, at 3:00 p.m. featuring Dr. Utako Tanigawa and GMG friends.

May 2, 2019 Home Musicale
On a beautiful May morning, we met at the home of Kimber Kwiatkowski. Abbie was there to greet us as we arrived. There were 14 GMG members who attended this musicale.
Kimber opened the program with the Chopin Impromptu followed by Leanne playing the Lefevre Clarinet Sonata. Robin serenaded us with Handel’s Lascia chio pianga. The Handel flute Sonata performed by Janet and Chen was very soothing . Many of our members are perfecting various pieces, and we are enjoying the progress each one is making. Sabine, we enjoyed that Heller Etude in D Minor. Janet and Anna spiced up the program with some Jazz Duets. Ed finished off with the Beatles, “And I Love Her”. We might just sing along next time.
1 Kimber Kwiatkowski / Chopin Impromptu 51
2. Leanne Manning with Kimber / Xavier Lefevre Sonata Allegro Moderato
3. Robin Engleman with Kimber / Handel Lascia chio pianga
4. Annette Russo with Julie / Grieg I Love Thee
5. Chen Pan / Handel Sonata in G minor Op. 1 No. 2
6. Janet Yao / Grieg Lyric Piece Op. 12 No. 1Arietta
Lyric Piece Op.71 No.7 Remembrances
Lyric Piece Op.38 No.7 Waltz
Lyric Piece Op.12 No.4 Elfin- Dance
7. Abbie Hattauer / Massenet Meditation
8. Sabine Walsh / Heller Etude in D Minor
Shubert Scherzo in B Flat Major
9. Jimmy Baskerville / Shubert Impromptu Op.90 No. 2
10. Judy Manganiello / Leaf Rhapsody in G Minor
11. Anna Armstrong with Janet / Lucia Clarke Jazz Duets
12. Ed Ewing / The Beatles And I Love Her
Following the performance, we always enjoy a wonderful luncheon. A buffet of Chicken Salad, BBQ Baked Chicken, Quiche, Vegetable Casserole, Salad, Fresh Fruit, Lemon Blueberry Cake, Lemon Cake, and Ice Cream for dessert. Utako surprised us with birthday cards, cake, and candles for the May birthdays. Happy Birthday Robin and Annette.
While the food is delicious, there is great fellowship and conversation around the table. Each Musicale reinforces the spirit of the organization where the members support and encourage each other with their goals as musicians.
Kimber, thank you for welcoming us into your home. We all enjoyed your hospitality at this musicale. Please join us for the next Home Musicale at the home of Ed Ewing on June 6, beginning at 10 a.m.
(Respectfully Submitted: Annette Russo)

April 26, 2019 HMA Musicale
Friday afternoon, April 26, we gathered at Hawk Music Academy in Vickery Village, in Cumming. We want to thank Dr. Eric Hawk and Dr. Dawn Dalangin Hawk for welcoming GMG to their music academy. This was the first musicale at this location, and there will be more to follow. Nine of the GMG members attended as well as a few guests.
We began the musicale with Abbie singing “Connais-tu le pays”, beautifully. We thoroughly enjoyed the Brahms Sonata #2 for clarinet by Leanne and Julie accompanying on piano. Many other wonderful piano pieces were performed that afternoon. Utako amazed us with the Chopin Scherzo from memory, and Kimber effortlessly performed the Impromptu by Chopin. The program was great as you will see below. Thank you all for sharing your wonderful musical contributions to this musicale.
1. Abbie Hattauer with Kimber / Ambroise Thomas Connais-tu le pays
2. Judy Manganiello / Mary Leaf Rhapsody in G Minor
3. Annette Russo with Julie / Donaudy O del mio amato ben
4. Kimber Kwiatkowski / Chopin Impromptu Op. 29
5. Utako Tanigawa / Chopin Scherzo No. 2
6. Leanne Manning with Julie Woodall / Brahms Clarinet Sonata #2 in E-flat, Op.120, 1st and 2nd movements
7. Shoko Tanaka / Debussy Estamps III, Jardins sous la pluie
8. Sabine Walsh / Schubert Scherzo in Bb Major D 593 No. 1
Arnold Sonata in D major, Op. 12, No. 3; 1st Movement
Bach Menuet and Trio in B Minor
Dawn Dalangin Hawk / Listener
Susan Bush / Listener
Tanya Krislasky / Listener
After performing, we enjoyed some light refreshments as we socialized with each other. At the musicale, we appreciate the progress each one has made with their respective pieces. Many works in progress become concert performances. Thank you all for your continued dedication to your work with GMG, your love of music, and your willingness to share the beauty of music with others.
We hope to see you at the next Home Musicale at the home of Kimber Kwiatkowski on May 2, beginning at 10 a.m.
(Respectfully Submitted by Annette Russo)
April 16, 2019 PianoWorks Musicale
Fifteen GMG members and one guest gathered together on April 16th 10:00am at PianoWorks for a morning of music and fellowship. Utako welcomed the attendees and we sat back to enjoy a series of excellent performances. Several performers used this musicale as an opportunity to test their memory and appreciated the grace and encouragement of the audience as they did so. Sabine Walsh played the four pieces she will be performing at her upcoming Royal Conservatory examination. Best of luck, Sabine!
Utako Tanigawa / Chopin Scherzo No.2
Asa J Williams / Beethoven Sonata in C Major, Op. 2, No. 3; 1st mvt.
Sabine Walsh / J.S. Bach Menuet and Trio in B Minor
Schubert Scherzo in Bb Major D 593 No. 1
Arnold Sonata in D Major, Op.12, No. 3; 1st mvt.
Ikeda Shooting Stars in Summer
Abbie Hattauer / Amboise Thomas Connais-tu le pays
Jimmy Baskerville / Liszt Lieberstraum #3
Anna Armstrong / Debussy Clair de Lune
Monique Arar & Julie / Grieg Piano Concerto 1st mvt.
Maggie Frick / Chopin Etude Op. 25 No. 7
Ed Ewing / Ravel Menuet
Leah Frick / J.S. Bach Gavotte in G Minor
Leanne Manning & Julie Woodall / Brahms Sonata No. 2, 2nd mvt.
Kimber Kwiatkowski / Chopin Impromptu Op. 51
Robin Engleman & Kimber / Handel Lascia chio pianga
The GMG would like to warmly thank Sam Bennett and the staff at PianoWorks for allowing us to use their superb facilities.
The next PianoWorks musicale is scheduled to take place on May 21st at 10:00am.
(Respectfully submitted by Maggie Frick)

April 7, 2019 Steinway Concert ~ Dr. Jeni Kong Semi-solo Concert
Seven GMG performers and more than twenty people of audience gathered in Barbara Kirby Recital Hall at Steinway Piano Galleries in Alpharetta at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday April 7th.
It was a special concert for GMG to feature Dr. Jeni Kong, one of GMG patrons who has remarkable achievements in several competitions locally and nationally. Her latest achievement was winning 2nd place at the Washington International Piano Competition for Amateur Pianists which was held in Washington D.C. in August 2018.
In the first half of concert, six members from GMG have brightened the concert hall with their performance including piano solo, vocal, clarinet and violin. Everyone enjoyed variety of music with different instruments. After the first half, there was an intermission where people had delicious foods and drinks donated by Dr. Jeni Kong (Many thanks to Jeni!) and pleasant conversations.
In the second half of the concert, audience was treated with magnificent performance by Dr. Jeni Kong. She played three movements from Bach Partita in C minor, BWV 826, two pieces from Chopin Mazurkas, Mendelssohn’s variations, and “La Campanella” by Franz Listz with arrangement by Busoni. The complete program is shown below.
Her performance was absolutely outstanding and amazed the whole audience to let them do standing ovation at the end. At the last of concert, GMG president, Dr. Utako Tanigawa brought a beautiful flower and presented to Dr. Jeni Kong. All performers and audience got together in front of the stage and took picture.
Utako Tanigawa (Piano)
Sonata in A flat major, Hob:xvi 46 Joseph Haydn (1732 – 1809)
Abbie Hattauer (Mezzo Soprano) & Anna Armstrong (Piano)
What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life? Michel Legrand (1932 – 2019)
Leanne Manning (Clarinet) & Shoko Tanaka (Piano)
Introduction, Theme and Variations Gioachino Rossini (1792 – 1868)
Barry Roseman (Violin) & Anna Armstrong (Piano)
Sonata IV in D major George Handel (1685 – 1759)
Jeni Kong (Piano)
Partita in C minor, BWV 826 J.S. Bach(1685 – 1750)
Movements: Sarabande, Rondeau, Capriccio
Mazurkas Op.24 Frederic Chopin (1810 – 1849)
No. 2 & No.4
Variations serieuses Op 54 Felix Mendelssohn(1809 – 1947)
Paganini Etude S. 161 No. 3 “La Campanella” Franz Liszt (1811 – 1886)
Ferruccio Busoni (1866 – 1924)
The Georgia Musicale Group is grateful for Mr. Tom Olsen and all staff at Steinway Piano Galleries that they always support us generously in success of the concert. The next GMG concert at Steinway Piano Galleries will be held on May 19th 2019 at 3p.m. to feature Dr. Utako Tanigawa’s for ther semi solo concert. More information is available at website: mygmg.org
(Respectfully Submitted by Shoko Tanaka)
April 4, 2019 Home Musicale
Thursday morning, April 4, we gathered at the lovely home of Judy Mangianello. Judy and Abbie welcomed us as we arrived. There were 18 GMG members and guests who attended this musicale.
Our Musicale began with Judy beautifully playing “April” in April. We were also pleased to have Nico join us and play “La Campanella” as he was on Spring Break. Music flowed gracefully from the fingers of one performer to the next, and we enjoyed each composition and composer. The flute, clarinet, and vocal solos added a wonderful variety of music to our program. We appreciate the dedication and contributions of each performer.
1 Judy Manganiello / Tchaikovsky April
2 Annette Russo / Rubinstein Kamennoi Ostrow Op. 10 No. 22(2 pgs)
3 Kimber Kwiatkowski / Chopin Impromptu Op. 29 No. 1
4 Tom Slavicek / Grieg Notturno Op.54 no.4
5 Kristi Helfen & Pam Martin / Dvorak In the Spinning Room
6 Asa J Williams / Beethoven Sonata Op. 2, No. 3, Mvmt 3
7 Janet Yao / Bach Fantasia in c minor, BWV 906
8 Nico Brett / Liszt La Campanella
9 Monique Arar / Debussy Pour le piano - Prelude
10 Julie Woodall / Grieg Sonata in eminor, mov't 3
11 Jimmy Baskerville / Schubert Impromptu 90.2
12 Utako Tanigawa / Chopin Nocturne Op. 27 No.2
13 Leanne Manning / Brahms Clarinet Sonata In F Minor Op. 120 No. 1, mov.3
14 Chen Pan / Bach Sonata in E-flat Major BWV 1031, mov.1
15 Abbie Hattauer / Ambroise Thomas Connais tu le pays with Kimber Kwiatkowski
A delicious buffet luncheon was prepared by the GMG participants. We enjoyed vegetable lasagna as the main entrée, with pineapple casserole, a 6 grain dish, salads, and raw vegetables to compliment the meal. There was a Cherry Brandy Liqueur Cake and Magic Cookie bars to complete the meal.
The Musicales are an event where we learn something new or hear a musical composition that we have not heard before. It is evident that the group is having a great time together around the table as the conversation is nonstop learning from and about each other.
We hope to see you at the next Home Musicale at the home of Kimber Kwiatkowski on May 2, beginning at 10 a.m.
(Respectfully Submitted by: Annette Russo)

March 30, 2019 Special Home Musicale at President's Salon
The Musicale was held on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, March 30, 2019. We met at the home of Utako Tanigawa and Steven Bennett, where they welcomed us to their beautiful home. There were 18 GMG members and guests who attended this musicale.
The performances were spectacular. Julie and Leanne opened the program with the Brahms Sonata No. 2, Op.120, Movements 1 and 2 for clarinet solo and piano. We were also treated to 3 vocalists. Virginia made her debut with us on Saturday. Thank you, Virginia for sharing your beautiful voice with us. Utako and Julie had 4 hands on the piano for the Mozart Concerto No. 23. The finale was the Grieg Concerto in A minor, Movement 1 for 2 pianos with Monique and Julie. It was an awesome first performance ladies. The entire program follows. It was an amazing concert. Bravo Everyone!
1 Leanne Manning & Julie Woodall / Brahms Sonata No. 2, Op. 120 Mvts 1 &2
2 Asa J Williams / Chopin Etude, Op. 10, No. 3
3 Kimber Kwiatkowski / Chopin Impromptu Op. 29 No.1
4 Utako Tanigawa / Chopin Scherzo No2
5 Julie Woodall / Grieg Sonata in e minor
6 Utako Tanigawa & Julie Woodall / Mozart K,521 in C 1st mvt.
7 Abbie Hattauer / Ambroise Thomas Connais-tu le pays with Kimber
8 Fuling Chiang w/ Kimber / Bononcini Per la gloria d'adorarvi
Fuling Chiang w/ Kimber / Bach/Gounod Ave Maria
9 Virginia Mann w/ Kimber / A. Caldara Sebben crudele
Virginia Mann w/ Kimber / O Mio Babbino
10 Utako Tanigawa & Julie Woodall / Mozart Concerto No.23 mvt.1
11 Monique Arar & Julie Woodall / Grieg Concerto in A min, mvt. 1
The dining room table was covered with an array of delicious Hors D’oeuvres and Sweets. Utako invited us to partake of her fine culinary delights. We enjoyed Vegetable Sushi, Assorted Cheeses, Italian Sausage, Smoked Salmon, Ham and Vegetable Quiche, Fruit, Nuts, Chocolate Covered Apricots, and Tiramisu to name a few. Of course, we finished off with Coffee, Tea, Red, and White Wines. Thank you Utako and Steven for the preparing and serving this fine buffet, hosting this Musicale, and welcoming us into your home.
Home Musicales are special gatherings where we share our gifts of musical expression, develop new friendships, and strengthen those bonds of friendship we already enjoy.
Utako reviewed upcoming events including Spivey Hall in September and Carnegie Hall next summer, 2020. Utako continues to inspire us to participate in monthly GMG events as well as these special events.
Please join us for the next Home Musicale at the home of Judy Manganiello on April 4, beginning at 10 a.m.
(Respectfully Submitted by: Annette Russo)
March 23, 2019 Johns Creek Chorale and GMG Joint Concert
The Johns Creek UMC Gathering Room was the site for this joint concert by members of the GMG and the Johns Creek Chorale. Choral music was a special emphasis with beautiful results.
There were two particularly special aspects of the concert.
One, Jacqueline Putnam, Soprano, and Allen Baston, Piano, performed songs by Richard Strauss, Samuel Barber, and W. A. Mozart.
The second surprise was the Steinway concert grand in the room, ready for the Chopin Society’s piano recital scheduled for the next day. As the tuner finished his work, he gave approval for us to use it. All the musicians appreciated having a superb instrument to perform with.
The remainder of the program by GMG members consisted of 4 piano solos, 2 vocalists, and a Clarinet and piano Sonata by J. Brahms. The variety of repertoire and instruments was especially appreciated by the 21 people in attendance.
Refreshments were enjoyed and hearty conversation filled the lovely room. Guests included Leanne Manning’s daughters, on break from school.
The next GMG collaborative concert will be Dr. Jeni Kong and GMG Friend, on Sunday, April 7, 3 - 5 p.m. at Steinway Piano Galleries, 5950 North Point Pkwy, Alpharetta, GA 30022.
(Respectfully Submitted by: Nancy Dunn)
March 19, 2019 PianoWorks Musicale
Eight GMG members gathered at PianoWorks – Duluth for the monthly 10 a.m. Tuesday morning Musicale on March 19, 2019. President and founder, Utako Tanigawa welcomed everyone and handed out a detailed report on recent GMG discussions concerning how to accommodate the increase number of members wishing to perform at Musicales and Concerts. A copy of this report is included.
The following selections were presented:
Abbie Hattauer (accompanied by Kimber Kwiatkowski) – Connais-tu le pays by Ambroise Thomas
Ed Ewing – Ravel’s Menuet (first half)
Nancy Dunn – Chopin’s Etude, Op. 10, No. 3
Kimber Kwiatkowski – Chopin’s Impromptu Op. 29, No. 1
Sabine Walsh – S. Arnold’s Sonata in D Major, Op. 12, No. 3, 1st movement and J. S. Bach’s Menuet and Trio in B Minor
Asa J Williams – Beethoven’s Sonata in C Major, Op. 2, No. 3, 3rd movement and Rachmaninoff’s Prelude, Op. 3, No. 2
Utako Tanigawa – Chopin’s Scherzo No. 2
Breakfast treats were enjoyed throughout the Musicale and members shared a few moments together chatting and sharing their love of music.
GMG is most grateful to Don Bennett and the entire staff at PianoWorks – Duluth for generously providing their recital hall every month for these events. They are unfailingly accommodating – moving chairs and serving tables and, of course, providing amazing instruments for our members use and everyone’s enjoyment.
Next month’s PianoWorks – Duluth Musicale will be held on Tuesday, April 16th beginning at 10 a.m.
(Respectfully Submitted by: Abbie Hattauer)
March 7, 2019 Home Musicale
Abbie Hattauer sponsored our monthly musicale at her beautiful home on March 7. We all shared the excitement of her new piano that had arrived just three days before our gathering. Eighteen of us including Asa Williams, our newest member enjoyed, playing and hearing her wonderful Yamaha C3 grand. Utako confirmed the September date for our Spivey Hall concert, reminding participants that they need to sign up now, as our program is expected to fill quickly. Our exquisite luncheon was highlighted by several great dishes. One of the advantages of our potluck fare is the unusual contributions from our members from other cultures, including French, Taiwanese and Japanese creations. Also, special contributions are made by our performing participants when they share facts related to their pieces and their composers. We also like hearing how GMG has helped them achieve their musical goals and credentials, and we have helped them increase confidence in playing to an audience. We hope everyone will continue sharing with us at Judy Manganiello’s home musicale on April 4.
Judy Manganiello / Rimsky-Korsakov Young Prince and Princess (duet w/Nancy)
Abbie Hattauer / Strauss Pizzicato Polka (duo piano w/Judy)
Sabine Walsh / J.S. Bach Menuet and Trio in B Minor / S. Arnold Sonata in D Major, op.12, no. 3; 1st Mvt.
Shoko Tanaka / Chopin Ballade in A major Op.47 No.3
Rob Busey (Listener)
Utako Tanigawa / Haydn Sonata Hob:xvi 46
Nancy Dunn / Chopin Etude Op. 10, No. 3
Kimber Kwiatkowski / Brahms Rhapsody Op. 79 No. 2
AnnetteRusso/Utako / Schumann/Liszt Widmung
Ed Ewing / Ravel Menuet (partial)
Robin Engleman with Kimber / Gluck O del mio dolce ardor / A. Scarlatti Gia il sole dal gange
Tom Slavicek / Chopin Preludes 2, 9, 15
Asa J Williams / Chopin Etude Op. 10, No. 3
Chen Pan / Bizet Minuet from L'Arlésienne
Anna Armstrong & Janet Yao / David Karp Slavic Tale
Julie Woodall / Grieg Sonata in e minor, mv't 3
Jimmy Baskerville / Shubert Impromptu 90.3
(Respectfully Submitted by: Rob Busey)

March 3, 2019 GMG Concert at Steinway Piano Galleries in Alpharetta
More than ten people gathered together on rainy afternoon on March 3rd, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. for the Georgia Musicale Group concert. It was held at Barbara Kirby Recital Hall at Steinway Piano Galleries in Alpharetta. It was small but mighty group and performers and audiences enjoyed variety of music from the Classical to Modern era.
Before concert begun, the director of Steinway Piano Galleries, Mr. Tom Olsen informed us about Steinway’s Junior Piano Competition that will be held in April 2019. The information can be found on the website: https://www.steinway.com/competition
Our president, Dr. Utako Tanigawa welcomed the performers and audience. She explained about classical era before her performance and started the concert with Haydn Sonata. The complete program is listed below.
Utako Tanigawa (Piano)
Sonata in A flat major, Hob:xvi 46 Joseph Haydn (1732 – 1809)
Robin Engleman (Mezzo Soprano) and Shoko Tanaka (Piano)
Voi, che sapete Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
Robin Engleman (Mezzo Soprano) and Shoko Tanaka (Piano)
An die Musik Franz Schubert (1797-1828)
Abbie Hattauer (Mezzo Soprano) and Shoko Tanaka (Piano)
I Dreamed a Dream Claude-Michel Schönberg (1944)
Judy Manganiello (Piano)
Rhapsody in G Minor Mary Leaf (1947)
Pompenette Auguste Durand (1830 – 1909)
Asa J Williams (Piano)
Etude in A Flat Major Op. 25, No. 1 Frédéric Chopin (1810 – 1849)
Utako Tanigawa (Piano)
Widmung Robert Schumann (1810 – 1856) Transcribed by Franz Liszt (1811 – 1886)
Shoko Tanaka (Piano)
Ballade in A Flat Major, Op. 47, No. 3 Frédéric Chopin (1810 – 1849)
At the end, our new member, Asa J Williams added a nice spice to our program. He played Rachmaninoff Prelude with such a powerful sound and amazed everyone in the hall.
The GMG would like to thank Mr. Tom Olsen and all staff at Steinway Piano Galleries for their generous support for GMG. The next GMG musicale will be held at our Secretary, Abbie Hattauer’s house on Thursday March 7th (Sign-up is closed) and the next concert at Steinway Piano Galleries will be held on Sunday, April 7th.
We look forward to seeing you all there.
(Respectfully Submitted by: Shoko Tanaka)

February 23, 2019 Yamaha Special Musicale
The February Saturday Special Musicale was held February 23 at 3:00 p.m. at Piano Distributors in Marietta. Several guests were in attendance as the members performed in a relaxed and casual atmosphere. The program, which included piano solos, vocalists with piano accompaniment, and a vocal duet with piano accompaniment, is shown below:
Nico Brett / Liszt La Campanella
Kimber Kwiatkowski / Mompou Cancion y Danza No. 6
Utako Tanigawa / Schumann/Liszt Widmung
Abbie Hattauer w/Robin Eagleman / Schonberg I Dreamed a Dream
Robin Engleman & Kimber Kwiatkowski / Gounod Faites-lui mes aveux from Faust
Robin Engleman & Kimber Kwiatkowski / Schubert An Die Musik (To Music)
Fuling Chiang w/Robin / Giordani Caro mio ben
Fuling Chiang w/Robin / Bononcini Per la gloria d'adorarvi
Virginia Mann w/Robin / Caldara Sebben, crudele
Virginia Mann w/Robin / Pergolesi Se tu m’ami, se sospiri
Virginia & Robin (duet) / Smart The Lord is My Shepherd
All enjoyed a toast and socializing after the performances.
Many thanks to Alex Merlo and the staff of Piano Distributors in Marietta for graciously allowing our use of their facilities for our musicales.
Please join us at our next concert on March 23 at 4:00 p.m. at Johns Creek United Methodist Church in collaboration with the Church.
(Respectfully Submitted by: Kimber Kwiatkowski)
February 19, 2019 PianoWorks Musicale
Members of the Georgia Musicale Group gathered together on February 19th, 2019 at 10:00am for a morning of music and fellowship. It was held at PianoWorks’ lovely facility and was attended by 12 members. Utako welcomed the attendees and we henceforth enjoyed over an hour and a half of excellent music. This was Asa Williams’ first time performing at a PianoWorks Musicale, and he played a splendid rendition of Chopin’s Aeolian Harp Etude.
Maggie Frick/Mozart Sonata K.333 1st Mov.
Maggie Frick/Bach Prelude and Fugue No. 21 Book 1
Leah & Maggie Frick/Bach (Petzold) Minuet
Robin Engleman & Kimber Kwiatkowski/Gluck O del mio dolce ardor
Robin Engleman & Kimber Kwiatkowski/Gluck Che faro senza Euridice Recitative and Aria
Abbie Hattauer/Pam Asberry In the Bleak Mid Winter
Nancy Dunn/Chopin Etude Op. 10 No. 3
Asa J Williams/Chopin Etude Op. 25, No. 1
Monique Arar Brahms/Klavierstucke Op. 76 nos. 7&8
Julie Woodall/Grieg Sonata in e minor
Utako Tanigawa /Chopin Scherzo no2
Ed Ewing/Bach English Suite 2: Prelude
Jimmy Baskerville/Shubert Impromptu 90.2
Kimber Kwiatkowski/Brahms Rhapsody Op. 79 No. 2
The GMG would like to thank Sam Bennett and the PianoWorks staff for their generosity in allowing us to use their facilities. The next GMG event will take place at Steinway Piano Galleries on Sunday, March 3rd at 3:00pm. And we will be back at PianoWorks on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 beginning at 10 a.m. Please consider joining us for both events!
(Respectfully Submitted by: Maggie Frick)
February 7, 2019 Home Musicale
Our monthly Home Musicale on February 7th brought us once again to Julie Woodall’s lovely home. With over 15 attendees, it is clear that most of us look forward to an escape and welcome the drive to the beautiful north Georgia mountains. New attendees included Annette Russo and Don and Elaine Clark. Julie welcomed us, opening the program with the first movement of Grieg’s Sonata in E minor and for the next hour and a half the beautiful music listed below continued.
1. Julie Woodall / Grieg Sonata in e minor, 1st mov't
2. Janet Yao / Bach Italian Concerto, 1st movement
3. Tom Slavick / Beethoven Pathetique 2nd Mov / Chopin Prelude 9 & 15
4. Annette Russo / Sibelius Finlandia
5. Rob Busey / Chopin Prelude in B Minor
6. Sabine Walsh / Bach; Ikeda Menuet & Trio in B m; Shooting Stars
7. Judy & Abbie / Strauss Pizzicato Polka (4 hands)
8. Jimmy Baskerville / Shubert Impromptu 90.2
9. Judy Manganiello / Mary Leaf Rhapsody in G Minor
10. Kimber Kwiatkowski / Mompou Cancion y Danza No. 6
11. Abbie Hattauer / Pam Asberry In the Bleak Midwinter
12. Chen Pan / Prelude from Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major by J. S. Bach
13. Utako Tanigawa / Rameau L'Egyptienne / Schumann/Liszt Widmung
Don and Elaine Clark
As we finished our lunch featuring Julie’s delicious Brunswick Stew and wonderful side dishes, our seemingly tireless founder, Utako, shared entertaining experiences from her first Van Cliburn competition. She reviewed upcoming events including the Carnegie Hall concert next year and shared information about the professionals who will grace us with master classes this year. She also opened the topic of a possible competition of our own. Utako’s dedication is an inspiration to us all.
Our home musicales are wonderful venues of fellowship where we share our common passion and love of music in an atmosphere of warmth and encouragement.
Please join us for the next Home Musicale at the home of Abbie Hattauer on March 7th beginning at 10 a.m.
(Respectfully Submitted by: Rob Busey)

January 26, 2019 JCUMC Special Musicale
Seventeen people including eight GMG performers and their family and friends gathered for the special open house musicale at Johns Creek United Methodist Church on Saturday, January 26th 2019 at 6 p.m.. Performers and audience enjoyed the delicious foods and drinks that members brought before concert. Utako Tanigawa, GMG founder and President, greeted everyone and the program started with Judy Manganiello who played lovely piece, Rhapsody in G Minor by Leaf. The whole program of the musicale is as below.
Judy Manganiello / Leaf Rhapsody in G Minor
Nancy Dunn / Chopin Etude, Op. 10, #3, A section
Asa J Williams / Chopin Etude in A-Flat Major, Op. 25, No. 1
Kimber Kwiatkowski / Poulenc Improvisation No. 15
Robin Engleman & Kimber Kwiatkowski / Schubert An Die Musik (To Music)
Gounot Faites-lui mes aveux from Faust
Shoko Tanaka / Bach French Suite No.5 - Allemande
Debussy Pagodes
Utako Tanigawa / Rameau La Poule
Scarlatti Sonatas L.415 / K.119
Chopin Nocturne Op. 55 No.2
Julie Woodall & Utako Tanigawa / Mozart K.521 1st mov.
Before Utako’s performance, she told her story to everybody. She talked about how and why she started Georgia Musicales Group and how this group has grown this past three years. Our musicale is where members can try out the new piece, challenging piece, even it is not perfect but you can play it in front of appreciative audiences. It is okay to make mistake or start over. We always encourage each other. Utako said she is very thankful to this group, which is same for all other members.
Julie Woodall and Utako played joyful Mozart four hands sonata at the end of the program. We took a group picture with all attendees (Thank you Steven for taking picture!) and got back to enjoying refreshments and having conversation.
Many thanks to Nancy Dunn for organizing this event. We also would like to express our sincere thanks to staff of JCUMC for supporting GMG and letting us use this beautiful venue. Also, we are thankful for people who came to listen to our music.
The next GMG event is home musicale that will be held at Julie’ Woodall’s house on Thursday February 7th. (Attendance is limited to members and advance sign-up is needed.) All future concert and musicale information can be found on our website: www.mygmg.org
We look forward to seeing you soon.
(Respectfully Submitted by: Shoko Tanaka)

January 15, 2019 PianoWorks Musicale
Thirteen GMG members and one new member gathered for the regular monthly Musicale at PianoWorks in Duluth on Tuesday, January, 15, 2019. Utako Tanigawa, GMG founder and President, welcomed everyone. The program was varied with two vocal selections, eight piano solos, two duets for violin/piano and one piano duet.
Monique Arar/ Haydn Andante and Variations in F Min
Pam Asberry / Asberry Come, Let Us Anew
Jimmy Baskerville / Shubert Inpromptu 90.2
Robin Engleman / Mozart Voi, che sapete / Handel Where'er You Walk
Leah Frick / P. Martini Gavotte
Maggie Frick / Mozart Sonata K.333 1st mov.
Abbie Hattauer / Melody Bober Jazz 'n Java
Hsuan Wen Lin / Brahms Violin Sonata No.2 1st mov.
Judy and Abbie / Willard Palmer Staccato Caprice
Judy Manganiello / Pieczonka Tarantella
Utako Tanigawa / Chopin Polonaise op 26 no 1
Yi-Fan Wu / Lizst Etude no.6 in a.
Pam Asberry announced that she will perform her composition, “Come, Let Us Anew,” at the Whisperings Solo Piano Discovery Concert on February 9th at 7:00 pm at PianoWorks. Tickets may be purchased at https://www.solopianoradio.com/events.htm.
A huge thank you to Jimmy Baskerville for coordinating and setting up the morning’s refreshments!
As always, we express our sincere thanks to Sam Bennett and the staff at PianoWorks for providing this wonderful venue to the Georgia Musicale Group and for supporting the music community.
We look forward to seeing you at future GMG events, the next one being a Special Musicale on Saturday, January 26th, at Johns Creek United Methodist Church, from 6:00-7:30.
(Respectfully Submitted by: Robin Engleman)

January 10, 2019 Home Musicale
The first Home Musicale of 2019 was held January 10 at the beautiful home of Utako Tanigawa and Steven Bennett in Dawsonville. It was chilly outside but warm and inviting inside with twenty attendees including the hosts as well as two new members and two guests. Utako welcomed everyone and provided the necessary logistical assistance. Abbie and Julie urged everyone to renew their memberships in the month of January in order to take advantage of the tremendous bargain of a 10% discount on Patron memberships. The program, shown below, included piano solos, piano duets, violin with piano accompaniment, and voice with piano accompaniment.
Utako Tanigawa / Chopin Fantasie Impromptu Op. 66
Monique Arar / Haydn Fantasie F minor
Abbie Hattauer / Melody BoberJazz 'n Java
Karen Lin / Piazzolla Adios Nonino
Copland Ukulele Serenade
Yi-Fan Wu / Mozart12 Variations on "Ah, vous dirai-je maman", K.265
Kimber Kwiatkowski / MompouCancion y Danza No. 6
Rob Busey Chopin
Jimmy Baskerville Bacharach Alfie
Robin Engleman / QuilterWeep You No More
Robin Engleman / Strauss Zueignung
Olga PikusGeorge Sviridov / The Waltz" from the suite "Musical illustrations"
Judy Manganiello / Granados Op. 5, No. 10, from Spanish Dances
Julie Woodall / MozartK 521 1st movement w/ Utako
Tanya KrislaskyRimsky-Korsakov (duet w/ Judy)The Young Prince and Princess (from Scheherazade)
After the program, attendees were treated by the hosts along with tireless assistance from Abbie and Julie to a formal five course lunch consisting of many homemade and home-grown items. Wowissimo!! Many thanks to Utako and Steven for their tremendous generosity.
Please join us at our next Home Musicale at the home of Julie Woodall on February 7, 2019.
(Respectfully Submitted by: Kimber Kwiatkowski)

December 29, 2018 Yamaha Musicale
Fourteen musicians and more than twenty guests got together at Piano Distributors in Marietta on December 29th at 3 p.m. for the GMG concert series at Yamaha. The theme of this concert was "light, modern and jazz music" to celebrate the end the great year 2018.
The program included Piano Solo, Piano Duet, Clarinet, Vocal and Violin & Flute & Piano Trio with variety of all sorts of music. Audiences and performers were treated by cheerful seasonal music and the concert hall was liven up.
The music information that were played in the concert are as follows.
Jeni Kong (Piano)
Linus and Lucy Vince Guaraldi (1928 – 1976)
The Bell Carol (arranged by David Hicken) Mykola Leontovych (1877 – 1921)
Nico Brett (Piano)
Maple Leaf Rag Scott Joplin (1868 – 1917)
Shoko Tanaka (Piano)
First Youth
Playing Love Ennio Morricone (1928 – )
Abbie Hattauer (Mezzo Soprano) & Anna Armstrong (Piano)
Stranger in Paradise Alexander Borodin (1833 – 1887)
Utako Tanigawa (Piano)
La Poule from Nouvelles Suites de Pieces de Clavecin Jean Philippe Rameau (1683 – 1764)
Sonata L.415/K119 Domenico Scarlatti (1685 – 1757)
Judy Manganiello (Piano)
Rhapsody in G Minor Mary Leaf (1947 – )
Festival of Snow Melody Bober (1955 – )
Kimber Kwiatkowski (Piano)
Improvisation No. 15 Francis Poulenc (1899 – 1963)
Leanne Manning (Clarinet) & Shoko Tanaka (Piano)
Introduction, Theme and Variations Gioachino Rossini (1792-1868)
Dr. Karen Lin (Violin), Tien Ning (Flute) & Yi-Fan Wu (Piano)
Duettino Opus 37 Franz Doppler (1821 – 1883)
Utako Tanigawa (Piano)
Nocturne Op. 55 No.2 Frederic Chopin (1810 – 1849)
Jeni Kong (Piano)
Mazurka Op.24 No 2 & No.4 Frederic Chopin (1810 – 1849)
Nico Brett and Joe Seidel (Piano)
Sleigh Ride (arranged by Michael Edwards) Leroy Anderson (1908 – 1975)
Anna Armstrong (Piano)
The Man I Love and I Got Rhythm George Gershwin (1898 – 1937)
Ed Ewing
Eleven Four Paul Desmond (1924 – 1977)
Abbie Hattauer (Mezzo Soprano) & Shoko Tanaka (Piano)
Girls at Maxim’s Franz Lehar (1870 – 1948)
After the concert, all performers and audience enjoyed conversation with each other having foods and drinks donated by members.
Georgia Musicale Group is very grateful to the manager Mr. Alex Merlo and all staffs at Piano Distributors for their kind hospitality to let us have concert at their hall. GMG is planning to come back here for four concerts in 2019 to continue spreading joy of music.
The concert and musicale information for 2019 will be available on the website: mygmg.org.
We look forward to seeing you there next time!
(Report by Shoko Tanaka)

December 6, 2018
Fifteen musicians played at the December home musicale, hosted by Leanne Manning, making it a well-attended, fun and festive event. The performances included a piano-clarinet duet; two vocalists singing two songs each, with piano accompaniment; a Christmas-music piano duet; and a flute-piano duet. There were also about a dozen piano solos performed. All performance pieces are listed above.
Leanne Manning and Utako Tanigawa
Jean Philippe Rameau (arr. Yona Ettlinger) / Gavotte and Six Doubles
Sabine Walsh
J.S. Bach; N. Ikeda / Menuet and Trio in B Minor; Shooting Stars in Summer
Abbie Hattauer & Anna Armstrong
Robert Wright and George Forrest / Stranger in Paradise & And This is My Beloved
Judy Manganiello
Leaf / Rhapsody in G Minor
Janet Yao
Leschetizky / Andante Finale, Op. 13
Chen Pan
Gluck / Minuet and Dance of the Blessed Spirits from Orfeo
Utako Tanigawa
Scarlatti / Sonatas L.422, 415, 499
Ed Ewing
Ravel / Prelude/Le Tombeau de Couperin
Anna Armstrong
Robert Vandall / Christmas Duet Fantasy (w/ Yao)
Kimber Kwiatkowski
Poulenc / Improvisation No. 15
Jimmy Baskerville
Shubert / Impromptu 90.2
Monique Arar
Bach / English Suite no. 2 in a min, BWV 807 Prelude
Robin Engleman
Scarlatti / Gia il sole dal Gange
Handel / Where'er you walk
Olga Pikus
Peter Tchaikovsky / The Nutcracker Suite for Two, "Russian Dance"
Tanya Krislasky
Leroy Anderson / Sleigh Ride
Home musicales are held once a month, usually the first Thursday, at various members’ homes. We are a group of music lovers with varying backgrounds but all with a common love of playing, performing, listening to and appreciating music. We support each other, musically and otherwise, and most members would agree that participating has made them stronger musicians.
Our next home musicale, open to members only, will be at the home of Utako Tanigawa, on Jan. 10, 2019
(Report by Judy Manganiello)
November 20, 2018 PianoWorks Musicale
The Tuesday, November 20th, 2018 musicale took place at PianoWorks in Duluth at 10:00 am., and was enjoyed by 8 attendees. It was the first PianoWorks musicale for nine-year-old Sena Yoon, a brilliant pianist who recently joined GMG. Utako welcomed the attendees and the musical began, featuring a variety of German, French, and Russian composers, as well as others. The pieces performed are listed below:
Leanne Manning
Rachmaninoff (accompanied by Julie), Bach, Stravinsky
4 short excerpts
Utako Tanigawa
Rameau / 2 pieces from the Suites
Maggie Frick
Bach / Prelude and Fugue no. 21 book 1
Beethoven / Bagatelle Op. 119 No. 1
Sena Yoon
Bach / Invention 14
Bach / Invention 8
Julie Woodall
Grieg / Wedding at Trolghaugen
Ed Ewing
Prelude, Le Tombeau de Couperin
Forlane, Le Tombeau de Couperin
Jimmy Baskerville
Shubert / Impromptu 90.2
Utako closed the musicale and encouraged the audience to attend the December 29th concert, which will serve as an opportunity for GMG members to celebrate the New Year together. Jimmy Baskerville was kind enough to set up the refreshment table and the members enjoyed wonderful food and fellowship afterward.
A big thank you to Don and Sam Bennett and to the PianoWorks staff for allowing the GMG to use their facilities. Their generosity and support is much appreciated.
Please join us at the next PianoWorks musicale, taking place on December 18th, 2018 at 10:00 am. We would love to see you!
(Report by: Maggie Frick)
November 17, 2018 Concert at Yamaha ~ French Composers
15 performers and audience members got together to attend the concert by Georgia Musicale Group at the Piano Distributors in Marietta at 3 p.m. on Saturday, November 17, 2018.
Eight performers commenced the program which highlighted six French composers’ music and other composers including Frank Wildhorn, Franz Lehar. A complete listing of the performers and their selections follows:
Utako Tanigawa (Piano)
From Nouvelles Suites De Pieces De Clavecin
La Paule Jean-Phillipe Rameau (1683 – 1765)
Shoko Tanaka (Piano)
Arabesque No. 1 Claude Debussy (1862 – 1918)
Fuling Chiang (Tenor) and Robin Engleman (Piano)
Ave Maria Charles Gounod (1818 – 1893)
This is the Moment Wildhorn (1951 - ) Bricusse (1931 - )
Leanne Manning (Clarinet) and Kimber Kwiatkowski (Piano)
Sonata for Clarinet and Piano, Op. 167, I. Allegretto, II. Allegro Camille Saint-Saens (1835 – 1921)
Utako Tanigawa (Piano)
From Pieces de Clavecin
Les Tendres Plaintes
From Nouvelles Suites De Pieces De Clavecin
L’Egyptienne Jean- Phillipe Rameau (1683 – 1765)
Shoko Tanaka (Piano)
Pagodes (Estampes) Claude Debussy (1862 – 1918)
Robin Engelman (Mezzo Soprano) and Kimber Kwiatkowski (Piano)
A Chloris Reynaldo Hahn (1874 – 1947)
Faites–lui mes aveux – Faust Charles Gounod (1818 – 1893)
Ed Ewing (Piano)
From Le Tombeau de Couperin
Prelude Maurice Ravel (1875 – 1937)
Abbie Hattauer (Mezzo Soprano) and Shoko Tanaka (Piano)
The Girls at Maxim’s – The Merry Widow Franz Lehár (1870 – 1947)
As a finale of the program, we had a special guest “A girl at Maxim”! Abbie Hattauer dressed with fancy costume and a wig! Audience enjoyed the music clapping their hands. All performers and audience enjoyed the variety of French music on lovely fall afternoon, and after the concert, everyone enjoyed refreshments and glass of wine to appreciate French atmosphere!
Georgia Musicale Group is always grateful to BIll Adams, Tony Merritt, and Alex Merlo, managers and staff of Piano Distributors in Marietta for providing this wonderful venue to the Georgia Musical Group and for supporting the music community.
Please join us to out next GMG concert on Saturday December 29th.
(Report by: Shoko Tanaka)
November 8, 2018 Concert at Callanwolde
Nearly 30 performers and audience members braved another dark and stormy night to attend the fourth concert by Georgia Musicale Group at the Callanwolde Fine Arts Center’s at 6 p.m. on Thursday evening, November 8, 2018.
Among the special attendees at this concert were Liesl and Toshi Kii. Both members and Platinum Sponsors of the Georgia Musicale Group, Liesl is also a leader of the organization. It was through her tireless efforts that GMG and Callanwolde collaborated on this year’s four-concert series. In August of this year Liesl donated her mother’s Steinway Grand Piano to Callanwolde Fine Arts Center for use in the mansion’s intimate Music Room. Before the concert began, GMG Founder and President Utako Tanigawa introduced Liesl and Toshi and acknowledged this gift from Liesl. The concert was dedicated in her honor.
The dozen GMG performers commenced the program which highlighted four Russian composers as well as Bach, Beethoven, Liszt, Saint-Saens, Strauss and three contemporary composers (including two women!). A complete listing of the evening’s performers and their selections follows:
Abbie Hattauer and Judy Manganiello (Piano Four Hands)
If I Loved You / Oscar Hammerstein and Richard Rodgers
Judy Manganiello (Piano)
Rhapsody in G Minor / Mary Leaf
Anna Armstrong
Dreaming, Op. 15, #3 / Amy Beach
Leanne Manning (Clarinet) and Kimber Kwiatkowski (Piano)
Sonata for Clarinet and Piano, Op. 167 I. Allegretto II. Allegro animato / Camille Saint-Saens
Ed Ewing (Piano)
Prelude in G Minor / Sergei Rachmaninoff
Sena Yoon (Piano)
Waltz from Album for the Young, Op. 39, no. 8 / Pyotr Tchaikovsky
Nico Brett (Piano)
Flight of the Bumblebee from the Tale of Tsar Saltan Arranged by Sergei Rachmaninoff / Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
Tatiana Krislasky and Olga Pikus (Piano)
Gallop and Tarantella from Sketches / Valery Gavrilin
Nico Brett (Piano)
French Suite No. 5 in G Major BWV 816 - Gigue / Johann Sebastian Bach
Sena Yoon (Piano)
Sonata No. 20 in G major, Op. 49, No. 2
Allegro ma non troppo / Ludwig Van Beethoven
Jimmy Baskerville (Piano)
Liebestraum No. 3 (Published in 1850) / Franz Liszt
Utako Tanigawa (Piano)
Sonata Op.53 1st movt. Allegro / Ludwig Van Beethoven
Abbie Hattauer (Mezzo Soprano) and Utako Tanigawa (Piano)
Chacun à Son Goût / Johann Strauss, Jr.
All in all, it was a wonderful evening for everyone filled with laughter, beautiful LIVE music performed by six generations of musicians, food and that special Georgia Musicale Group fellowship generated by the power of music!
Georgia Musicale Group is most grateful to the Callanwolde Fine Arts Center staff, especially Steve Cole, Arts Education Director and Brooke Adams, Arts Education and Development Assistant for their assistance in offering these free concerts. Built in 1920 by Charles H. Candler, this beautiful historic estate is located in the Druid Hills neighborhood of Atlanta.
(Report by: Abbie Hattauer)

Octiber 27, 2018 Yamaha Musicale
Six Georgia Musicale Group members and several guests attended the Oct. 27, 2018 morning at Piano Distributors in Marietta for Yamaha Musicale.
Shoko Tanaka started musicale with her new try-out piece, "Pagodes" from Estamps by Deubussy. After her solo, Abbie Hattauer sang "I Dreamed A Dreamed" by Schonberg accompanied by Shoko. Judy Manganiello and Abbie Hattauer played lovely piano duet piece, “If I Loved You” by Hammerstein. Ed Ewing played Prelude, Le Tombeau de Couperin by Ravel, Utako played Beethoven Sonata Op. 53, 1 st movement. Susan Tanguy played Sonatina in G Major by Latour and Hands of Time from Brian's Song by Legrani, which she will play at her recital in November (Good luck!)
Since it was a small group, members had their second turns. Judy played Rhapsody in G Minor, by Mary Leaf. Shoko played Mozart Sonata KV 310 in A-minor 1st movement. Utako played Scherzo No. 2 Op.31 by Chopin.
As always, these Saturday morning gathering provide opportunities for performers to try out new pieces, experiment with different tempi, and play pieces from memory, and rehearse upcoming concert repertoire, etc. all for an appreciative audience in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.
Georgia Musicale Group is always grateful to BIll Adams, Tony Merritt, and Alex Merlo, managers and staff of Piano Distributors in Marietta for providing this wonderful venue to the Georgia Musical Group and for supporting the music community.
Please join us when we gather next time in January. (Time & Date TBD)
Hope to see you then!
(Reported by: Shoko Tanaka)
October 13, 2018 Concert at Canterbury Court
Five Georgia Musical Group members (four performers and one very helpful spouse) traveled to Canterbury Court Senior Living in Atlanta on Saturday, October 13, 2018 to present a concert in the facility’s Community Room. After welcoming nearly three dozen residents, a delightful program of Chopin and Schubert piano favorites, two vocal songs and a piano selection composed by the youngest performer’s grandfather, was offered. The complete program is listed below.
At the completion of the program, Door Prizes were awarded to five lucky audience members and everyone enjoyed cookies and drinks. “Will you come back?” many residents asked. “Yes, we will!” we replied.
Julie Woodall (Piano)
Impromptu, Op. 90, No. 3 / Franz Schubert (1797 – 1824)
Utako Tanigawa (Piano)
Fantasy-Impromptu Op. 66 / Frédéric Chopin (1810 – 1849)
Maggie Frick (Piano)
Grande Fantasia di Molto Espressione / John Neukuckatz (1893 – 1973)
Abbie Hattauer (Mezzo Soprano) and Julie Woodall (Piano)
Can’t Help Lovin’ Dat Man – Showboat / Jerome Kern (1910 – 1945)
Utako Tanigawa (Piano)
Etude Op. 25 No.1 / Frédéric Chopin (1810 – 1849)
Etude Op. 10 No.12
Julie Woodall (Piano)
Impromptu, Op. 90, No. 4 / Franz Schubert (1797 – 1824)
Abbie Hattauer (Mezzo Soprano) and Utako Tanigawa (Piano)
Chacun à Son Goût / Johann Strauss, Jr. (1825 – 1899)
(Report by: Abbie Hattauer)

September 8, 2018 Concert at Spivey Hall
It was a complete and total TRIUMPH!!
Bravissimo to everyone for stellar performances!
It was so enjoyable to sit in the audience and listen to such
well-planned, wonderful presentations!
So said one audience attendee at Georgia Musicale Group’s recent concert at Spivey Hall located in Morrow, Georgia. And more than one hundred other attendees agreed!
Twelve GMG performers took the stage to bask in the Hall’s impeccable acoustics and ambiance. In addition, five GMG members worked diligently back stage to help ensure a smooth, well-run concert.
Piano favorites like Beethoven’s Pathetique and Rondo from his Sonata 28, Chopin’s Grand Waltz Brillante and Barcarolle, Schubert’s Impromptu, Rachmaninoff’s Études-Tableaux Op. 33, and a Haydn Sonata were performed as well as Bernstein’s Sonata for Clarinet and Piano and piano duo arrangements of Country Gardens by Percy Grainger and Meredith Monk’s Folkdance. Two mezzo soprano opera arias by Mozart and Saint-Saens were performed. Rounding out the program was Mendelssohn’s Venetian Gondola Song and Islamey by Mily Barakirev.*
“Performing at Spivey Hall was a dream come true for each of us,” shared Utako Tanigawa, GMG’s Founder and President. “It marks the culmination of several years’ effort by GMG’s members who have been working to increase appreciation of classical and other music through listening, learning and performing opportunities. This concert was a testament to the mission of the Georgia Musicale Group, whose members are kindred spirits who support and encourage each other.”
(Reported by: Abbie Hattauer)
August 21, 2018 PianoWorks Musicale
Ten Georgia Musicale Group members performed and several guests attended the Aug. 21, 2018 morning. Musicale at PianoWorks in Duluth. As in the past, attendees shared breakfast refreshments and were then welcomed by GMG founder Utako Tanigawa. She brought those gathered up to date on GMG events and happenings and goals.
Performers and their selections are shown below.
As always, these Tuesday morning gatherings provide opportunities for performers to “try out” new pieces, experiment with different tempi, and play pieces “from memory,” and rehearse upcoming concert repertoire, etc. all for an appreciative audience in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.
Many thanks to Don and Sam Bennett, and the staff at PianoWorks in Duluth for providing this wonderful venue to the Georgia Musicale Group and for supporting the music community. Please join us when we gather next month at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2018. Hope to see you then!
Leanne Manning & Janet Yao Franck Sonata in A, 2nd movement
Utako tanigawa Chopin & Liszt Etude op 10-12, Widmung
Dawn & Eric Hawk
Abbie and Julie Saint-Saens Mon coeur . . .
Robin Engleman Mozart Voi, che sapete
Asberry & Helfen Albeniz Triana
Nancy Dunn Beethoven Sonata #15, Op. 28, 4th movement
Anna Armstrong Chopin Etude, Op. 25, No. 2
Jimmy Baskerville
Julie Woodall Schumann Abegg Variations(partial)
Judy Manganiello Leaf rhapsody in G Minor
Anna & Janet Wynn-Anne Rossi Volcán Santa María
Chen Pan Listener
(Report by Judy Manganiello)

August 9, 2018 Concert at Callanwolde Fine Arts Center
Georgia Musicale Group held its third concert at the Callanwolde Fine Arts Center on August 9, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in the mansion’s Music Room. Entitled “Chopin and Friends,” the concert was an opportunity to acknowledge the gift by Liesl Kii to the Callanwolde Fine Arts Center of her mother’s Steinway Grand piano. A member and leader of GMG, it is through Liesl’s tireless efforts that GMG and Callanwolde collaborated on this four-concert series. Liesl’s donation is an example of her generosity, concern for others and great love for the arts. The evening’s performances on the piano were dedicated to Liesl.
The twenty music lovers who gathered (in spite of rush hour traffic and a terrible rain storm!) were treated to a typical GMG concert: intimate, informational, a bit informal with delicious food and, as always, beautiful music performed with love. Following a welcome from Utako Tanigawa, founder and president of the GMG, the program began. Performers and their selections can be found: https://www.mygmg.org/programs
At the conclusion of the performances, photos of the performers and the audience were taken in front of Liesl’s piano. Everyone shared food and fellowship before heading home (accompanied by a beautiful sunset!).
Georgia Musicale Group is most grateful to the Callanwolde Fine Arts Center staff, especially Steve Cole, Arts Education Director and Brooke Adams, Arts Education and Development Assistant for their assistance in offering these free concerts. Built in 1920 by Charles H. Candler, this beautiful historic estate is located in the Druid Hills neighborhood of Atlanta. Please join us for our next concert in this series on Thursday, November 8, 2018 at 6:00 pm.
(Report by Abbie Hattauer)
August 2, 2018 Home Musicale
A dozen members of the Georgia Musicale Group (and one guest) traveled to Julie and Darrell Woodall’s Dawsonville home at 10 a.m. on August 2nd for the monthly GMG Home Musicale.
GMG Founder and President Utako Tanigawa welcomed those gathered and shared information about upcoming events. Julie started the music portion of the morning off with several of Schumann’s Abegg variations. A complete list of performers and selections is listed below.
Following the music and with help from Darrell, another table and chairs were set up in the living room and everyone helped themselves to a galaxy of fresh homemade fixings for beef and chicken tacos, guacamole, vegetables, fruit, and cookies – delicious! As always, conversation and fellowship abounded.
GMG Home Musicales are open to all members (attendance is limited and sign up via the www.mygmg.org is required.) The gatherings begin at 10 a.m. on the first Thursday of the month at a member’s home and are followed by a light lunch. The informal atmosphere of the Home Musicales provides a unique opportunity for members to try out new music, play on different pianos, fine-tune upcoming performances or get experience performing before an appreciative, supportive audience.
Plan on joining us at our next gathering on Thursday, September 6, 2018 at the home of GMG member Judy Manganiello.
Utako Tanigawa Chopin Etude Op 25 -1 Op 10-12
Abbie and Anna Saint Saens Mon coeur . . .
Judy Manganiello (Listener)
Ed Ewing Desmond Take Five
Janet Yao Bach Italian Concerto, mov.2
Janet Yao Chinese Folk Song The Swallow
Chen and Abbie (flute and guitar duets)
Haydn Serenade
Carulli Waltz
Anna Armstrong and Janet
Melody Bober Hanon for Two No.2 & 20
Peter Rudzik "Für Elise" Duet Variations
David Karp Phoenix Blues
Wynn-Anne Rossi Nova bossa nova
Nancy Dunn Beethoven Sonata #15, Op. 28, 4th mov.
Rob Busey (will play something soon)
Julie Woodall Schumann Abegg Variations(partial)
Kristi Helfin Faye Lopez, Arranger All Things Bright and Beautiful
(Report by Abbie Hattauer)
July 28, 2018 Yamaha Musicale
Sixteen music lovers (including one baby) gathered in Piano Distributors in Marietta for GMG’s monthly Yamaha musicale on Saturday, July28, 2018 at 11am. Among those in attendance were three first-time attendees: Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Cuneo and their daughter. Mr. Cuneo is the underwriting manager and a producer at WATC TV 57 based in Norcross. They had been invited by GMG member Jimmy Baskerville.
Following introductions and a welcome by GMG’s founder and president, Dr. Utako Tanigawa, the program began. Selections performed are listed below:
Utako Tanigawa Chopin Waltz Op. 18
Utako Tanigawa Paderewski Au Soir Op 10 No.1
Abbie Hattauer Schonberg I Dreamed a Dream
Asberry & Helfen Mozart/Albeniz Duettino Concertante/Triana
Jimmy Baskerville Beethoven Sonatina #17 3rd Movement
Pam Asberry Asberry Thanksgiving/Now
Rob Busey (Listener)
Jeni Kong Chopin Prelude in D flat Major Op. 28, No.15
Jeni Kong Schubert Impromptus Op.90 No.4
Jeni Kong Schubert Impromptus Op.90 No.2
Shoko Tanaka Chopin Barcarolle Op. 60 F-sharp Major
Following the performances, everyone gathered to share refreshments and fellowship.
The Georgia Musicale Group is most grateful to Manager Bill Adams and the staff at Yamaha Piano Distributors for their generous continuous support for this musicale. The next Yamaha Musicale will be held on July 28, 2018 from 11am at Piano Distributor in Marietta.
(Report by Abbie Hattauer)
July 21, 2018 Music Marathon at PianoWorks
Sixteen Georgia Musicale Group members and more than 40 people attended the Georgia Musicales Group the 1st Music Marathon at on July 21, 2018 1 p.m. at PianoWorks in Duluth.
To begin the event, GMG’s founder and President Dr. Utako Tanigawa welcomed performers and audience. She explained the concept of this event which is to enjoy the variety of music in casual and fun atmosphere in summer afternoon!
After the greeting, the concert started around 1:15 p.m. The program was divided into four sections. The complete program is attached at the end of this narrative. We had a guest artist, Mr. George Mann who played Be Thou With Me by Johann Sebastian Bach (arranger George Mann), Passacaglia in G Minor by George Frideric Handel, Sonata in G Major, Hob. XVI, No. 27 by Franz Joseph Haydn, Arietta (2006) by Rick Robertson and Danse (Tarantelle Styrienne) by Claude Debussy to recognize the 100th anniversary of Debussy’s death. In addition, we had new performers for this event. Jayden Chong played Polonaise Op. 40 No.1 by Frédéric Chopin, Joshua Shue played Fantasie, Movement No. 1 by Robert Schumann. Wayne Gilreath played four pieces from Vier leichte Tanzstücke Arvo Pärt: Der gestifelte Kater (Puss in Boots), Rotkäppchen und der Wolf (Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf), Schmetterlinge (Butterflies), Tanz der Entenküken (Dance of the Ducklings) and Melody by Myroslav Skoryk.
Pam Asberry and Kristi Helfen had a short master class by Mr. George Mann. They played Porgy and Bess Fantasy by Gershwin/Grainger and both two and all listeners learned a lot of great tips.
As a finale of this event, Mr. George Mann closed the program with his great repertories and outstanding performing.
Besides the music program, performers and audience enjoyed silent auction and tag sale during three short intermissions and after concert. We appreciate all items that performers donated for auction and tag sale. All proceeds go to Georgia Musicale Group fund to support out future events.
It was the GMG’s first Music Marathon. We would like to recognize all the hard work done by GMG executive members, Dr. Utako Tanigawa, Abbie Hattauer, Judy Manganiello to make this big event happen and also we would like to extend our appreciation to all performers and guests for their contributions. Georgia Musicales Group would also like to show our many thanks to Don and Sam Bennett, Derek Vann and the staff at PianoWorks in Duluth for providing this wonderful venue to the Georgia Musicale Group and for their support for this event.
Please join us for upcoming GMG concerts. All future concert schedules are available on website: www.mygmg.org Looking forward to having you!
(Reported by: Shoko Tanaka)
Audience comments:
Four hours went so fast. Wonderful performers with variety of music! Mr. George Mann is an outstanding pianist!
Actually, I'm surprised to find myself saying "Yes, I'd like more of these ". There was something relaxed about it and there were so many beautiful performances. If we could find a way to reduce the burden on you, Julie and Abbie, that would be wonderful. Pam Martin was a terrific MC; her short introductions were gracefully rendered and made each piece more meaningful.
I agree that the concert seemed like a great success. The performances were lovely, and George Mann's contributions were wonderful.
I totally agree on every remark you made! It was such a great event. I truly enjoyed the afternoon!! Thank you all!!!
I had a great time. I appreciated the diversity of the performances. Also, given the drive (at least for me) I didn't mind the longer format of the recital.
We enjoyed the concert very much. I thought the longer format worked well with the frequent intermissions. That made it possible to hear a lot of great music even though we couldn’t arrive until later in the program. It was very well organized, too. Great job!
Ditto to everyone! I am so grateful for all your efforts -- for practicing, for performing, for narrating, for setting up, for cleaning up, for driving home for more supplies, for attending!!, for buying items and bringing items, for your food (delicious spinach dip, Kristi!), for your drink donations, for helping get the room ready Derek!,for all of PianoWorks staff, for counting heads, for organizing handouts, for taking pictures, for making copies -- an amazing afternoon that was fun after all!

July 17, 2018 PianoWorks Musicale
Six Georgia Musicale Group members and several guests attended the July 17, 2018 10 a.m. Musicale at PianoWorks in Duluth. As in the past, attendees shared breakfast refreshments and were then welcomed by GMG founder Utako Tanigawa. She brought those gathered up to date on GMG events and happenings and goals.
The program began with Julie Woodall offering Schubert’s Impromptu, Opus 90, No. 3 and followed by Utako playing Chopin’s Waltz, Op. 18. Julie joined forces with Abbie Hattauer with Saint Saens’ aria “Mon Coeur s’ouvre ta voix.” Judy Manganiello played “May” by Tchaikovsky and Harvey’s “Rumba Toccata.” Maggie Frick offered Neukuckatz’s “Grande Fantasia di Molto Espressione” (her great grandfather’s composition) and Nico Brett closed the musical selections with Mozart’s K331, 1st and 3rd Movements.
As always, these Tuesday morning gatherings provide opportunities for performers to “try out” new pieces, experiment with different tempi, and play pieces “from memory,” and rehearse upcoming concert repertoire, etc. all for an appreciative audience in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.
Many thanks to Don and Sam Bennett, and the staff at PianoWorks in Duluth for providing this wonderful venue to the Georgia Musicale Group and for supporting the music community. Please join us when we gather next month at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, August 31, 2018. Hope to see you then!
Utako TanigawaChopinWaltz Op. 18
Chopin,Nocturne Op. 27 No.2
Abbie Hattauer,Saint-SaensMon Coeur s'ouvra ta voix
Asberry & Helfen,Albeniz,Triana
Maggie FrickNeukuckatzGrand Fantasy
Nico Brett,Mozart,K 331, 1st Movement
Nico Brett,Mozart,K 331, 3rd Movement
Julie Woodall,Schubert,Impromptu, Opus 90, no. 3
Judy Manganiello,Tchaikovsky,May
Judy manganiello,Harvey,Rumba Toccata
(Reported by: Abbie Hattauer)
July 7, 2018 Yamaha Musicale
Eleven music lovers (including one baby) gathered in Piano Distributors in Marietta for GMG monthly Yamaha musicale on Saturday, July 7, 2018 at 11am.
GMG's president, Dr. Utako Tanigawa welcomed everybody and musicale began.
Utako started musicale with two pieces, Au Soir by Paderewski and Sonata Hob. XVI 50 by Haydn. Following Utako, Abbie Hattauer sang two songs, “What are you doing the rest of your life” by Legrand and “Velvet, I can wish you” accompanied by Anna Armstrong. Next, Shoko Tanaka played Barcarolle Op.60 by Chopin and Yan Zong Ding sang Donizetti's Una Furtiva Lagrima accompanied by Robin Engleman. Maggie Frick played Grand Fantasy that was composed by her great grandfather, Neukuckatz. Lastly Nico Brett played two pieces; Beethoven Piano Sonata Op.13 the 3rd movement and Venetian Gondola Song by Mendelssohn. He also added one more piece, the beginning and last part of La Campanella by Liszt.
The Georgia Musicale Group is most grateful to Manager Bill Adams and the staff at Yamaha Piano Distributors for their generous continuous support for this musicale.
The next Yamaha Musicale will be held on July 28, 2018 from 11am at Piano Distributor in Marietta.
(Report by Shoko Tanaka)
July 5, 2018 Home Musicale
A dozen members of the Georgia Musicale Group gathered for a post-July 4th celebration of music and fellowship at the home of Pam Martin on Thursday morning. A wide range of music was performed – a solo on bamboo flute, six piano solos, two four-hand piano duets, two duo piano selections (with clapping and lots of vocal “Heys!) and a mezzo soprano solo. (A complete listing of performers and their selections is listed below.)
Following the performances, GMG Founder and President Utako Tanigawa briefly described the Amazon Smile opportunity for GMG members and patrons as well as the upcoming Tag Sale and Silent Auction scheduled for the Music Marathon to be held at PianoWorks from 1 to 5 p.m. on July 21, 2018. In addition, Sharon Scott shared information about the recent VoyageATL interview and photos highlighting Utako and GMG’s mission and activities. This excellent article is available online at http://voyageatl.com/interview/meet-utako-tanigawa-georgia-musicale-group-dawsonville/
Our hostess, Pam Martin, provided a delicious sit-down luncheon of quiche, salad, blueberry and peach cobbler (with ice cream!) and beverages. The gathering was a perfect opportunity for members to share a meal and offer support and encouragement to dear friends – old and new.
GMG Home Musicales are open to all members (attendance is limited and sign up via the www.mygmg.org is required.) The gatherings begin at 10 a.m. on the first Thursday of the month at a member’s home and are followed by a light lunch. The informal atmosphere of the Home Musicales provides a unique opportunity for members to try out new music, play on different pianos, fine-tune upcoming performances or get experience performing before an appreciative, supportive audience.
Plan on joining us at our next gathering on Thursday, August 2, 2018 at the home of GMG member Julie Woodall.
(Report by Abbie Hattauer)

June 17, 2018 Concert at St. Brigid Catholic Church
More than 50 music lovers gathered in St. Brigid Catholic Church in Johns Creek for GMG concert series on Sunday, June 17, 2018 at 2pm. This concert theme was “A Musical Matinee! Music of Mozart, Debussy, Mendelssohn, Chopin and Broadway Favorites”
Judy Manganiello welcomed everyone and thanked to Fr. Neil Herlihy, pastor; Jonathan Eason, music director; Daisy Davidow and Susan Neppl for their support for this concert. Then Judy introduced GMG’s founder and president, Dr. Utako Tanigawa and concert began.
Eleven GMG members performed in this concert. Pam Asberry played two of her original music, Nocturne and The Love of Thousands. Judy Manganiello played Arabesque No. 1 by Claude Debussy. Then we had new members, Yan Zong Ding (Tenor) and Robin Engelman (Piano) who played Dalla sua pace by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and My lovely Celia by George Monro. They were followed by Shoko Tanaka, she played Song Without Words Op. 30, No. 1 by Mendelssohn. Robin Engleman sang Voi che sapete by Mozart and O Rest in the Lord by Mendelssohn accompanied by Pam Asberry. And Utako Tanigawa concluded the first half of the concert with Impromptu Op. 142 No.3 by Franz Schubert.
Audience and performers had brief intermission and the second half of the concert started with Albert Pieczonka’s Tarantella by Judy Manganiello. Then we had another vocalist, Fuling Chiang (Tenor) accompanied by Robin Engelman. Fuling sang You’ll Never Walk Alone by Richard Rogers and The Lord’s Prayer Albert Hay Malotte. Nancy Dunn played Mazurka in A, Op. 17, No. 4 by Chopin. Abbie Hattauer (Mezzo Soprano) sang I Dreamed A Dream by Claude-Michel Schonberg by Shoko Tanaka. Then as a finale, audience was treated to Clarinet and Piano duo by Leanne Manning (Clarinet) and Janet Yao (Piano) who played Sonata in A by Caesar Franck. Complete information about all the music presented at this concert as well as all the performer’s bios is available at the GMG website: mygmg.org.
After the concert, all audience and performers celebrated one of our GMG leaders, Nancy Dunn’s birthday with singing birthday song and sharing a lovely birthday cake.
The Georgia Musicale Group is most grateful to Fr. Neil Herlihy, pastor; Jonathan Eason, music director; Daisy Davidow and Susan Neppl at Saint Brigid Catholic Church for their generous support for this concert. The next GMG concert will be held on July 21, 2018 from 1 to 5 p.m. at PianoWorks in Duluth.
(Report by Shoko Tanaka / Photo by Chen Pan)

June 7, 2018 Home Musicale
10 members of Georgia Musicale Group, (Utako Tanigawa, Leanne Manning, Dawn Hawk, Eric Hawk, Jimmy Baskerville, Nancy Dunn, Sharon Scott, Janet Yao, Chen Pan, and Julie Woodall) attended the June 7, 2018 Home Musicale at the home of Ed Ewing.
Dr. Utako Tanigawa played Impromptu Op.142 No.3 by Schubert. Dr. Dawn D. Hawk played 1st half of Chopin’s Ballade No.4. Abbie Hattauer played Tchaikovsky’s June Barcarolle and Ed Ewing played Eleven Four by Desmond. Jimmy Baskerville played Tempest, 3rd movement by Beethoven, Nancy Dunn played Mazurka Op.17 No.4 by Chopin, Sharon Scott played Polonaise Op. 40 No.1 by Chopin, Janet Yao played Beethoven’s Sonata Op.27, No.2 1st movement, and Julie Woodall played Schumann’s Abegg variations.
In addition to piano, the group enjoyed beautiful performances on clarinet by Leanne accompanied by Janet (Sonata in A – 3rd movement by Franck), violin by Eric Hawk (Bach Minuet 1& 2 from Cello Suite No.1), and beautiful flute playing by Chen Pan (Love theme from Cinema Paradiso by Ennio Morricone). Chen performed for our group for the first time.
After musicale, Ed Ewing kindly provided food and beverages for lunch. Participants greatly appreciate his hospitality.
Next Home Musicale will be on Thursday, July 5th at Pam Martin’s house.
(Report and Photo by Ed Ewing)

June 2, 2018 Concert at Steinway Galleries in Alpharetta
More than 30 music lovers gathered in Steinway Piano Galleries’ Barbara Kirby Recital Hall for “Poetry in Music: the music of Mozart, Chopin and Opera arias.” Tom Olson, Steinway’s Director of Sales welcomed everyone and GMG’s Master of Ceremonies, Pam Martin, got the program started by introducing Utako Tanigawa, the group’s founder and president.
The musical festivities began with Abbie Hattauer (Mezzo Soprano) and Julie Woodall (Piano) performing Mon cœur s'ouvre à ta voix from Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens. Julie Woodall moved to the Steinway Model D 9-foot Concert Grand, to perform Chopin’s Valse Posth. in E minor. Utako Tanigawa played two more Chopin favorites: Nocturne Op. 27 No. 2 in D-flat major and Grande Valse Brillante Op. 18 in E-flat major. Abbie Hattauer returned with Shoko Tanaka (Piano) for I Dreamed A Dream by Claude-Michel Schonberg. And this time Shoko sat at the Steinway to play Mozart’s Sonata K. 310 in a minor. Utako joined forces with Julie for another Mozart favorite utilizing both pianos; his Concerto No. 23 in A major 1st movement.
Following a brief intermission, another two piano selection when Kristi Helfen joined Pam Asberry for Mozart’s Duettino Concertante based on the Finale of Mozart's Piano Concerto in F major, K. 459. One more duet followed, this time with Leanne Manning (Clarinet) and Jonathan Smith (Piano) for the final Mozart selection of the day, his Clarinet Concerto in A Major K. 622. The concert ended with Abbie and Utako in a performance of Prince Orlofsky’s Couplet from Die Fledermaus by Johann Strauss, Jr.
Several door prizes were awarded and then the performers and audience mingled around the refreshment table for snacks, drinks, and fellowship.
The Georgia Musicale Group is most grateful to Steinway Piano Galleries Manager Stevan Mills and his staff for their continued generosity and hospitality. The next GMG concert will be held on June 17, 2018 from 2 to 4 p.m. at Saint Brigid’s Catholic Church in Johns Creek.
Complete information about all the music presented at this concert as well as all the performer’s bios is available at the GMG website: mygmg.org.
(Report by Abbie Hattauer / Photo by Ed Ewing and James Baskerville)

May 26, 2018 Yamaha Musicale
More than 20 Georgia Musicale Group members gathered at the Yamaha Piano Distributors location in Marietta for their monthly musicale. Joining the group were five new GMG members: Francesca Richard, a voice teacher who is a retired opera singer in New York, three of her students – Yan Zong Ding, Robin Edelman and Fuling Chiang (all of whom have become GMG patrons) and Rob Busey who is interested in playing in our musicales soon. Founder and President Utako Tanigawa welcomed everyone and asked each person to share a few words about themselves.
The musical festivities began with Abbie Hattauer (Mezzo Soprano) singing I Dreamed a Dream by Claude-Michel Schoneberg accompanied by Shoko Tanaka on piano. Shoko remained in place and played Mozart’s Sonata in A Minor K310 and Mendelssohn’s Songs Without Words, Op. 301. Next was another duo: Leanne Manning on Clarinet playing Eugene Bozza’s Claribel accompanied by Kimba Kwiatkowski. One of our new members, Yan Zong Ding (Tenor) offered two selections: Mozart’s Dalla sua pace and Monroe’s My lovely Celia. He was accompanied by another new member, Robin Engleman on piano. Utako Tanigawa performed two Chopin masterpieces: Nocturne Op. 27 and Grand Waltz Brillante, Op. 18. Robin Engleman returned as soprano soloist, accompanied by GMG member Pam Asberry, with two selections – Voi Che Sapete by Mozart and O Rest in the Lord by Mendelssohn. Nico Brett, at 12 and a half the youngest performer present, offered Movement #1 and #3 from Mozart’s 331. Another new member, Fuling Chiang (also a tenor) and also accompanied by Robin Engleman sang the Lord’s Prayer by Albert Hay Malotte and You’ll Never Walk Alone by Rodgers and Hammerstein. Ed Ewing played Bach’s English Suite 2: Prelude. The last performer, Pam Asberry, played Mysterious Caverns and Ocean Stars, two pieces from her first published CD Seashells in My Pocket.
Following the performers, Alex Mori, Piano Distributors Sales Consultant, shared how he journeyed from Taiwan to Japan to Altanta and the role that music has played in his life.
As always, these Saturday morning gatherings provide opportunities for performers to “try out” new pieces, experiment with different tempi, play pieces “from memory” or with music, and rehearse upcoming concert repertoire, etc. all for an appreciative audience in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.
The Georgia Musicale Group is most grateful to Manager Bill Adams and the staff at Yamaha Piano Distributors for their generosity and hospitality over a period of many months. Our next “fourth Saturday” musicale will be held at Yamaha Piano Distributors’ Marietta location on June 30, 2018 beginning at 11:00 am. New attendees are always welcome; please come and join us.
(Report by Abbie Hattauer / Photo by Utako Tanigawa)

May 10, 2018 Concert at Callanwolde
Our second concert at the Callanwolde Fine Arts Center on May 10, 2018, at 6:00 p.m., was a resounding success! Many thanks to Georgia Musicale Group Leader and Patron, Liesl Kii, for initiating and coordinating this musical partnership between the Georgia Musicale Group and the Callanwolde Fine Arts Center.
Utako Tanigawa, founder and president of the GMG, and Abbie Hattauer, Secretary of the GMG, welcomed about 40 performers, friends and supporters to the May 10th concert. Two more of these joint concerts are planned for 6 p.m. on Thursday, August 9, 2018 and 6 p.m. on Thursday, November 8, 2018. Mark your calendars now!
Jimmy Baskerville opened the program with Rachmaninoff’s Prelude in C-sharp minor. Next came Ed Ewing with the Prelude from Bach’s English Suite II. He was followed by Utako Tanigawa, who performed Chopin’s Polonaise Op. 26, No. 1. Charlie Jaret on bassoon and Liesl Kii on piano next played a duet by Marcello, Sonata No. 5 in C major. The audience was then treated to a change of pace as Anna Armstrong played the Three Preludes by George Gershwin. Our final performance, before intermission, was Sharon Scott’s rendition of Rachmaninoff’s Prelude in C-sharp minor.
After intermission, we enjoyed a clarinet and piano duet of John Noble’s enjoyable composition Cats, played by Leanne Manning and Jonathan Smith. Jeni Kong then gave us a melodic performance of Chopin’s Ballade No. 1 in G minor, Op. 23. To close out the program, guest artists Dawn Neely (soprano) and Wayne Gilreath (piano) regaled the audience with a wide variety of music, including lullabies by Grieg, Poldowski and Pärt. The lullabies were followed by The Lament of Ian the Proud from Three Poems of Fiona Macleod by Griffes. Their performance finished with a dramatic presentation from Scout by James Grant, presented free of charge and for education purposes to encourage everyone in attendance to purchase and read or to re-read To Kill a Mockingbird.
The performers and attendees who came to the concert also provided an array of wonderful refreshments. Jimmy Baskerville and Toshi Kii photographed the event. The concert was held in the “Courtyard,” Callanwolde’s concert space. The complete concert program may be found on the GMG website at www.mygmg.org/events.
Many thanks to Callanwolde Fine Arts Center for providing the venue and piano at a beautiful historic estate, built in 1920 by Charles H. Candler, eldest son of the Coca-Cola Company founder Asa Griggs Candler. Located in the Druid Hills neighborhood of Atlanta, this estate is on the National Register of Historic Places. Please join us for our next concert in this series on Thursday, August 9, 2018, at 6:00 pm.
(Report by Liesl Kii, Abbie Hattauer)
April 21, 2018 Yamaha Musicale
A dozen members and guests gathered at Yamaha Piano Distributors spacious and well-appointed performance hall in Marietta on April 21. Utako Tanigawa, founder and president of GMG, welcomed the group and opened the musicale.
The first performance was by Abbie Hattauer, accompanied by Anna Armstrong on piano, who sang O mio bambino caro by Puccini. Next up was a duet by Charlie Jaret on bassoon and Liesl Kii on piano who played Marcello’s Sonata No. 5 in C major. Shoko Tanaka followed with Mozart’s Sonata No. 8 in A minor, K. 310. Then there was another duet - Nancy Mack (cello) and Anna Armstrong (piano) performed Oblivion, a tango by Piazolla.
In the middle of the program, the audience was treated to a grand rendition of Mozart’s Concerto No. 23, arranged for two pianos and played by Utako Tanigawa and Anna Armstrong.
The musicale proceeded with another performance by Abbie (I Dreamed a Dream) and she was accompanied this time by Shoko. Shoko then followed with Liszt’s Liebestraum. Utako closed the program with Chopin’s Polonaise, No. 26. It was a day with wonderful performances and a great variety of music. And we were all happy to see 8-month-old Sean Tanaka, our favorite fan and loyal follower! A complete listing of the musical selections is available on the GMG website: mygmg.org.
As always, these Saturday gatherings have provided opportunities for performers to “try out” new pieces, experiment with different tempi, play pieces from memory or with music, and rehearse upcoming concert repertoire, etc. all for an appreciative audience in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. Members bring refreshments to share with the group.
The Georgia Musicale Group is most grateful to Bill Adams and the staff for their generosity and hospitality over a period of many months. And a heart-felt “Thank you” to Alex Mori, a staff member of Yamaha Piano Distributors, who attended the musicale and brought his father as a guest. Our next Saturday musicale will be held on May 26, at 11:00 am. New attendees are always welcome; please come and join us.
(Report by Liesl Kii)
April 17, 2018 PianoWorks Musicale
A variety of musical styles was played at the April 17 m musicale at PianoWorks, including classical, Baroque, Impressionist and contemporary. Plus, a new performer, Maggie Frick, joined the gathering, to play Chopin's Nocturne Op. 48, No.1 in C minor. Welcome, Maggie!
Jimmy Baskerville played Bach's Prelude and Fugue #2, and Abbie Hattauer sang two pieces: Voce de Donna, and O Mio Bambino.
Utako Tanigawa played the first movement of Mozart's Concerto No. 23, with Anna playing the orchestra part.
Clarinetist Leanne Manning played Mozart's clarinet concerto, first movement, accompanied by Jonathan Smith on piano. and Judy Manganiello played Arabesque No. 1, by Debussy.
Playing her own compositions was Pam Asberry. She performed two songs she wrote, inspired by a trip she took to Aruba: Moonlight Over Moorea, and Island Cathedral.
All the musicians enjoyed refreshments after the music.
Georgia Musicale Group would like to thank PianoWorks for letting us use their facility for our monthly gathering. GMG is a group of music lovers and music makers, who gather regularly to play, encourage, listen and help each other with our musical pursuits.
(Report by Judy Manganiello)
April 5, 2018 Home Musicale
April 5 was “Haydn and Rachmaninoff Day” at the home of Utako Tanigawa. Nearly 15 musicians gathered at Utako’s “country estate” for a very entertaining home musicale.
Julie Woodall opened the program with Haydn’s Sonata in E minor, first movement. Later Sabine Walsh played the first movement of Haydn’s Sonata No. 11 in G major (as well as Prelude by Poole). Toward the end, Liesl Kii also performed Haydn’s Sonata No. 11 in G major. In addition, we heard the dramatic tones of Rachmaninoff when Jimmy Baskerville, and later Sharon Scott, played Prelude in C minor. Dawn Dalangin Hawk then gave us Rachmaninoff’s Etudes-Tableaux, Op. 33, No. 2.
In between, the group was treated to Utako’s rendition of Beethoven’s Waldstein Sonata, first movement. Judy Manganiello performed Debussy’s Arabesque No. 1. Abbie Hattauer sang Voce di donna by Ponchielli and was accompanied by Anna Armstrong on piano. Leanne Manning (clarinet) and Jonathan Smith (piano) presented a duet - the third movement of Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto. Anna returned to the keyboard with Shostakovich’s Preludes, Op. 34, No. 12. Ed Ewing performed the Prelude from Bach’s English Suite No. 2. And we all enjoyed an unexpected performance of Buddy Holly! Dawn on piano and her husband Eric on viola entertained us with True Love Ways.
A complete listing of the musical selections is available on the GMG website: mygmg.org.
Then we all gathered for a delicious gourmet lunch prepared by Utako who continues to surprise us with her many talents. We had a brief meeting after the meal to discuss the future of the GMG, including our mission and how we should evolve in the future. The GMG continues to expand and meet the needs of the metro Atlanta community, and the workload on the founders of the organization has increased. We discussed how we could divide responsibilities as we continue to grow.
We look forward to the next home musicale at the home of Dawn and Eric Hawk in Cumming on May 3, 2018. New attendees are always welcome.
(Report by Liesl Kii)
March 31, 2018 Yamaha Musicale
A small but enthusiastic group of about 10 gathered at Yamaha Piano Distributors spacious and well-appointed performance hall in Marietta on March 31. Utako Tanigawa, founder and president of GMG, welcomed the group and opened the gathering with a short business meeting to discuss the future growth of the Georgia Musicale Group.
The first performance was by Shoko Tanaka who played Mozart’s Sonata No. 8 in A minor, K. 310. She was followed by Abbie Hattauer who sang Voce di donna by Ponchielli. Abbie was accompanied on the piano by Anna Armstrong. Next were duets by Leanne Manning (clarinet) and Jonathan Smith (piano): Were You There, a traditional hymn, and the 2nd movement of Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto in A major. In between, Jonathan performed Chopin’s Aeolian Harp Etude (Op. 25, No. 1). Ed Ewing next gave us his rendition of Herbie Hancock’s Maiden Voyage, followed by Liesl Kii with Haydn’s Sonata No. 11 in G major. Utako closed the program with two selections: Chopin’s Nocturne, Op 27, No. 2, and Widmung (Dedication) by Schumann/Liszt. It was an enjoyable and varied program, with a variety of composers and musical styles. A complete listing of the musical selections is available on the GMG website: mygmg.org.
As always, these Saturday gatherings have provided opportunities for performers to “try out” new pieces, experiment with different tempi, play pieces from memory or with music, and rehearse upcoming concert repertoire, etc. all for an appreciative audience in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. Members bring refreshments to share with the group.
The Georgia Musicale Group is most grateful to Bill Adams and the staff for their generosity and hospitality over a period of many months. And a heart-felt “Thank you” to Alex, a new staff member of Yamaha Piano Distributors, who attended the musicale. Our next Saturday musicale will be held on April 21, at 11:00 am. New attendees are always welcome; please come and join us.
(Report by Liesl Kii)
March 20, 2018 PianoWorks Musicale
About a dozen GMG members gathered at the PianoWorks location in Duluth on March 20, 2018, for the regular Tuesday Musicale. Utako Tanigawa, founder and president of GMG, welcomed the group, and two performers shared with us the advice they received from Dr. Igor Resnianski at the master class on March 12.
Performers offered a highly varied repertoire at the Musicale. Ed Ewing opened the program with the Prelude from Bach’s English Suite II. He explained Dr. Resnianski’s techniques for controlling a “heavy thumb.” Next was Abbie Hattauer who sang Voce di donna by Ponchielli. She was accompanied by Anna Armstrong on piano. Utako then performed Chopin’s Nocturne Op. 27, No. 2, and demonstrated Dr. Resnianski’s fingering techniques. Jimmy Baskerville next played the first movement of Mozart’s Sonata No. 18 in D major. He was followed by Leanne Manning on clarinet and Johathan Smith on piano, playing Finzi’s Five Bagatelles. Liesl Kii then played the first two movements of Haydn’s Sonata No. 11 in G major. Next came Anna who presented the piano portion of Brahms‘ Piano Quartet in G minor, Op. 25, to show how beautiful the piano part alone can be. Nancy Dunn then gave us her rendition of the Rondo from Beethoven’s Sonata Op. 15, No. 28, and charmed us again with her music teacher’s advice to “play it as if drunk!” Arlene Martinez closed the program with Debussy’s Evening in Granada. The complete program can be found on GMG’s website, www.mygmg.org/signup.
Light refreshments were provided by all who attended, and enjoyed during and after the meeting.
As always, these Tuesday morning gatherings provide opportunities for performers to “try out” new pieces, experiment with different tempi, play pieces “from memory” or with music, and rehearse upcoming concert repertoire, etc. all for an appreciative audience in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.
Many thanks to Don and Sam Bennett, and the staff at PianoWorks in Duluth for providing this wonderful venue to the Georgia Musicale Group and for supporting the music community. The next PianoWorks musicale is scheduled for Tuesday, April 17, 2018, at 10:00 am.
(Report by Liesl Kii)

March 12, 2018 Master Class of Dr. Igor Resnianski
A group of 28 members and guests gathered to attend the master class of Dr. Igor Resnianski, Assistant Professor of Music at West Chester University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Resnianski is a well-established and highly sought-after teacher who has won many international piano competitions, and given numerous master classes and presentations in the U.S. and abroad. He has also performed throughout the U.S, as well as in Russia, South America, China, and Hong Kong. He has judged local, state, national, and international piano competitions, and his students are winners of many competitions. Utako Tanigawa, founder and president of the Georgia Musicale Group, opened the meeting, welcomed all attendees, and introduced Dr. Resnianski.
Nine performers played during the master class that began at 10:00 a.m. and concluded after 5:00 p.m. Four of the performers were members of the GMG and five were very talented young people between the ages of 10 and 14! All performances were excellent, but no matter how skilled the musician, Dr. Resnianski’s critiques and suggestions always enhanced the quality of the music. He made his suggestions with humor, style and wit, as well as great musical sensitivity.
The first two performers were students: Tessa Paul, who played Beethoven’s Sonata Op. 14, No. 1, first movement, followed by Nico Brett, who played Beethoven’s Sonata Op. 13, “Pathetique,” third movement. They were followed by Utako Tanigawa, who presented Chopin’s Grand Waltz Brillante, Op. 18. After a lunch break, Dawn Dalangin Hawk performed Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 2, third movement, followed by Julie Woodall, who played Chopin’s Polonaise Op. 53, and Ed Ewing, who played the Prelude from Bach’s English Suite, No. 2. After another brief break, three more students performed. Mako Ishikawa presented Liszt’s Concert Etude La Leggierezza. Mitali Bidkar was the second student to play Beethoven’s Sonata Op. 13, “Pathetique,” third movement. The master classes were closed by Iris Chen, performing Mozart’s Sonata in A minor, K. 310.
Each performer received specific recommendations for polishing his or her piece, and all in the audience learned from these critiques. No one will forget his counsel to “practice two hours a day,” or “play the left hand separately from the right hand ten or twelve times before playing them together,” in order to really understand the musical composition. We all learned about “micro-phrasing” and “sound architecture.”
Attendees were treated to breakfast as well as lunch, all prepared by the wonderful chefs of the Georgia Musicale Group! There were many appreciative comments after the seminar about how much everyone learned from Dr. Resnianski and how enjoyable the day had been.
GMG’s Seminar and Master Class series is open to all members and guests for a very nominal fee. The next program in this series will be a seminar and master class by Dr. Evgeny Rivkin, on Saturday, May 19, also at PianoWorks. As always, thanks to Don and Sam Bennett, and the staff at PianoWorks in Duluth for providing this wonderful venue to the Georgia Musicale Group and for supporting the music community.
(Report by Liesl Kii)

March 11, 2018 Concert at Steinway Piano Galleries in Alpharetta
The Georgia Musicale Group presented another “sold out” concert at the Steinway Piano Galleries in Alpharetta, Sunday, March 11, 2018. Nearly 90 people attended!
After welcoming remarks by Tom Olsen of Steinway Piano Galleries and by Utako Tanigawa, president and founder of GMG, several talented musicians from the GMG performed during the first half of the program. Guests were treated to the brilliant sounds of Steinway artist, pianist and teacher Dr. Igor Resnianski after intermission. Dr. Resnianski, Assistant Professor of Music at West Chester University of Pennsylvania, is a well-established and highly sought-after teacher who has won many international piano competitions, and given numerous master classes and presentations in the U.S. and abroad.
Judy Manganiello opened the program with Pomponnette by Auguste Durand. She was followed by Jeni Kong who played Bach’s Partita No. 2. Next Abbie Hattauer, accompanied by Shoko Tanaka, performed Voi Che Sapete from Le nozze di Figaro by Mozart. Utako Tanigawa gave us two selections: Haydn’s Sonata Hob: xvi 50, first movement, and Chopin’s Polonaise, Op. 71, No. 1. Debra Hughes, accompanied by Mary Dekkers, then played Telemann’s Sonata in F major for flute and piano. Then Shoko Tanaka also gave us two selections by Haydn and Chopin; first the Haydn Sonata Hob: xvi 23, first movement, followed by Chopin’s Waltz in E minor, posth. The first half of the program concluded with a duet by Leanne Manning on clarinet and Janet Yao on piano, who played Schumann’s Fantasy Pieces, Op. 73.
After a very enjoyable first half of the program, Dr. Resnianski captivated the audience with Sonata K. 193 in E-flat major and Sonata K. 27 in B minor, both by Scarlatti. He next performed Mozart’s Sonata in A minor, K. 310, and Chopin’s Mazurkas, Op. 24, No. 1, 2, 3 and 4. He surprised concert-goers with two “bonus” selections: Beethoven’s Sonata No. 30 in E major, Op. 109, and finished with an encore by Rachmaninoff, Etude Op. 39, No. 1. The complete concert program may be found on the GMG website at www.mygmg.org/events.
Georgia Musicale Group is grateful to Steve Mills, Vice President of Steinway Piano Galleries, and his staff in Alpharetta, for again providing their recital space and support to GMG for this concert.
For more information about the Georgia Musicale Group – its mission, members, and musicale / concert schedule – visit www.mygmg.org. We look forward to sharing music with you!
(Report by Liesl Kii)
March 1, 2018 Home Musicale
A dozen performers gathered at the home of Abbie Hattauer for the March 1, 2018, home musicale. Utako Tanigawa, president and founder of the GMG, welcomed everyone to the musicale. Utako spoke about the concert on March 11 at Steinway Piano Galleries, with Dr. Igor Resnianski as guest artist, and about the master classes on March 12 when Dr. Resnianski will “coach” our members. She also asked that everyone review the GMG website and be sure to complete concert request forms on line.
Sabine Walsh began the performances with Nocturne by Poole and Etude in G Minor by Lemoine. Sabine is preparing the pieces for the Royal School of Music level 7 exam. She was followed by Anna Armstrong and Janet Yao who played a duet - Khachaturian’s Waltz from “Masquerade.” Next Leanne Manning, accompanied by Janet, performed Schumann’s Fantasy Pieces, Op. 73, on the clarinet. Ed Ewing came next with Allemande, Part 1, from Bach’s English Suite No. 2. Sharon Scott then presented Rachmaninoff’s Prelude in C-sharp Minor, written when the composer was just 11 years old. She was followed by Abbie Hattauer, who sang Voi, che sapete from Marriage of Figaro by Mozart. Abbie was accompanied by Julie Woodall. Julie stayed at the piano to present Chopin’s Polonaise in A Flat, Judy Manganiello played selections from Arabesque No. 1 by Debussy, and Utako closed the program with Chopin’s Nocturne, Op. 27, No. 2. Everyone agreed the musicale was concert quality, and we all enjoyed listening in Abbie’s light-filled home.
A complete listing of the musical selections is available on the GMG website: mygmg.org.
Finally, we all gathered for a delicious lunch brought by members of the GMG. The next home musicale will be Thursday, April 5, at the home of Utako Tanigawa in Dawsonville.
New attendees are always welcome. Please come and join us.
(Report by Liesl Kii)
February 20, 2018 PianoWorks Musicale
Warm-up exercises was the discussion topic at February's musicale, held Tuesday at PianoWorks. GMG members bounced around ideas for finger exercises, hand and arm positions, and titles of books -- all tips for helping pianists warm up before practicing or performing.
Following the discussion, a group of about 13 listened to musical selections, played by some of those group members, from the old masters to modern composers:
Ed Ewing played Bach's English Suite II, and first-time performer Donna Bailey performed an intermezzo by Brahms. Chopin was the composer of choice for two members -- Utako Tanigawa (Polonaise Op. 71) and Shoko Tanaka (Waltz in E minor.) Abbie Hattauer sang a Mozart piece, (Voi, Che Sapete), accompanied by Shoko on piano. Judy Manganiello played part of Debussy's Arabesque, and Leanne Manning played two pieces on clarinet (by Debussy and Morricone.) Sergei Rachmaninoff was played by James Baskerville (Prelude in C# minor) and Dawn Dalangin Hawk (2nd piano concerto.) Anna Armstrong played a piece (Dreaming) by another contemporary compose, Amy Beach.
The group then enjoyed refreshments, socializing, giving each other feedback, and playing with baby Sean.
The next musicale to be held at PianoWorks will be March 20, beginning at 10 a.m.
Musicales are designed to help musicians play their work before a helpful and empathetic audience, and to foster musicianship. Musicals are also meant to help musicians play better, listen better, and to have fun!
(Report by Judy Manganiello / )
February 24, 2018 Yamaha Musicale
A small intimate group of 10 gathered at Yamaha Piano Distributors spacious performance hall in Marietta on February 24. Utako Tanigawa, founder and president of GMG, welcomed the group and shared information about future musicales, concerts and master classes.
Since only six people performed, there was enough time for nearly all of them to play two pieces. During “round one” Shoko Tanaka played Chopin’s Waltz No. 14 in E minor, posth. Next Abbie Hattauer, accompanied by Shoko, sang Voi, che sapete from Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro. Her fan Sean Tanaka (age 7 months) tapped his feet in time to the music! This was followed by Ed Ewing who performed the Prelude from Bach’s English Suite, No. 2. Nico Brett (7th grade) then played the third movement of Beethoven’s Pathetique Sonata. He was followed by Utako Tanigawa who performed Chopin’s Polonaise, Op. 71. Susan Tanguy came next with New Kid on the Block.
In “round two” Nico played Mendelssohn’s Venetian Gondola Song, Shoko performed Haydn’s Sonata in F major, Susan followed with Clementi’s Sonatina in G major, and Utako ended the musicale with Haydn’s Sonata Hob: xvi, No. 50. A complete listing of the musical selections is available on the GMG website: mygmg.org.
As always, these Saturday gatherings have provided opportunities for performers to “try out” new pieces, experiment with different tempi, play pieces from memory or with music, and rehearse upcoming concert repertoire, etc. all for an appreciative audience in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. Members bring refreshments to share with the group.
The Georgia Musicale Group is most grateful to Bill Adams and the staff for their generosity and hospitality over a period of many months. Our next Saturday musicale will be held at Yamaha Piano Distributors Marietta location on March 31, at 11:00 am. New attendees are always welcome; please come and join us.
(Report by Liesl Kii)

February 17, 2018 Concert at Johns Creek United Methodist Church
Georgia Musicale Group presented a concert on Saturday February 17th at the new venue, Johns Creek United Methodist Church. More than twenty people (performers and audience) gathered in one of the beautiful rooms of the church to enjoy music on early spring Saturday afternoon.
This is the venue that one of our members, Ms. Nancy Dunn has introduced to GMG. (Many thanks to Nancy!) At first, she welcomed everyone explaining her connection to this church and she began the concert with her music, My Funny Valentine by Richard Rogers and Satin Doll by Duke Ellington. After that Dr. Utako Tanigawa talked about GMG’s mission, membership, activities and introduced next performers, Abbie Hattauer and Shoko Tanaka. Abbie sang Can’t Help Lovin’ Dat Man from Showboat by Jerome Kern accompanied by Shoko. Next Judy Manganiello played Pomponnette by Auguste Durand, Anna Armstrong played Three Preludes by Gershwin, then Nancy Dunn and Geoff Barnes performed the traditional song, The Water is Wide arranged by Christopher Weait with piano and bassoon. The sound of bassoon with its uniqueness amazed audience. Next Abbie Hattauer sang I Dreamed a Dream accompanied Shoko Tanaka and Dr. Utako Tanigawa played Chopin Grande Valse Brillante Op.18. Shoko also played Schubert Impromptu Op.90 No.2, and as finale, Leanne Manning (Clarinet) played Gabriel’s Oboe from “The Mission” by Ennio Morricone and Petite Piece by Debussy.
(A complete listing of the program and biographical information about the performers is available on the Home Page of www.mygmg.org .)
This was just one hour (4pm-5pm) concert which is a little short program compared to other GMG concerts but it got so many variety of music and amused audience. Again Georgia Musicale Group is grateful to Nancy Dunn, who introduced this venue to GMG and coordinated this concert and all staff of the Johns Creek United Methodist Church for letting us to use this lovely room. The next concert in this series will take place Saturday, March 17, 2018, at 4:00pm. Please come and join us!
(Report by Shoko Tanaka / Photograph by Ed Ewing)

February 8, 2018 Concert at Callanwolde Fine Arts Center
By all accounts, our first concert at Callanwolde Fine Arts Center on February 8, 2018, at 6:00 pm, was a success. Although we were given a different performance venue and piano than we had expected, the talented musicians of the GMG and Callanwolde made it work! Utako Tanigawa, founder and president of the GMG, and Brooke Adams, arts education and development assistant at Callanwolde, welcomed performers, friends and supporters to the first concert in a series jointly sponsored by both the GMG and Callanwolde.
Ed Ewing opened the performances with Forlane from Le Tombeau de Couperin by Ravel. Next came Debra Hughes (and her accompanist Mary Marshall Dekkers) who sang Quando me’n vo from La Boheme. Sharon Scott, a member of the GMG and also piano student at Callanwolde, played the second movement of Beethoven’s Pathetique Sonata. She was followed by clarinetist Leanne Manning (and her accompanist Pamela Martin) who played Fantasy Pieces, Op. 73, by Schumann. Utako Tanigawa then performed the first movement of Haydn’s Sonata, Hob: xvi #50, followed by Abbie Hattauer, who sang I Dreamed a Dream from Les Misérables. Utako accompanied Abbie on piano.
After a brief intermission, we again enjoyed Debra’s presentation of Saper Vorreste from Un ballo maschera by Verdi. Next, Utako performed Fantasy-Impromptu, Op. 66 by Chopin. She followed this with a surprise performance of Sarabande by Jean-Philippe Rameau. Judy Manganiello then played Chopin’s Nocturne in C# minor, Op. posth., followed by the duet Two Symphonic Pieces, Op. 14, by Grieg, played by Kristi Helfen and Pamela Martin. As Utako went to the piano to again play accompaniment, an unexpected guest entered the room - Prince Orlofsky from Strauss’ Die Fledermaus - who closed the concert with Chacun à Son Goût! Imagine the pleasure of the audience when the Prince turned out to be Abbie in tie and tails. An exciting close to a most enjoyable concert!
Approximately 20 performers and attendees came to the concert and also provided an array of wonderful refreshments. Jimmy Baskerville photographed the event. The concert was held in Callanwolde’s “Music Room,” with notable acoustics and a real “salon” feel. The complete concert program may be found on the GMG website at www.mygmg.org/events.
Our thanks goes to Callanwolde Fine Arts Center for providing the venue and piano at a beautiful historic estate, built in 1920 by Charles H. Candler, eldest son of the Coca-Cola Company founder Asa Griggs Candler. The estate is located in the Druid Hills neighborhood of Atlanta and is on the National Register of Historic Places. The next concert in this series will take place Thursday, May 10, 2018, at 6:00 pm.
(Report by Liesl Kii / Photograph by Jimmy Baskerville)

February 1, 2018
Over 15 musicians and listeners gathered at the home of Judy Manganiello on Thursday, February 1, 2018, for a very entertaining Home Musicale. President and Founder of the GMG, Utako Tanigawa, welcomed the group and summarized the Seminar and Master Class by Dr. Joe Chapman, held Tuesday, January 23. There were many favorable comments on the seminar, and Utako reported that Dr. Chapman also enjoyed it and thought we were a very welcoming group. Utako announced that at our next PianoWorks Musicale in Duluth, we will begin by discussing what methods we use to warm up before playing. Then followed a varied and lively musicale. Nearly all performers played something from a different composer, with the exception of two rousing Polonaises by Chopin.
Sabine Walsh opened the program with portions of Haydn’s Sonata in G major, Hob.xvi, No. 11. Ed Ewing then played Forlane from Le Tombeau de Couperin by Ravel, Shoko Tanaka followed with “Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum” from Debussy’s Children’s Corner, and Sabine again performed, this time Bach’s Invention in F Major. Next, Nancy Dunn amused us with the instructions she learned at her last music lesson - “No thumping the left hand, and no head-bobbing.” She then played My Funny Valentine and Satin Doll. We all bobbed our heads in time to the lyrical and nostalgic music.
Utako then performed our first Polonaise by Chopin, in G minor, No. 11, written when the composer was only 7 years old. Next came Anna Armstrong and Janet Yao who played the duet Suite in Season by Melody Bober. Dawn Dalangin Hawk followed with the third movement of Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 2 and played along with recorded orchestral accompaniment. Julie Woodall gave us our next rendition of a Chopin Polonaise, this one in A flat major. And Abbie Hattauer finished up the program with Voi Che Sapate from Marriage of Figaro by Mozart. Sean Tanaka (age 6 1/2 months) really enjoyed Abbie’s aria, tapped his feet in time to the music, and even tried singing along.
A complete listing of the musical selections is available on the GMG website: mygmg.org.
Finally, we all gathered for a delicious lunch brought by members of the GMG.
Many thanks to Judy, who agreed to host the musicale almost at the last minute, at her lovely home in Johns Creek. We look forward to the next Home Musicale at the home of Abbie Hattauer on Thursday, March 1, 2018, at 10 am. New attendees are always welcome.
(Report by Liesl Kii / Photograph by Dawn Dalangin Hawk)

January 27, 2018 Yamaha Musicale
A small group gathered at Yamaha Piano Distributors in Marietta on rainy morning on January 27 at 11 a.m. This was the first musicale at new location and time. Four of GMG members, Anna Armstrong, Ed Ewing, Julie Woodall, and Shoko Tanaka were in attendance and in addition to the regular members we had two new members, Nico Brett and his mother, Kelly Brett joined us on Saturday musical.
The musicale has begun with a performance of an excellent talented 12 years-old pianist, Nico. He played two pieces, Beethoven Sonata in C Minor, Op. 13 (Pathetique), 3rd Movement, which we had a lecture by Dr. Joe Chapman on 1/23. Nico also played Venetian Gondola Song by Mendelssohn. Then Ed Ewing played La Comparsa by Lecuona and his original jazz arrangement of Joe Sample’s “Freedom Sound”. Anna Armstrong played Dreaming by Amy Beach, Julie Woodall played Mozart Sonata in A major, 1st movement and Shoko Tanaka played Barcarolle Op.60 by Chopin. After everybody played, Nico has added two more pieces from his repertoire, Glissando Mazurka by Lecuona and Bach Invention No.8 in F major. A complete listing of the musical selections is available on the GMG website: mygmg.org.
As always, this Saturday gatherings have provided opportunities for performers to “try out” new pieces, experiment with different tempi, play pieces “from memory” or with music, and rehearse upcoming concert repertoire, etc. all for an appreciative audience in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.
The Georgia Musicale Group is grateful to Bill, the manager at Yamaha Piano Distributors for providing their recital space and support to GMG for continuing this musicale. Our next “fourth Saturday” musicale will be held at Yamaha Piano Distributors’ Marietta location on February 24, this time at 11:00 am. New attendees are always welcome; please come and join us.
(Report & Photograph by Shoko Tanaka)

January 23, 2018 Beethoven "Pathetique" Discussion & Master class
A group of 25 members and guests gathered to hear Dr. Joe Chapman, Professor, University of North Georgia, lecture on Beethoven’s “Pathetique” Sonata, and then to participate in or observe a master class featuring four performers and their musical selections. Utako Tanigawa, founder and president of the Georgia Musicale Group, opened the meeting, welcomed all attendees, and introduced Dr. Chapman.
Dr. Chapman has been a professor of music for 34 years, and is also a composer and conductor. During his lecture, he described Beethoven’s Sonata in C minor, Op.13, as “the most perfectly composed music ever written.” In his enjoyable, understandable and relatable style, Dr. Chapman first discussed Beethoven’s historical context and the composers who most influenced him - Haydn and Mozart. He went in depth into Beethoven’s body of work, and then explained in great detail the Pathetique Sonata. He talked about the form, tonality, harmony, melody and rhythm of the sonata.
Although he went into quite a bit of technical detail regarding the composition of the music, he described it in a way that everyone could understand, from the piano teachers and professionals among the crowd, to those who enjoy music but have very little theory background.
After the presentation, four members played for the group and then received a critique and suggestions from Dr. Chapman. First was Utako Tanigawa who played Haydn’s Piano Sonata in C major, Hob. xvi:50; next, Julie Woodall performed Mozart’s Piano Sonata No. 11 in A major, K. 331; Anna Armstrong’s rendition of the Gershwin Preludes, Nos. 1-3 came next; and finally Shoko Tanaka presented Chopin’s Barcarolle, Op. 60. Dr. Chapman amazed the performers, as well as audience members, with his insightful comments and helpful recommendations that noticeably enhanced the quality of the musical performances.
Attendees were treated to breakfast as well lunch, all prepared by the wonderful chefs of the Georgia Musicale Group! There were many appreciative comments after the seminar about how much everyone learned from Dr. Chapman and how enjoyable the day had been.
GMG’s Seminar and Master Class series is open to all members and guests for a very nominal fee. The next program in this series will be a seminar and master class by Dr. Igor Resnianski, on Monday, March 12, from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm, also at PianoWorks.
As always, thanks to Don and Sam Bennett, and the staff at PianoWorks in Duluth for providing this wonderful venue to the Georgia Musicale Group and for supporting the music community.
(Report by Liesl Kii / Photograph by PianoWorks)

January 16, 2018 PianoWorks Musicale
About a dozen music lovers gathered at the PianoWorks location in Duluth on a cold January morning for the regular Tuesday Musicale. Utako Tanigawa, founder and president of GMG, welcomed the group and asked all of us to indicate when we’d like to perform at future musicales and concerts. It was good to hear that so many musicians are interested in performing, and that performance schedules have to be arranged well ahead of time. She announced again Dr. Joe Chapman’s seminar on Beethoven’s Pathetique Sonata on January 23 at PianoWorks.
Performers offered a highly varied repertoire at the Musicale. Ed Ewing opened with a composition by Cuban composer Lecuona (La Comparsa); Shoko Tanaka followed with Mozart’s Piano Sonata in F Major; then Anna Armstrong played Amy Beach’s Dreaming. Jimmy Baskerville performed Chopin’s Nocturne No. 20 in C sharp minor, followed by Dawn Dalangin Hawk’s rendition of Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 2, third movement. Next was Abbie Hattauer with Bach’s Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring; Utako Tanigawa presented the first movement of Haydn’s Sonata in C major, Hob:xvi/50. Finally Ed surprised us with his own jazz arrangement of Johnny Mandel’s “Theme from M.A.S.H.” A complete listing of the musical selections is available on the GMG website: mygmg.org.
Light refreshments were provided by all who attended, and enjoyed during and after the meeting.
As always, these Tuesday morning gatherings provide opportunities for performers to “try out” new pieces, experiment with different tempi, play pieces “from memory” or with music, and rehearse upcoming concert repertoire, etc. all for an appreciative audience in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.
Many thanks to Don and Sam Bennett, and the staff at PianoWorks in Duluth for providing this wonderful venue to the Georgia Musicale Group and for supporting the music community. The next PianoWorks musicale is scheduled for Tuesday, February 20, 2018, at 10:00 am.
(Report by Liesl Kii / Photograph by Dawn Dalangin Hawk)

January 4, 2018 Home Musicale
Nearly 15 musicians and listeners gathered at the home of Liesl and Toshi Kii on a cold Thursday, January 4, 2018, to kick off the Home Musicale schedule for the new year. President and Founder of the GMG, Utako Tanigawa, welcomed the group and gave us an immediate assignment - the correction and amending of GMG brochures! An assembly line was created and the corrections were completed within just a few minutes. Great teamwork!
Two newcomers were welcomed to the group: Dr. Charles Jaret, bassoonist for the Atlanta Community Symphony Orchestra, opened the program by playing a bassoon/piano duet by Marcello with Liesl Kii. Later in the program Sharon Scott, a new member who came just to listen, was persuaded to play the Adagio Cantabile movement of Beethoven’s Pathetique Sonata and received an enthusiastic round of applause. Welcome Charlie and Sharon!
All of our regulars played, providing a beautiful January concert. Anna Armstrong played Chopin’s Nocturne No. 19, Shoko Tanaka performed Mozart’s Sonata No. 7, Julie Woodall gave us selections from Mozart’s Sonata in A Major. Utako Tanigawa presented Schubert’s Impromptu, Opus 142, No. 1 and Abbie Hattauer played Massenet’s Meditation. Janet Yao and Judy Manganiello finished the program with Janet’s presentation of Bach’s Italian Concerto, Movement No. 1, and Judy’s rendition of Chopin’s Nocturne in C Sharp Minor. A complete listing of the musical selections is available on the GMG website: mygmg.org.
One unusual occurrence - after Shoko played, she looked around for her 6-month old son Sean (and music lover) who always accompanies her. He had disappeared. She said, “Where is my baby?!” As it turns out, Sean was upstairs entertaining Toshi Kii; they were in the den enjoying the music together!
Afterwards, there was a soup and salad lunch - all attendees brought something for the salad bar. And there were enough yummy desserts to crush the best New Year’s resolutions!
We look forward to the next Home Musicale at the home of Abbie Hattauer on Thursday, February 1, 2018, at 10 am. New attendees are always welcome.
(Report by Liesl Kii / Photograph by Ed Ewing)

December 31, 2017 Concert at First Night Dahlonega (New Year's Eve)
Seven members of Georgia Musicale Group presented a concert at the New Year’s Eve event, “First Night Dahlonega “on Sunday December 31st. More than twenty music lovers gathered in the Dahlonega Baptist Church at 6:30 p.m. Unfortunately the weather was freezing but the inside was so warm filled with beautiful music and friendly people.
At the beginning of the concert, one of the event organizers, Tricia Scheinoha has introduced Georgia Musicale Group along its mission and members. The first half of the concert had great repertoires of Bach, Beethoven, Pieczonka, Debussy, Chopin, Rameau and two songs from Broadway show. Julie Woodall played Gigue from French Suite No.5 by Bach, Reverie by Debussy, and Impromptu Op.29 by Chopin. Dr. Utako Tanigawa, GMG founder played Piano Sonata Pathetique 2nd and 3rd movements by Beethoven, Sarabande by Rameau, and Fantasy Impromptu by Chopin. Judy Manganiello played Tarantella by Pieczonka and Abbie Hattauer sang Can’t Help Lovin’ Dat Man from Showboat accompanied by Julie Woodall. Shoko Tanaka played Sonata in F Major Hob.XVI 23, 1st movement by Haydn and Clair de Lune by Debussy. As a finale of the first half, Abbie Hattauer sang I Dreamed a Dream from Les Miserables accompanied by Shoko Tanaka.
After 15 minutes of intermission, more variety of music were presented. Shoko Tanaka played Barcarolle Op.60 by Chopin and Abbie Hattauer sang Mon Coeur s’ouvre a ta voix from Samson et Dalila and Prince Orlofsky’s Couplet from Die Fledermaus accompanied respectively by Julie Woodall and Dr. Utako Tanigawa. Julie also played Impromptu, Op.90 No.3 by Schubert and Judy Manganiello played Mazurka Op.68 No.2 by Chopin. Utako and Julie played Hangarian Dance No.5 & No.6 by Brahms and Leanne Manning (Clarinet) performed Clarinet Concert in A major, KV 622 by Mozart accompanied by Jonathan Smith (Piano) to finale. (A complete listing of the program and biographical information about the performers is available on the Home Page of www.mygmg.org .)
Georgia Musicale Group is grateful to Susan Bridgforth, Tom Slavicek and Tricia Scheinoha and all the staff of First Night Dahlonega event for organizing and providing this wonderful opportunity.
(Report by Shoko Tanaka / Photograph by Darrel Woodall)

December 19, 2017 PianoWorks Musicale
About a dozen musicians gathered at the PianoWorks location in Duluth for the regular Tuesday morning GMG Musicale. Utako Tanigawa, founder and president of GMG, welcomed the group and shared information about becoming a member, and about future musicales and concerts. Of special mention is Dr. Joe Chapman’s seminar on Beethoven’s Pathetique Sonata on January 23 at PianoWorks.
This December musicale was “Chopin and Beethoven” day: Dawn Dalangin Hawk treated us to the 4th Ballade by Chopin, Shoko Tanaka performed Barcarolle, also by Chopin, and our final Chopin selection was Mazurka, played by Judy Manganiello. Jimmy Baskerville played the 3rd movement of Beethoven’s Sonata No. 17, and Utako performed excerpts from the Pathetique Sonata. Other composers were also represented. Ed Ewing played Forlane from Le Tombeau de Couperin by Ravel, Liesl Kii performed From Foreign Lands by Schuman, Abbie Hattauer sang I Dreamed a Dream by Schonberg and played Sarabande by Handel.
Light refreshments were provided during the meeting by all who attended.
As always, these Tuesday morning gatherings provide opportunities for performers to “try out” new pieces, experiment with different tempi, play pieces “from memory” or with music, and rehearse upcoming concert repertoire, etc. all for an appreciative audience in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.
Many thanks to Don and Sam Bennett, and the staff at PianoWorks in Duluth for providing this wonderful venue to the Georgia Musicale Group and for supporting the music community. The next PianoWorks musicale is scheduled for Tuesday, January 16, 2018, at 10:00 a.m.
(Report by Liesl Kii / Photograph by Dawn Dalangin Hawk)
December 16, 2017 Yamaha Musicale
A small intimate group gathered at Yamaha Piano Distributors in Roswell on December 16. This was our last musicale here since the store is closing. While GMG members played, customers came in and out, enjoying the music. Utako Tanigawa, founder and president of GMG, welcomed the group and shared information about future musicales and concerts.
We had special Christmas music this time, played by Ed Ewing (Santa Claus is Coming to Town) and by Susan Tanguy, who played several medleys of popular holiday favorites. Ed also played Forlane from Le Tombeau de Couperin by Ravel, Shoko Tanaka performed Chopin’s Barcarolle, and Liesl Kii played From Foreign Lands by Schumann. After all customers had left, members of the staff at the store, Alex Merlo and Tony Merritt joined us and played original compositions and additional Christmas music.
The highlight of the evening came when Utako shared a short analysis of Beethoven’s Pathetique Sonata, and explained that Dr. Joe Chapman will provide much more detail in his special seminar on this sonata, January 23, at PianoWorks. Then Utako played short portions of the Pathetique to illustrate some of Beethoven’s techniques. A complete listing of the musical selections is available on the GMG website: mygmg.org.
Christmas cookies and other refreshments were served after the musicale. We all enjoyed talking with Tony Merritt and Alex Merlo about their time working at Steinway in New York.
As always, these Saturday evening gatherings have provided opportunities for performers to “try out” new pieces, experiment with different tempi, play pieces “from memory” or with music, and rehearse upcoming concert repertoire, etc. all for an appreciative audience in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.
The Georgia Musicale Group is most grateful to Tony Merritt and Alex Merlo, the staffs at Yamaha Piano Distributors for their generosity and hospitality over a period of many many months. Our next “fourth Saturday” musicale will be held at Yamaha Piano Distributors’ Marietta location on January 27, this time at 11:00 am. New attendees are always welcome; please come and join us.
(Report by Liesl Kii)

December 10, 2017 Concert at the Steinway Galleries in Alpharetta
Georgia Musicale Group presented a concert on Sunday December 10th at the Steinway Piano Galleries in Alpharetta. More than thirty music lovers gathered in the Barbara Kirby Recital Hall on a cold but beautiful afternoon following a heavy snowfall.
GMG Treasurer, Julie Woodall, serving as our MC introduced GMG Founder, Dr. Utako Tanigawa who welcomed everyone and announced a program change; Dr. David Watkins had to withdraw from the concert due injury. Dr. Joe Chapman, University of North Georgia Professor and former president of the Georgia Music Teachers’ Association, had kindly accepted our last minute request and would perform in his stead.
The first half of the concert began with a Chopin Collection: five Chopin pieces performed by GMG members. Anna Armstrong played Bacchanale from Six Chants Polonais transcribed for piano by Franz Liszt, Janet Yao played Nocturne in C# Minor Op. Posthumous, Dr. Utako Tanigawa played Fantasy-Impromptu Op. 66 and Shoko Tanaka played two Waltzes: Op. 69 No.1 and Op. 64 No.1. Then GMG members Leanne Manning and Julie Woodall presented two clarinet/piano duets adding a festive Christmas mood to the concert: Away in a Manger and Joy to the World. After a brief intermission, three more GMG members performed -- Tchaikovsky’s May (Starlight Night) played by Judy Manganiello, Debussy’s Prelude No. 12 (Fireworks) by Jeni Kong, and Ravel’s Forlane from Le Tombeau de Couperin by Ed Ewing. Lastly our wonderful Guest Artist, Dr. Joe Chapman, livened up the concert hall with four Gottschalk pieces from his vast repertoire: The Banjo, La Bananier, Ojos Criollos, and Union. Dr. Chapman’s introductions provided interesting insights into this composer and enhanced the audience’s enjoyment of an amazing finale to a fabulous afternoon of classical music. (A complete listing of the program and biographical information about the performers is available on the Home Page of www.mygmg.org .)
Georgia Musicale Group is grateful to the staff of Steinway Piano Galleries in Alpharetta for again providing their recital space and support to GMG for this concert.
For more information about the Georgia Musicale Group – its mission, members, and musicale / concert schedule – visit www.mygmg.org. We look forward to sharing music with you!
(Report by Shoko Tanaka / Photograph by Jimmy Baskerville)
December 7, 2017 Home Musicale
What an amazing morning of music and fellowship 13 members of the Georgia Musicale Group experienced when they gathered at Anna Armstrong’s home on Thursday, December 7th! A wide range of music was performed – piano solos, four hand duets, and a vocal solo* – and members shared information about upcoming educational opportunities at the Peabody Institute and Summertrios. In addition, valuable hints were shared about “nuts and bolts” performance issues such as coping with unfamiliar instruments.
Following the performances, GMG Founder and President Utako Tanigawa advised that Dr. David Watkins, the scheduled guest artist at the upcoming December 10th concert at the Steinway Piano Galleries, had injured his arm and would be unable to perform. With only three days before the concert, the group rallied around Utako, with scheduled performers offering to supplement their selections and three members stepping in to add their performances to the concert program.
GMG Home Musicales are open to all members (attendance is limited and sign up via the www.mygmg.org is required.) The gatherings begin at 10 a.m. on the first Thursday of the month at a member’s home and are followed by a light lunch. The informal atmosphere of the Home Musicales provides a unique opportunity for members to try out new music, play on different pianos, fine-tune upcoming performances or get experience performing before an appreciative, supportive audience.
Plan on joining us at our next gathering on Thursday, January 4th at the home of GMG member Liesl Kii.
* A complete listing of performers and selections is available via the GMG website under Events – Sign Up.
(Report by Abbie Hattauer)

November 21, 2017 PianoWorks Musicale
Over a dozen music lovers gathered at the PianoWorks location in Duluth for the regular Tuesday morning Musicale. Utako Tanigawa, founder and president of GMG, welcomed the group and shared information about becoming a member and about future musicales and concerts.
Attendees were treated to some special Christmas music this time, including two vocal performances by Debra Hughes, one of which was Panis Angelicus; also Leanne Manning and Julie Woodall presented clarinet/piano duets of Away in a Manger and Joy to the World. In addition, we were treated to three separate Sarabandes by different composers and performers: Utako Tanigawa played Rameau’s Sarabande, Pam Asberry presented a Sarabande by Debussy (as well as one of her own compositions), and Abbie Hattauer gave us a performance of Handel’ s Sarabande. There were also two performances of Chopin: Utako Tanigawa presented Fantasy Impromptu, and Shoko Tanaka played Barcarolle. There were also performances of the third movement of The Tempest by Beethoven by Jimmy Baskerville, Bach’s Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring by Liesl Kii, and Ravel’s Forlane, Le Tombeau de Couperin by Ed Ewing. A complete listing of the musical selections is available on the GMG website: mygmg.org. After the musicale, Utako called to order a meeting to discuss details of GMG’s planned concert at Carnegie Hall in New York. A fact sheet of dates, requirements, costs, etc. was provided to members, along with a brochure from Carnegie Hall outlining parameters for groups wishing to rent the concert hall for a morning, an afternoon, or an evening. GMG plans to take a group to the iconic concert venue in September or October, 2020. Start brushing up your piano pieces, performers!
A light luncheon, appetizers and desserts were provided during the meeting by the wonderful cooks of the GMG. As always, these Tuesday morning gatherings provide opportunities for performers to “try out” new pieces, experiment with different tempi, play pieces “from memory” or with music, and rehearse upcoming concert repertoire, etc. all for an appreciative audience in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.
Many thanks to Don and Sam Bennett, and the staff at PianoWorks in Duluth for providing this wonderful venue to the Georgia Musicale Group and for supporting the music community. The next PianoWorks Musicale is scheduled for Tuesday, December 19, 2017, at 10:00 am.
(Report by Liesl Kii / Photograph by Dawn Dalangin Hawk)

November 18, 2017 Yamaha Musicale
Nearly dozen music lovers gathered at the Yamaha Piano Distributors in Roswell for the regular Saturday night Georgia Musicale. GMG Secretary Abbie Hattauer welcomed everyone and shared information about becoming a member of GMG and information about an upcoming concert that will be held at the Steinway Gallery on Sunday, December 10, 2017 at 3 p.m. Abbie introduced two young pianists, Dimy and Angelina Kehdy, students of GMG member Judy Manganiello. Performances by GMG members followed beginning with Ed Ewing who played Ravel’s Forlane from Le Tombeau de Couperin and then his original composition inspired by James Taylor’s “Shower the People with Love.” Utako Tanigawa, GMG Founder, shared information about membership benefits and then performed Sarabande by Jean-Philippe Rameau and Fantasy-Impromptu by Chopin. Shoko Tanaka played two Chopin Waltzes and Judy Manganiello played a Chopin Mazurka. (We had a lot of Chopin that night!) A complete listing of the musical selections is available on the GMG website: mygmg.org.
After everybody finished playing, Dimy was inspired by the performances and volunteered to play one more piece, a wonderful example of how the Georgia Musicale Group encourages music appreciation! Monthly gatherings at this convenient location provide a wonderful chance for GMG members and guests to perform in a relaxed, informal environment. It is an opportunity to try out new music or “polish” up a familiar favorite. It is also an excellent chance for piano teachers to have their students play before an appreciative audience. Light refreshments and convivial conversation before and after the performances set the tone for a pleasant, enjoyable musical experience for all.
The Georgia Musicale Group is most grateful to Tony Merritt and the staff at Yamaha Piano Distributors for their generosity and hospitality. New attendees are always welcome; come join our next Yamaha Musicale at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, December 16th.
(Report by Shoko Tanaka)

November 4, 2017 Concert at Nortminster Presbyterian Church
Both music-lovers and music-makers were present for the Saturday evening November 4th concert presented by the Georgia Musicale Group. The event was held at Northminster Presbyterian Church on Old Alabama Road in Roswell. Piano selections from the Romantic and Contemporary eras were performed, and two vocalists treated the audience to a variety of songs. Debra Hughes (with Bobbie Howard, accompanist) sang two arias: one from Don Giovanni assisted by an audience attendee, and the "Jewel Song," from Faust. Abbie Hattauer sang an aria from Die Fledermaus and a song from the Broadway musical Les Miserables. A Brahms Variation, for four hands, was performed by Kristi Helfen and Pamela Martin; Shoko Tanaka
played a Chopin ballade; and Jimmy Baskerville played Liszt's "Love Dream," which he dedicated to his wife, Angela. Utako Tanigawa performed "Un Sospiro," by Listzt, and Chopin's Revolutionary Etude; and Judy Manganiello played "May" by Tchaikovsky, and "City Of Stars" from the movie La La Land. A complete listing of musical selections, composers and performers can be found on our website, mygmg.org.
Many thanks to two new GMG members, Janet Yao and Chen Pan who assisted throughout the evening with refreshments, set-up and clean-up (which helped a great deal!).
GMG also wishes to thank Jan Copeland, Northminster office administrator, for her assistance in the use of the
church social hall for Saturday's concert. The next gathering of the Georgia Musicale Group will be Saturday, Nov. 18, at the Yamaha Piano Distributors on Mansell Road in Roswell. A complete listing of future concerts can also
be found on our website as listed above.
(Report by Judy Manganiello / Photograph by Masato Tanaka)

November 2, 2017 Home Musicale
The home of Karen Bunn was the setting of the November home musicale, with 14 (plus one baby) in attendance.
Two special guests were part of the Thursday gathering: Utako and Yoshi Tsuji, Shoko Tanaka's parents, who are visiting from Japan. Shoko's father also played guitar and sang several songs, in Japanese, AND he and Shoko sang a Japanese love song together while they each played their instruments (Shoko on piano, Yoshi on guitar.)
It was a delightful international presentation! Other highlights of the musicale:
* A vocal arrangement of "I Dreamed a Dream" sung by Abbie Hattauer (accompanied by Shoko);
* Bach partita, performed on clarinet, by Leanne Manning;
* Pieces from Bach, Chopin, Debussy, Hurwitz, Liszt, Rodgers & Hammerstein, Schumann, and Schubert, performed by: Janet Yao, Utako Tanigawa, Ed Ewing, Abbie Hattauer, Shoko Tanaka, Anna Armstrong and Judy Manganiello. A complete listing of performers and selections is available via the GMG website under Events – Sign Up.
Giving "social support" and acting as much-appreciated audience were Nancy Dunn, Julie Woodall, Utako Tsuji and Karen Bunn. All enjoyed a delicious lunch afterward, with everybody contributing something to the meal. Next month's home musicale will be on Thursday, Dec. 7.
(Report by Judy Manganiello / Photograph by Ed Ewing)
October 28, 2017 Yamaha Musicale
Forty music lovers gathered at the Yamaha Piano Distributors in Roswell for the regular Saturday night Georgia Musicale on a dark and stormy fall evening. GMG Founder Utako Tanigawa (who was surprised with a birthday cake!) welcomed everyone and shared information about the organization's three monthly performance opportunities and upcoming concert events. A full roster of 15 performances followed! A complete listing of their musical selections is available at the Georgia Musicale Group website: mygmg.org.
Monthly gatherings at this convenient location offer a wonderful chance for GMG members and guests to perform in a relaxed, informal environment. It is an opportunity to try out new music or “polish” up a familiar favorite. It is also an excellent chance for piano teachers to have their students play before an appreciative audience. Light refreshments and convivial conversation before and after the performances set the tone for a pleasant, enjoyable musical experience for all. The Georgia Musicale Group is most grateful to Tony Merritt and the staff at Yamaha Piano Distributors for their generosity and hospitality. Over the course of the last two years several
hundred people have gathered to spend an hour or so listening or playing beautiful live music! New attendees are always welcome; come join us at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, November 18th.
(Report by Abbie Hattauer)

October 17, 2017 PianoWorks Musicale
A dozen Georgia Musicale Group members and guests attended the October Musicale at PianoWorks in Duluth at 10 a.m. on Tuesday 10/17/2017. As in the past, attendees shared breakfast refreshments and were then welcomed by GMG founder Utako Tanigawa. She brought those gathered up to date on GMG events and happenings and goals. A variety of musical selections were presented: piano solos, four hand duets and a vocal offering. For a complete listing check out the GMG website at: www.mygmg.org. As always, these Tuesday morning gatherings provide opportunities for performers to “try out” new pieces, experiment with different tempi, and play pieces “from memory” and rehearse upcoming concert repertoire, etc. all for an appreciative audience in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. Many thanks to Don and Sam Bennett, and the staff at PianoWorks in Duluth for providing this wonderful venue to the Georgia Musicale Group and for supporting the music community. Please join us when we gather next month at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, November 21st. Hope to see you then!
(Report by Abbie Hattauer)
October 5, 2017 Home Musicale
Nearly a dozen Georgia Musicale Group members (and one very young guest!) gathered at the home of Ed Ewing on Thursday, October 5th for a delightful morning of live music and a delicious lunch featuring several items from Ed’s garden. Ed began the morning's festivities with a guided tour to view more than a dozen of his magnificent oil
paintings, pre-dinosaur age fossils he collected and beautiful hand-crafted furniture he built throughout his home. As always, the performers shared insights into their selections and the strains of live music inspired and cheered all those present. A complete listing of performers and selections is available via the GMG website under Events –Sign Up.
GMG Home Musicales are open to all members (attendance is limited and sign up via the www.mygmg.org is required.) The gatherings begin at 10 a.m. on the first Thursday of the month at a member’s home and are followed by a light lunch. The informal atmosphere of the Home Musicales provides a unique opportunity for members to try out new music, play on different pianos, fine-tune upcoming performances or get experience performing before an appreciative, supportive audience. Plan on joining us at our next gathering on Thursday, November 2nd at the home of GMG member Karen Bunn.
(Report by Abbie Hattauer)

September 30, 2017 Yamaha Musicale
Nearly two dozen music lovers gathered at the Yamaha Piano Distributors in Roswell for the regular Saturday night Georgia Musicale on a beautiful fall evening. GMG Founder Utako Tanigawa welcomed everyone and shared
information about the organization’s three monthly performance opportunities and then introduced two young pianists as well as eight GMG members. A complete listing of their musical selections is available at the Georgia Musicale Group website: mygmg.org.
Monthly gatherings at this convenient location offer a wonderful chance for GMG members and guests to perform in a relaxed, informal environment. It is an opportunity to try out new music or“polish” up a familiar favorite. It is also an excellent chance for piano teachers to have their students play before an appreciative audience. Light refreshments and convivial conversation before and after the performances set the tone for a pleasant, enjoyable musical experience for all.
The Georgia Musicale Group is most grateful to Tony and the staff at Yamaha Piano Distributors for their generosity and hospitality. Over the course of the last two years several hundred people have gathered to spend an hour or so listening or playing beautiful live music!
New attendees are always welcome; come join us at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 28th.
(Report by Shoko Tanaka)

September 22, 2017 Concert at the Bowen Center for the Arts
Several dozens people gathered on a beautiful Friday evening at The Bowen Center for the Arts for a return engagement of the Georgia Musicale Group. GMG founder, Dr. Utako Tanigawa was joined by Julie Woodall, Abbie Hattauer, Leanne Manning and Kimber Kwiatkowski (and Judy Manganiello, GMG Vice President of Community Engagement, who provided much-needed hospitality assistance). Music selections include piano solos and a four-hand duet, clarinet and piano duets and Broadway songs.
The audience rewarded the performers with a standing ovation, door prizes (Darrell Woodall’s framed nature photographs and two signed copies of his latest book as well as three hand-quilted potholders created by Judy Manganiello’s mother) were presented and everyone once more enjoyed refreshments and conversation. A delightful way to celebrate the first day Fall!
The Georgia Musicale Group gratefully acknowledges the hospitality and hard work of its Executive Director Ginny Greenwood and the dedicated volunteers of The Bowen Center for the Arts who made this evening such a great success.
(Report by Abbie Hattauer)

September 19, 2017 PianoWorks Musicale
A dozen Georgia Musicale Group members and guests attended the September Musicale at PianoWorks in Duluth at 10 a.m. on Tuesday 9/19/2017. After gathering around a bountiful breakfast table, GMG founder Utako Tanigawa welcomed everyone. Three new members were introduced: pianist Jimmy Baskerville, violinist Karen Lin, and two-month-old, Sean, the son of member Shoko Tanaka (who slept through the whole Musicale)!
Both new members performed as well as six of the members present. We had so many highlights: Jimmy’s Liebestraum and Karen’s Dvorak and Paganini, Pam Asberry’s two selections from her own composition “Seashells in My Pocket,” and dedicated members Anna Armstrong and Judy Manganiello who played Gershwin, Tchaikovsky and Chopin, and three additional Chopin selections by Utako, Shoko, and Julie Woodall. Abbie Hattauer sang two Broadway selections, accompanied by Julie. And rounding out the morning, Julie and Utako joined forces with a wonderful four-hand arrangement of two of Brahm’s Hungarian Dances. For a complete listing check out the GMG website at: www.mygmg.org.
As always, these Tuesday morning gatherings provide opportunities for performers to “try out” new pieces, experiment with different tempi, and play pieces “from memory,” and rehearse upcoming concert repertoire, etc. all for an appreciative audience in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.
Many thanks to Don and Sam Bennett, and the staff at PianoWorks in Duluth for providing this wonderful venue to the Georgia Musicale Group and for supporting the music community.
(Report by Abbie Hattauer)

September 7, 2017 Home Musicale
A dozen Georgia Musicale Group friends, family and members gathered at the beautiful home of Utako Tanigawa and Steven Bennett on Thursday, September 7th for the monthly GMG Home Musicale. Performances by six members delighted all present (a complete list of performers and selections can be found on the GMG website: mygmg.org). Following the music, the group gathered around an expansive round table for a gourmet luncheon prepared by Utako.
As always, these Thursday morning Home Musicales gather kindred spirits who support and encourage each other while increasing classical music appreciation through listening and performing opportunities, all in a casual, informal “homey” environment. Many thanks to Utako and her family for their hospitality.
(Report by Abbie Hattauer)
August 26, 2017 Yamaha Musicale
Our August 26 musicale at the Alpharetta Yamaha piano store was fabulous, as usual.
We had 12 performers, children and adults, who outdid themselves on the store’s
beautiful Yamaha grand piano. The audience of 35 listened to piano solos and duets.
One performer played a lovely piece on a Yamaha keyboard. Manager Jeff ended the
program improvising on a Gospel song. People brought lovely snacks and $5 was
donated to help us keep GMG going!
(Report by Julie Woodall)

August 15, 2017 PianoWorks Musicale
Nearly a dozen Georgia Musicale Group members and guests gathered for the August Musicale at PianoWorks in Duluth at 10 a.m. on Tuesday 8/15/2017. Following friendly conversation and breakfast treats, GMG founder Utako Tanigawa shared reflections from her recent participation at the 16th Washington International Piano Arts Council (WIPAC) competition in Washington D.C. Feedback from the judges stressed the importance of performers always telling a story about the music they are playing, and paying attention in each note, each phrase, colors and tones. A wide variety of music was performed over the course of the next hour or so.
Many thanks to Don and Sam Bennett, and the staff at PianoWorks in Duluth for providing this wonderful venue to the Georgia Musicale Group and for supporting the music community.
July 29, 2017 Yamaha Musicale
The recent July concert at the Yamaha Piano Distributors in Roswell featured a special preview performance by 17 year-old Jesse Cook of his upcoming Project 142 Concert in New York City on August 26th. Jesse, a student of Yumi Petterson, played a Rachmaninoff Prelude and a movement from Beethoven’s Sonata No. 23. Various piano selections by Georgia Musicale Group members and guests rounded out the musical offerings. A complete listing of the musical selections is available at the Georgia Musicale Group website – mygmg.org
Once again, many thanks to Jeff Twiggs for his continued generosity and hospitality. What a blessing you are to us all!

June 24, 2017 Yamaha Musicale
For more than a year, Jeff Twiggs, Manager of the Yamaha Piano Distributors in Roswell has hosted gatherings of the Georgia Musicale Group on the last Saturday of each month. When the group gathered on June 24th a special guest performer also attended, Jeff’s son, Jeffrey Twiggs II! In addition to solo piano selections by both of them, they also joined forces for an amazing duet of “Anthem” with Dad playing the piano and Jeffrey joining him on the vocals. Various piano selections by Georgia Musicale Group members and guests rounded out the musical offerings. A complete listing of the musical selections is available at (insert link to sign up sheet).
Monthly gatherings at this convenient location offer a wonderful chance for GMG members and guests to perform in a relaxed, informal environment. It is an opportunity to try out new music or “polish” up a familiar favorite. It is also an excellent chance for piano teachers to have their students play before an appreciative audience. Light refreshments and convivial conversation before and after the performances set the tone for a pleasant, enjoyable musical experience for all.
Once again, many thanks to Jeff Twiggs for his continued generosity and hospitality. What a blessing you are to us all!

July 23, 2017 Concert at Steinway Featuring Dr. Joe Chapman
It was a full house when the Georgia Musicale Group presented a concert on Saturday, July 23rd at the Steinway Piano Galleries in Alpharetta. Almost every seat was taken in the Barbara Kirby Recital Hall when GMG Founder, Dr.Utako Tanigawa, welcomed everyone and shared GMG’s mission; to bring avocational performers and audiences together to advance their musical knowledge and enjoyment. And that is just what the afternoon did!
The first half of the concert featured GMG members. (A complete listing of the program and biographical information about the performers is available on the Home Page of www.mygmg.org .) After intermission, the featured Guest Artist, Dr. Joe Chapman, University of North Georgia Professor and former president of the Georgia Music Teachers’ Association, introduced a surprise addition to the program: two songs to be performed by Wang Mingchun of China: “The Appearance of Knowledge,” a Chinese folk song from the Qing Dynasty and “Ode to the Pear Flower" from the Beijing National Opera. Dr. Chapman then performed three pieces by Gabriel Faure – an amazing finale to a fabulous afternoon of live, classical music!
For more information about the Georgia Musicale Group – its mission, members, and musicale opportunities – visit www.mygmg.org. We look forward to sharing music with you!
As always, these Tuesday morning gatherings provide opportunities for performers to “try out” new pieces, experiment with different tempi, play pieces “from memory,” etc. for an appreciative audience in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. Refreshments are served!
Many thanks to Sam Bennett and the staff at PianoWorks in Duluth for providing this wonderful venue to the Georgia Musicale Group and for supporting the music community!

July 18, 2017 PianoWorks Musicale
Two special musical opportunities were provided to those gathered for the July Musicale at PianoWorks in Duluth on Tuesday 7/18/2017 – a performance by GMTA competition winner, Mako Ishikawa, of Beethoven’s “Sonata in D Major” Opus. 10, No. 2 and a demonstration by Dr. Erik Hawk of how he approaches composing music based on two selections: “Little Red Cabin” and “3 Amigos!” Attendees even had an opportunity to see (and hear!) a 30 second computer version of his composition; a most interesting experience.
Also performing that morning were seven GMG members (check out the complete listing at the GMG website: mygmg.org ). GMG Founder Utako Tanigawa shared insights into Haydn’s piano music which she learned at this year’s Piano Texas conference.
As always, these Tuesday morning gatherings provide opportunities for performers to “try out” new pieces, experiment with different tempi, play pieces “from memory,” etc. for an appreciative audience in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. Refreshments are served!
Many thanks to Sam Bennett and the staff at PianoWorks in Duluth for providing this wonderful venue to the Georgia Musicale Group and for supporting the music community!

July 6, 2017 Home Musicale
A dozen Georgia Musicale Group members (and one young guest!) gathered at Sabine Walsh’s home on Thursday, June 7th for a delightful morning of live music and a delicious, authentic French luncheon prepared by Sabine. Several of the performers played music of French composers and a special highlight was a viola/piano duet of “La Marseillaise” by Drs. Eric and Dawn Hawk! (A complete listing of performers and selections is available via the GMG website under Events – Sign Up.)
GMG Home Musicales are open to all members (attendance is limited and sign up via the www.mygmg.org is required.) The gatherings begin at 10 a.m. on the first Thursday of the month at a member’s home and are followed by a light lunch. The informal atmosphere of the Home Musicales provides a unique opportunity for members to try out new music, play on different pianos, fine-tune upcoming performances or get experience performing before an appreciative, supportive audience.
Plan on joining us at our next gathering on Thursday, August 3rd at the home and new studio of Dawn and Eric Hawk!

June 1, 2017 Home Musicale
Ten GMG members gathered at the lovely home of Dr. Utako Tanigawa. Music included songs, piano works, the two piano Mozart sonata, and a viola/flute duet. We enjoyed a beautiful and delicious lunch afterwards.

May 27, 2017 Yamaha Musicale
Thirty-three people gathered at Piano Distributors in Roswell for an informal piano recital. Four students and eight members of the Georgia Musicale Group performed a wide variety of piano solos and one piano four-hand selection and the host, Manager Jeff Twiggs, ended the recital with an improvisation of “My Funny Valentine.”
Monthly gatherings at this convenient location offer a wonderful chance for GMG members and guests to perform in a relaxed, informal environment. It is an opportunity to try out new music or “polish” up a familiar favorite. Light refreshments and convivial conversation before and after the performances set the tone for a pleasant, enjoyable musical experience for all.
New attendees are always welcome; come join us at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 24th!
May 16, 2017 PianoWorks Musicale
We almost had to cancel this musicale because we found the PianoWorks concert hall was booked when the members showed up the site. However, the PianoWorks' Mr. Don Bennett, immediately started opening the space downstairs and created a Musicale space for us! Nine members and guests had a great time by playing 1920s vintage but beautifully rebuilt Steinway!

April 18, 2017 PianoWorks Musicale
When Utako Tanigawa, Judy Manganiello, Abbie Hattauer and Ed Ewing gathered at PianoWorks in Duluth on Tuesday morning, April 18th they were joined by two new members: Nadia Jackson and Nanette Strich. Together, they shared piano solos and one four hand duet. Throughout the morning the two new members shared their appreciation for the mission of the Georgia Musicale Group and how they look forward to having an opportunities in the future to play their own “works in progress.”

April 8, 2017 Concert at Piano Distributors in Marietta
What do The Pro-Mozart Society, the Japan America Society of Atlanta, the North Fulton Music Teachers Association, and the Atlanta Symphony Association all have in common? Members of these organizations attended (or performed) at the Georgia Musicale Group’s concert on Saturday, April 8th in Piano Distributors’ recital hall in Marietta. The GMG concert featured performances by six members and selections included piano solos, duos, three cello selections and vocal solos and a duet.
Pre-concert refreshments provided an opportunity for the performers and attendees to meet and mingle and set the tone for a relaxed, informal afternoon of classical music; a hallmark of GMG events. The environment even encouraged several audience members to step on stage and provide impromptu piano performances during the intermission and at the conclusion of the concert!
Founded by Dr. Utako Tanigawa, the Georgia Musicale Group’s mission is to reach out to the music community, advocating for and offering new opportunities for people to enjoy classical music.
April 6, 2017 Home Musicale
Almost a dozen Georgia Musicale Group members and guests were greeted by Home Musicale hostess Judy Manganiello on Thursday, April 6th. As evidenced by the program listing (click here to see a copy) it was a music-filled morning of piano, cello, and voice selections. Listening to each selection, Judy said, “I draw my inspiration from these wonderful performances; not to judge my playing against them but to learn from each one.”
Two new members were welcomed into the group, Shoko Tanaka and Harumi Lijima, always a welcome event! Before gathering for lunch, GMG founder Utako reviewed a few important items.

April 1, 2017 GMG Members Concert
The Georgia Musicale Group presented a concert at the Duluth PianoWorks’ recital hall on Saturday afternoon, April 1, 2017. Sixteen selections were performed by a dozen musicians; all members or associates of the GMG. (The program is posted in the "Program" page)
With refreshments (before, during intermission, and after the performance!), interesting fact-filled introductions to selections, door prizes, and even an informal encore featuring Derek Vann’s award-winning composition, the afternoon offered performers and attendees alike a chance to share the joys of live, classical music!
The Duluth PianoWorks location also hosts gatherings of GMG members the third Tuesday of each month from 10 to 11 a.m. These informal musicales provide a unique opportunity for GMG members and guests to practice performing “in front” of a small audience in a “concert-type” venue but still in a relaxed and informal manner. It gives attendees a chance to really rehearse (stopping, starting, trying different techniques and tempi, etc.) and to solicit suggestions and feedback from other musicians – an invaluable benefit!
Congratulations to Georgia Musicale Group VP of Communications, Dr. Dawn Dalangin Hawk!
Dawn and her husband, Dr. S. Eric Hawk, founded the Alpharetta Symphony Orchestra (AlphaSO) in 2014. On Saturday, March 18th the orchestra presented its “Sounds of a Mediterranean Spring” concert at the Alpharetta First United Methodist Church.
Led by Music Director, Dr. Hawk, the program featured the “Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana” by Pietro Mascagni, the World Premiere of “Nightingale’s Anthem” by 14 year-old Brian Shon, Antonio Vivaldi’s “Concerto for Three Guitars in G Major” featuring the Atlanta Guitar Trio, the first movement of Camille Saint-Saens “Piano Concerto No. 2 in G minor” featuring Dawn, and concluding with Claude Debussy’s “Petite Suite.”
Not only did the orchestra provide a magnificent musical experience for the performers and audience alike, but it helped to raise awareness and funds for Family Promise of Forsyth County, Inc. which provides food, housing and support services for homeless families.
Thank you, Dawn, (and Eric) for enriching the greater North Atlanta artistic community!

Home Musicale
Georgia Home Musicale hostess Arlene Martinides welcomed six musicians to her lovely home in Alpharetta for a delightful morning of music on Thursday, March 2, 2017. Gathering at the Steinway in her home studio (which also holds a Knabe grand) the GMG members played a variety of solos and one four hand duet.
While enjoying a delicious pot-luck lunch in her dining room, the conversation around the table covered a wide-range of topics including updates about GMG activities (past and future), recipes, piano competitions coming up in Milan and Texas, requests for help with data entry for new members, student recital formats, etc. An informative and fun dialogue!

Yamaha Musicale
I enjoyed playing the piano at the Yamaha Musicale in Alpharetta this February. The atmosphere was casual and friendly. All seven performers were at ease and played well. The audience was appreciative. Everybody left happy and inspired. Julie Woodall

Bowen Center for the Arts
Three members of the Georgia Musicale Group, Utako Tanigawa, Julie Woodall and Abbie Hattauer, joined forces to present a concert at The Bowen Center for the Arts in Dawsonville recently. The concert was part of the Center’s 2017 wide ranging activity schedule and was attended by an audience of more than fifty enthusiastic music lovers.
The selections performed took the audience on a musical journey through four musical eras beginning with the Baroque, to the Classical and the Romantic, and ending with the Twentieth Century.
The attendees as well as the performers enjoyed a delightful informal evening of music, merriment (and food!) all while gathered in the remarkable 1930s era ‘Old Rock School’ building which was restored to its present glory in 2000.

Home Musicale
Seven musicians traveled to the lakeside home of Julie Harbin in Woodstock for an absolutely delightful morning of music on Thursday, February 2, 2017. After enjoying coffee and tea in her kitchen we all walked down the path to Julie’s studio – a glorious light-filled space with two grand pianos, two upright pianos, and two harps!
For the next hour and a half the studio was filled with glorious music. Utako Tanigawa played an exciting Chopin Scherzo; Julie Harbin played a lilting Chinese melody in celebration of the “Year of the Rooster” and gave an informative demonstration and history of her two harps; Linda Hammock (Julie Harbin’s student) played the first movement of a Beethoven Sonata; Abbie Hattauer and Julie Woodall sang the “Barcarolle” duet from Jacques Offenbach’s opera The Tales of Hoffman; Abbie sang Camille Saint-Saens’ “Mon Coeur S’ouvre ta Voix” from Samson et Dalila; Judy Woodall played a lovely Chopin Waltz and then joined Dawn Dalagin Hawk for a two piano duet of another Saint-Saens work, Concerto No.2 1st Movement; and Junko Horvath sang two selections: “Caro Mio Ben” by Giordano and a haunting Hebrew melody both accompanied by her friend, Ms. Nodoka Arrison.
We gathered back in Julie’s kitchen for a delicious lunch and shared information about upcoming concerts, competitions, etc. All in all, another delightful Home Musicale sponsored by the Georgia Musicale Group!

Yamaha Musicale
We had 14 wonderful performers starting from age 7 to seniors at the Alpharetta Yamaha Store on January 28th. We enjoyed piano, cello, and opera aria from Bach to contemporary composers for more than an hour. We had three piano teachers showcasing several student performers. The Yamaha store was packed with music lovers. Music and wonderful food were a good combination for a Saturday evening!

Special Musicale
We had a wonderful Musicale at Piedmont College chapel. Dr. Jeri-Mae Astolfi showed us different instruments – pipe organ, harpsicord, and a prepared piano. She and Mr. Benji Stegner explained each instrument history, mechancs, and played music. Dr. Jeri-Mae played John Cage’s sonata on both prepared piano (see pictures) and a regular Steinway. Then, GMG members were invited to lunch at a very nice college café. Although the weather was bad, nobody cared about it. We were just filled with a wonderful experience and full stomachs!

PianoWorks Musicale
We had a lovely time at PianoWorks. Abbie, Judy, Julie, Dawn, Junko, and Utako performed works by Rimsky-Korsakov, Offenbach, Bober, Saint-Saens, Chopin, and Granados.

Home Musicale
Home Musicale was held January 6 at Julie Woodall's home. Judy Manganiello, Utako Tanigawa, and Ed Ewing performed. GMG members were treated to Chopin pieces and the Bach English Suite. Utako's 87-year-old mother sang "Beautiful Dreamer" in Japanese and members sang a song together.
It was a very warm gathering with Judy's mother, a 90-year-old young lady, and several of Julie's yoga friend's. Juliey made a tasty Brunswick stew and local cola cake. Others brought dishes as well.

Yamaha Musicale
We had a very successful Musicale at Alpharetta Piano Distributors (Yamaha Store) on Saturday, December 17th. Nine musicians performed from piano solos, singing duet, to violin concerto and the music from Chopin, Beethoven, Granados, Liszt, Kuhlau, Webber to Christmas music were played. More than 30 people came to enjoy the music with Christmas sweets and appetizers.

Home Musicale
Fourteen music lovers gathered at the gracious home of Karen Bunn in John's Creek to participate in the Georgia Musicale Group's monthly home Musicale. We appreciated the variety of music from Baroque to Contemporary including Christmas music by multiple instruments (piano solo, duet, violin, and voice)!
Thank you, Karen, for providing an excellent and warm atmosphere for us. The group enjoyed a delicious lunch and gave thanks for the wonderful year of music sharing in 2016.

PianoWorks Musicale
Members heard some beautiful voice, violin and piano performances today at Piano Works in Duluth, featuring special guest Jeanne Luke, a North Fulton voice teacher.
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Click the picture to see the program